Title: Status, Issues and Observations Postcards from Paraguay
1Status, Issues and Observations-- Postcards from
2Trip Planner
- Status
- Issues Facing the Accelerator Division
- Issues we share with the Laboratory
- Global Issues
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8What is the Key to Our Success?
- AD Personnel
- Talented
- Dedicated
- Focused
- Tough
- Together
9Accelerator Division Issues (1)
- Completing the present Program
- Run II
- Neutrinos
- End of Tevatron Era
- Energy Frontier Disappears
- Fermilab is now the only U.S. HEP laboratory
- EPP2010 asks how long Tevatron should run
- Defining a future accelerator program
- Neutrinos
- Proton Driver
- Other high beam power sources for neutrinos and
other applications such as The OBIETRON - ILC
- Astrophysics and accelerators
10Accelerator Division Issues (2)
- Accelerator Division Manpower
- Making the Transition to the future program(s)
- Maintaining a vital workforce
- Budgets
- Global issues for later
- U.S. Support of Science
- The gathering storm
11Total Accelerator Program
12Technician Classifications
13Technician Ages
14AD manpower needs forAccelerator Operations
Present Level
AD now 575
15Accelerator Division Issues (3)
- Aging Infrastructure
- Collaborations w/other laboratories and
16Laboratory Issues that Relate to AD
- Contract is to be re-bid
- History
- Institutional Relationship
- Relationship with our users
- Relationship with our funding agency
- Big science and funding
- Oversight
17Global Issues
- Science outlook in the U.S.
- Original Motivations
- What is the future of accelerators at the energy
frontier? - RealAccelerator RD vs Real Projects
18Rising Above The Gathering Storm Energizing and
Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future
(2005)Committee on Science, Engineering, and
Public Policy
19Rising Above The Gathering Storm Energizing and
Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future
(2005)Committee on Science, Engineering, and
Public Policy
20Pseudo Science
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