Title: International Accounting
1- International Accounting
- and Financial Reporting
- Winter 2007
- William F. OBrien, MBA, CPA
2Session XVI
3Control Audit Issues
- Strategic Planning
- Financial Measurement
- Financial Planningdont call it a Budget
- Transfer Pricing
- Performance Measurement
4Integrated Planning, revisited
5MNE Planning Stages
- Strategic review
- Annual operating plan
- Financial
- Non-financial
- Integration monitoring
- Personal planning rewards
6Integrated Planning Benefits
- Greater clarity realism
- Performance stretch
- Increased motivation
- More timely intervention
- Clearer ownership
7Financial Measurement
- Varies by region
- US versus Japan
- Numerous targets
- Sales
- Quality
- Market share
- Income
- Variance minimization
8Key Financial Planning Questions
- Formal process?
- Who participates?
- Style of communication?
- Establishment of targets?
- International logistics?
- Time frame?
- Industry and geography volatility impact?
- Measurement of variances?
9International Considerations
- FX determination
- FX impact on results
- Resolution of FX fluctuation
10Cross-National Examples
- Mexico
- High participation among local senior managers
- High participation among local low level managers
- Low participation among subsidiary managers
- Asia-Pacific
- High participation
11Cross-National ExampleUS and Japan
- US 12 days longer
- US focus on ROI Japan focus on sales
- US is more participative
- Both are bottoms up
- Japan greater focus on action against variances
- US uses plan for evaluation, compensation and
12Goals of Intl Transfer Pricing
- Strategic goal congruence
- Preservation of local management discretion
- Minimization of built-in conflicts
- Taxes versus duties
- Local balance of payment status
- Inflation and politics
13Transfer Pricing Issues
- Government regulations and restrictions
- Tax statutes
- Tariff and duty rates
- Currency restrictions
- Inflation rates
- Local motivation--see page 389
14T/P Approaches
- Market-based (recommended approach)
- Cost-based
- Negotiated rate
- Advanced pricing agreement
- General rule
- Variable cost plus opportunity cost
15Why Market-Based?
- Legal
- Goal congruence
- Equity
- Simplicity
16Tax Issues(Too complex to cover in depth)
- Territorial (local) versus worldwide approach
(all) - Classic (cash receipt) versus integrated (cash
repatriation) - Foreign tax credits and tax treaties
- Value-Added taxation (VAT)
- Deferred taxes due to timing of deductions (skim)
- Tax Incentives--page 407
- IRS Code Section 482key provision
17Operational Measurement
18Internal/Operational Auditing Objectives
- S-C-O-R-E
- Safeguarding assets
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Organization goal attainment
- Reliability of information
- Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
19Current Governance Climate
- Shift to Board focus from Senior Mgmt. focus
- Global perspective
- FCPA-Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977)
- COSO-Treadway Commission Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations (1987) - IIA, FEI, IMA, AICPA, AAA
20Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Passed in 1977
- No bribery
- No influence peddling
- Facilitating payments are OK
- Influences action that must be taken anyway
21MNE Audit Challenges
- FX
- Language and culture
- Legal considerations
- Supply of audit professionals
- Training
22External Auditors
- True and Fair View (TFV)
- EU base 4th directive
- Subject to cultural interpretation
- Presents Fairly
- More standardized meaning
- Independent audit environment--varies widely
- Brazil, Germany, Japan, Netherlands US
23Other Audit Related Issues
- Harmonization of GAAS
- Same fundamental arguments as GAAP
- Driven by globalization of capital markets
- International Federation of Accountants-IFAC
- Worldwide equivalent of AICPA
- Practices, education, ethics
- Financial and managerial actg. concerns
- Also involves IT information
- Compliance is encouraged
24International Audit Variances
- Note the drive for harmonization on pages 436 -
25Institute of Internal Auditors--IIA
- Established 1941
- Professional body for internal auditors
- Certification
- Literature
- Lobbying
- Training
- Code of ethics