Title: Criteria for Success Haemodialysis survey 20056
1Criteria for SuccessHaemodialysis survey 2005-6
2NSF (Part 1), 2004
- National Service Framework
- Five domains for progress
- Criteria for Success group
- Multiprofessional, national
- Set 78 criteria for measuring progress
- 22 of these criteria to be determined by patient
3Patient Survey
- Initially on Haemodialysis patients only
- Pilot survey devised
- based partly on existing local surveys
- based partly on national NHS patient surveys
- Piloted in 5 units
- questionnaire semi-structured interview
- survey revised
- Final version posted on BRS website
4Responses to Survey
- 16 units
- Oct 2005-May 2006
- 1361 patients
- Response rate about 50 in each unit
- Results anonymised
5Units responding thanks!
- Oxford St Georges Bristol Coventry (
Nuneaton, Rugby, Stratford) Sheffield (
satellites) Peterborough Reading Windsor
Dunfermline Derby Plymouth Macclesfield York
Leicester Northamptom Boston Kettering
Lincoln Loughborough - Results reported as sent in, Sheffield Coventry
include all satellites as one unit, Leicester
group reported separately.
6Q1 When you have had important questions to ask
the kidney doctor, did you get answers you could
understand?Percentage responding yes,
7Q2 When you have had important questions to ask
the nurse, did you get answers you could
understand?Percentage responding yes,
8Q3 When you have had any anxieties of fears
about your treatment, did a nurse discuss them
with you?Percentage responding yes, completely
9Q4 How much information about your condition or
treatment has been given to you?Percentage
responding right amount
10Q5 Were you involved as much as you wanted to be
in decisions about your care and
treatment?Percentage responding yes definitely
11Q6 When you have tests, does a member of staff
tell you how you would find out the results of
your tests?Percentage responding yes
12Q7 Did a member of staff explain the results of
the tests in a way you could understand?Percenta
ge responding yes, definitely
13Q8 Has a member of staff explained the purpose
of medications you are prescribed?Percentage
responding yes, completely
14Q9 Did a member of staff tell you about
medication side effects to look out
for?Percentage responding yes, completely
15Q10 Did a a member of staff tell you about what
danger signals regarding your treatment or
illness to look out for?Percentage responding
yes, completely
16Q11 Have you been given written information
about your kidney disease?Percentage responding
yes, it answers all my questions
17Q12 Do you have written information.about your
individualised plan of treatment?Percentage
responding yes, it answers all my questions
18Q13 How do you usually travel to and from the
unit for your dialysis treatment? (5 options
given)Percentage responding ambulance or car
or taxi provided
19Q14 How long does it take you to travel to the
dialysis unit?Percentage responding less than
10 minutes less than 30 minutes
20Q15 How convenient do you find the transport
arrangements?Percentage responding quite or
very inconvenient
21Q16 How often do you see a renal
dietitian?Percentage responding once a year
(all other choices were more frequent)
22Q17 Has the dietitian explained the purpose of
your special diet?Percentage responding yes,
23Q18 Have you received social support or
counselling?Percentage responding yes, it met
my needs completely
24Q19 Do you have a renal social worker available
in your unit?Percentage responding yes
25Q20 How good is communication between the
dialysis unit.and the GP?Percentage responding
26Q21 have you had a choice in the way your kidney
failure is treated?Percentage responding as
much choice as I wanted
27Q22 Dialysis depends on the plastic tube or
fistulado you know what warning signs to look
out for in case of problems? Percentage
responding yes completely
28Q23 Do you have any anxiety or distress in
relation to the (fistula) needles?Percentage
responding I need more help to cope
29Q24 Have you been away on holiday in last
year?Percentage responding 2-4 weeks more
than 4 weeks
30Q25 Do you have any choice in the time of day
you receive dialysis?Percentage responding
always convenient time
31Q26 What is your status on the transplant
list?Percentage responding I am not sure
32Q27 Have you been asked if anyone in your family
wants to donate a kidney?Percentage responding
No, and I am on the transplant list
33QB1 Are you male or female?Percentage
responding male
34QB2 How old are you?Percentage responding
66-80 81 years or older
35QB3 How old were you when you left full time
education?Percentage responding 19 or over
still in full time education
36QB4 To which of these ethnic groups would you
say you belong?Percentage responding white
(British, Irish any other white)
37QB5 For how long have you had end stage renal
disease?Percentage responding 6-10 years
more than 10 years
- Many thanks to units who took part
- There are differences
- Between units
- Between aspirations and achievements
- Feedback and suggestions for future action
- Steve Smith
- Steve.Smith_at_heartofengland.nhs.uk
- All errors by Rob Higgins
- Robert.Higgins_at_uhcw.nhs.uk