Trade in Services Division WTO
2Doha Work Programme Services
- The negotiations on trade in services shall be
conducted with a view to promoting the economic
growth of all trading partners and the
development of developing and least-developed
countries. - We recognize the work already undertaken in the
negotiations, ... and the large number of
proposals submitted by Members on a wide range of
sectors and several horizontal issues, as well as
on movement of natural persons. - We reaffirm the Guidelines and Procedures for the
Negotiations ... as the basis for continuing the
Guidelines and Procedures for the Services
Negotiations - Main Elements
- Objectives and Principles
- progressive liberalization increasing
participation of developing countries
appropriate flexibility for individual developing
countries special priority for LDCs no change
in structure and principles of GATS due respect
for national policy objectives. - Scope
- no prior exclusion of sectors or modes
negotiation of (current) MFN exemptions
deadlines for negotiations on GATS Rules and
Domestic Regulation. - Modalities and Procedures
- current schedules as starting-point
request/offer as main method credit for
autonomous liberalization ongoing assessment of
trade consideration for needs of small services
suppliers of developing countries.
4Treatment of Autonomous Liberalization
Relevant Provisions Article XIX3 The
Guidelines and Procedures for the Negotiations
shall "establish modalities for the treatment of
liberalization undertaken autonomously by Members
since previous negotiations, ". Negotiating
Guidelines and Procedures ... "based on
multilaterally agreed criteria, account shall be
taken and credit shall be given for autonomous
liberalization undertaken since previous
negotiations. Members shall endeavour to develop
such criteria prior to the start of negotiation
of specific commitments.
5 Treatment of Autonomous Liberalization
- Critical Issues
- Situation of recently acceded Members
- Negotiating credit for developing country
Members - or for all Members?
- Compensatory concessions for trade in goods?
- Relationship between autonomous liberalization
- and bindings
6 Assessment of Trade in Services
Relevant Provisions Article XIX3 ... the
Council for Trade in Services shall carry out an
assessment of trade in services in overall terms
and on a sectoral basis with reference to the
objectives of this Agreement, including those set
out in paragraph 1 of Article IV. Negotiating
Guidelines and Procedures The Council for
Trade in Services shall continue to carry out an
assessment of trade in services negotiations
shall be adjusted in the light of the results of
the assessment.
7 Assessment of Trade in Services
- Critical Issues
- Individual versus collective assessment
- Sector-specific versus economy-wide perspective
- Relevant benchmarks
- - Interpretation of Article IV1
- Data problems
8Technical Review of the GATS
- First brought up in discussion on Negotiating
Guidelines - Basic idea improve legal clarity of the GATS
- Issues under discussion include
- Articles XVI, XVII and XX2
- Article XVI2
- Definition of service supplier in Article
XXVIII and Annex on Financial Services - Article V (Economic Integration)
9New Services Round Groundwork
1. Rule-making Programme (Safeguards, Government
Procurement, Subsidies) 2. Disciplines on
Domestic Regulation 3. Classification and
Scheduling Problems 4. Review of
Provisions/Understandings (MFN Exemptions,
Coverage of Air Transport, Telecom Accounting
10New Services Round Country line-up (Distribution
of current Commitments across Members)
11New Round Sector line-up (Number of WTO
Members, February 2002)
12New Round Line-up by mode (Commitments on
Market Access, per cent, July 2000)
13Relationship between level of economic
development and number of commitments (Feb 2002)
14Members negotiating interests(Number of Members
tabling proposals, Feb 2002)
15The Request Offer Process Relevant
- Article XIX4 The process of progressive
liberalization shall be advanced through
bilateral, plurilateral or multilateral
negotiations directed towards increasing the
general level of specific commitments - Negotiating Guidelines (S/L/93) The main method
of negotiation shall be the request-offer
16Formulating Initial Requests
Relevant Steps
- I. Evaluation of Trading Opportunities
(consultations with relevant Ministries,
associations, etc.) - II. Examination of Current Situation under GATS
- III. Definition of Negotiating Objective
- Inclusion of additional sectors?
- Improvements in existing Commitments on Market
Access and National Treatment? - Scheduling of Additional Commitments (Art.
XVIII)? - Removal of MFN Exemptions?
17Scope for Improvement? Case A.
18Scope for Improvement? Case B.
19MFN Exemption - Case C. reciprocity
20MFN Exemption - Case D. preferential
21- IV. Circulation of REQUESTS
- No specified format
- Only to the relevant trading partner(s)
- Without further procedural obligations (no
notification or transparency requirements, etc.)
22Formulating Initial OFFERS Relevant Steps
- I. Assessment of the REQUESTS Received
- II. Evaluation of Trade and Developmental
Interests - Promotion of FDI?
- Improvements in business and/or social
infrastructures? - Promotion of technology transfer?
- Reduction/elimination of domestic supply gaps?
- Other social/economic/regional policy objectives?
23- III. Need for Accompanying Regulatory Reform?
- IV. Preparation and Circulation of initial
OFFERS - Highlight envisaged improvements in draft
schedule and/or List of MFN Exemptions - Consider scope for additional technical
modifications and clarifications - Circulate to all Members
24What else?
- Continued Negotiating Process to Improve Overall
Results (essentially bilateral) - Parallel Multilateral Processes
- Development of common frameworks/understandings/
reference papers? - Review of existing GATS rules?
- Ensuring transparency
- Treatment of any other relevant issue
- Ongoing Assessment of Trade in Services
- (? Article XIX and Negotiating Guidelines)