Title: Adapting TPRS to Meet Your Classroom Needs
1Adapting TPRS to Meet Your Classroom Needs
Pamela Adlersmith and Shelley Schieffelin Mohawk
Trail Regional HS Shelburne Falls, MA October 29,
2In this session we will
- look at research that supports the use of TPRS in
the classroom, - discuss how we have adapted TPRS to be aligned
with the culture strand of the National
Standards and - 3 collaboratively design a TPRS unit based on
the Day of the Dead
3Part 1 Research that supports the use of TPRS
- 1.) Dr. James Asher Originator of TPR
- 2.) Dr. Stephen Krashen Second language
Acquisition Theory - 3.) Dr. Thomas Armstrong and Denise Bertagni The
Eight Intelligences and How They Relate to TPRS - 4.) Dr. Renate Nummela Caine and Geoffrey Caine,
LL.M. Brain/Mind Learning
4Dr.James Asher The Originator of Total Physical
- TPR is based on the premise that the human
brain has a biological program for acquiring any
natural language on earth - including the sign
language of the deaf. The process is visible when
we observe how infants internalize their first
5Dr.Stephen Krashens Five Central Hypotheses of
Second Language Acquisition Theory
- There is an important distinction between
learning and acquisition of a language. -
- Learning refers to the conscious process of
learning about a language. Acquiring a language
is the unconscious process of getting a feel
for a language and being able to use it fluently.
6Dr.Stephen Krashens Five Central Hypotheses of
Second Language Acquisition Theory
- 2. The Input Hypothesis
- The single most important factor in acquiring
language is receiving plenty of comprehensible
input - accurate, meaningful language that is
understandable to the student.
7Dr.Stephen Krashens Five Central Hypotheses of
Second Language Acquisition Theory
- 3. The Monitor Hypothesis
- To be a competent, fluent communicator one must
have acquired a good deal of language. But when
time allows, such as with writing or planned
speech, the monitor can aid in accuracy.
8Dr.Stephen Krashens Five Central Hypotheses of
Second Language Acquisition Theory
- 4. The Natural Order Hypothesis
- Learners acquire grammatical structures in a
certain predictable order. This natural order
is not the same as the supposedly
simple-to-complex order of grammar presented in
most language texts.
9Dr.Stephen Krashens Five Central Hypotheses of
Second Language Acquisition Theory
- 5. The Affective Filter Hypothesis
- It is only possible to acquire language when
the student is emotionally prepared to do so if
s/he is anxious, unselfconfident or contending
with other negative emotions, the acquisition
will not take place.
10Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.and Denise BertagniThe
Eight Intelligences and how they relate to TPRS
- 1.) Linguistic-storytelling (listening), reading,
writing, and speaking - 2.) Logical/Mathematical-use numbers in stories
and grammatical patterns (verb-endings, direct
object placement)
11Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.and Denise BertagniThe
Eight Intelligences and how they relate to TPRS
- 3.) Spatial- use visualization to teach
vocabulary, all stories told in class have
spatial orientation - 4.) Bodily/Kinesthetic-TPR involves learning hand
motions for each word, the students also act out
the stories in plays
12Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.and Denise BertagniThe
Eight Intelligences and how they relate to TPRS
- 5.) Musical-songs are an excellent source of
comprehensible input and easily remembered, a
good reinforcement for vocabulary - 6.) Interpersonal-students act out the stories,
students tell stories to partners, students
retell story to class
13Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.and Denise BertagniThe
Eight Intelligences and how they relate to TPRS
- 7.) Intrapersonal-the stories are etched in the
students memories and involve student
personalities and current events from their lives - 8.) Naturalistic-the stories are about people and
animals and take place in unusual settings
14Renate and Geoffrey CaineHow the Brain and Mind
Learn Best
- "The development of language is almost totally
dependent on hearing others speak first and
joining in with ever more appropriate sounds and
15Part 2 Adapting TPRS to fit into Culture strand
of the 5 Cs
- Communication
- Comparisons
- Connections
- Communities
- Cultures
per the National Standards for Foreign Language
16Examples of ways to infuse culture into TPRS
- culturally relevant children's picture books,
- classic literature and films and
- holidays
17Children's Picture BooksCuadros de Familia
- Spanish 3curriculum
- Big book format provides excellent visual
support. - Bilingual vignettes provide scaffolding for
vocabulary acquisition and comprehension of
Image used with permission from Childrens Book
18Classic Literature and FilmDon Quixote de la
- Spanish 2 curriculum
- Students watch English version of the film.
- Film divided and adapted into three sections in
Spanish for reading and speaking activities.
19Part 3 Designing a TPRS Cultural Unit for the
Day of the Dead
20Day of the Dead at Mohawk
21Design a TPRS Cultural Unit about Day of the Dead
that includes
- an adaptation of our TPRS mini-cuento that lends
itself to being acted out (include 2or 3
characters, 2or 3 places and a lot of action.), - a variety of activities that provide students
with opportunities for comprehensible input and
repetition and - an assessment tool
22Future TPRS Cultural units at MTRSH include
- TPR http//www.tpr-world.com/what.html
- Theory of Second Language Acquisition
http//www.sk.com.br/sk-krash.html - TPRS and the Eight Intelligences
m - Brain/Mind Learning http//www.cainelearning.com/
- Family Pictures/Cuadros de Familia (book) by
Carmen Lomas Garza-http//www.childrensbookpress.o
rg/ - Cada Niño/Every Child (CD) by Tish Hinojosa
http//www.mundotish.com/ - Don Quixote (VHS video)directed by Peter Yates-
amazon.com - MohawkResources available on the Web
Pam Adlersmith padlersmith_at_mohawk.mtrsd.k12.ma.us
Shelley Schieffelin shschief_at_mohawk.mtrsd.k12.ma.u
Mohawk Trail Regional High School Shelburne
Falls, MA 01370 413 625 9811 http//www.mohawk.mt