Title: Birds of a Feather: Enterprise Condor Use Cases
1Birds of a FeatherEnterprise Condor Use Cases
2Condor In Enterprises
3Experience in Production Environments
4What is an Enterprise Environment?
5Companies Only?
6Any Organization Using Condor with
7Demanding Users
8Organization gtGroups of Demanding Users
9Purchased Computer Capacity
14On a Deadline.
15In-House, Third Party Applications without
16in order to do their jobs
17Not just companies
18Includes Research/Govt/Academic environments
19A valid definition ofEnterprise Condor Users?
20I started off as a Demanding Condor User
21Condor Week 2005
22Condor for Movie Pipelines
23Condor Week 2006
24Web-based Management Tools, Consulting, and 24/7
25A Conversation with Miron
26Add new (Enterprise) Features to Condor
27Condor Week 2007
28Negotiation Features for Demanding Groups of Users
29So weve defined Enterprise, but
30Why Condor?
31Summarized by Bob Nordlund
32In 2007http//www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/CondorWeek2
33"Condor was selected... -Multi-OS
Support -Simple, Scalable, and Flexible -Active
Community -Free"
34Multi-OS Support
36Many Varieties of Linux
38And if youve got it, Mac OSX
39Condor works with most anything Keeps users
options open
40Easy to Download and Use
41Run any executable as a job
42Makes parameter sweeps, monte-carlo simulations
44Many Facilities with X000-X0000 condor VMs/slots
46Not just OS/Platform flexible
47Start (NonCondorLoadAvg lt 0.5)
48Control when jobs run where
49Powerful, Command Lines, Developer APIs
50Condor Community
51(No Transcript)
53A group of people living under the same
54A group of people having common interests the
scientific community
55 Sharing, participation, and fellowship.
56(No Transcript)
57Support Sharing, participation, and
58So thats why Condor in an Enterprise, but
59How are they using it? Commercial Use Cases
60Batch Monte-Carlo Computation with
61Embarrassingly Parallel
62From Bob Nordlund of HartfordLife_at_CondorWeek
64Faced a Challenge -Prepare comprehensive risk
analysis report for all products for investment
analysts. -Run three orders of magnitude more
projections through the system. -Perform
stochastic on stochastic on stochastic
analysis. -2.4 billion individual simulations.
65IT Responded Infrastructure -500 dual-core,
dual-CPU AMD servers -20 Racks -Dedicated GigE
switches -Condor pool with HAD -4 filers with
8TB of storage -Purchased, installed and
configured in 6 weeks Application -Java-based
liability model -75x performance
gain -Meta-scheduling application -In-memory
market scenario generation"
66Specifically, it mentions Condor In production
since 2004 ... Dedicated and non-dedicated
execute nodes 1000 Two-socket, dual-core HP x86
servers 1000 desktops, notebooks Linux central
managers with HAD Linux and Windows
schedulers Windows execute nodes
67Using the same Condor installation.
68Condor scales
69Without changing software,end-user training, etc.
70Just added more hardware.
71Workstation Pools Finance, Geospatial Imaging
72Workstations are only utilized 1/3 of the day,
73Considerable Latent Compute Capacity
74Perfect for Overnight Batch and Master/Worker
75Effective Policies for Idle Workstations
76As mentioned in WatersOnline
77In 2007http//www.watersonline.com/public/showPa
78Some finance institutions have saved considerable
79Running Pools of X000s Workstations
803rd Party Master Worker Jobs
81MatLab, MoSes, TAS, etc.
82Condor Can Manage Resources Worker Counts
83So on a 100 machine pool, with applications A B
84(No Transcript)
87CORE Feature Animation on Disney Picture, "The
88Condor for Movies75 Million Jobs 1000 CPUs
(Linux/OSX)70 TB storage
89From my slide in 2005 Condor Week1000 2.8
GHz. Processors, Linux 4GB RAM70-100 Terabytes
Several Filers50 Million Renders so
far(Vanilla Universe)
90Batch, with many, many
91Groups of Demanding Users
92But Thats just a few use cases
93Other CondorWeek presenters Altera, Micron,
Oracle, etc.
94You may have new ones
95Talk with Condor Team.Talk with other users.
Talk with me.
96Help the community continue to work well for
97Thank you NeSC. Questions?http//www.cyclecomp
uting.comjstowe _at_ cyclecomputing.com