Title: First Tuna Data Workshop TDW1
1First Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-1) 23-27 October
2006, Noumea, New Caledonia
SESSION 5.3 Data Quality Control Systems
Oceanic Fisheries Programme (OFP) Secretariat
of the Pacific Community (SPC)
2Presentation Outline
- Why Data Quality Control is important
- Quality Control procedures in Data Collection
systems - Data collected by Fishing Companies
- Data collected by Fisheries Division staff
- Quality control procedures in Data Management
Systems - Pre-data processing
- Data Processing
- Post-data processing
- Data quality reporting
- Identifies problems in data collection systems
3Why Data Quality is important
- Data Quality is important in ensuring the data
collected and managed are accurate /
- You can have the best database system in the
world, but if the data collection is not
appropriate, then summary reports are not
representative. - put another way, Garbage in means Garbage
- Data coverage is one component in Data Quality
4Quality control procedures in Data Collection
- Data collection by Fishing Companies
- Forms to be submitted by Fishing companies should
be done so as a condition of license (coverage) - The fishing industry are aware of their
obligations to provide accurate data - Training and awareness material for each type of
data collection are available to fishing
companies - There are mechanisms/procedures for liaison with
fishing companies with respect to (i) the regular
provision of data and (ii) any problems
encountered with the data
5Quality control procedures in Data Collection
- Data Collected by Fisheries Division Staff
- mostly covers Observers, Port Samplers and Port
Inspectors - Mechanisms to ensure the awareness amongst data
collection team of what others in the team are
doing - (including responsibilities)
- There are training courses/resources available
for data collection staff. - Comprehensive Data Quality training courses are
offered for Observers by regional agencies - A Manual is available for Port Samplers in
addition to specific in-country training - There is a clear plan and schedule of first-time
and ongoing training for data collection staff. - Forms are the latest versions of the regional
standard - Standardisation of data collection
6Quality control procedures in Data Collection
- Data Collected by Fisheries Division Staff
(cont.) - mostly covers Observers, Port Samplers and Port
Inspectors - There is a system to ensure resources to support
port sampling, observer and other data collection
activities are always available (e.g. a system to
keep track of stocks of equipment, forms, etc.) - There are mechanisms and procedures to (i) check
the quality of data collected and (ii) provide
feedback to relevant data collection staff - Observer (briefing and debriefing systems)
- Port Sampling (Spot checking)
- MCS data (e.g. boarding and inspection)
7Quality control procedures in Data Management
- Pre-data Processing
- (The phase when data are being prepared for data
entry manual checking) - Batching data
- sorting hard-copy data for easy reference later
- Non-Reporting manual checks (for example)
- Missing vessel details, effort, catch, positional
information on logsheets - Mis-Reporting manual checks (for example)
- Catch on logsheets have been clearly recorded in
the wrong column - Erroneous dates
- Incorrect totals
8Quality control procedures in Data Management
- Data Processing
- (Data Quality Control processes incorporated into
data entry/verification systems) - Database system checks (for example)
- Dates of departure from and return to port are
consistent with fishing operation dates - Catch (in number and weight) for each species
falls in the range of acceptable values for that
fishing gear - Average weight (weight / number) is an acceptable
value for that species - Effort (e.g. hooks set) is in an acceptable range
for that fishing gear - Reference table checks (e.g. vessels, ports,
activity codes, school type codes, species codes) - Integrity checks (e.g. every trip record has at
least one fishing operation record) - Double-entry verification checking
- Control totals checking
9Quality control procedures in Data Management
- Post-data entry Processing
- (Data quality control processes incorporated into
database systems) - Database system checks not possible during entry
- Distance traveled
- Cross-reference to other data types
- Consistency with other trips
- Integrity checks
- Substitution in cases of non-reporting (for
completeness) - Catch and effort data using average values
10Tools for Data Management and Quality Control
(examples of database tools to undertake this
work .)
Procedure to correct logsheet catch with actual
weight of catch
11Quality control procedures in Data Management
- Data Quality Control Reporting
- (Reports used to check data quality available in
TUFMAN) - Reconciliation with other types of data (for
example) - License Fees and Receipts reconciliation
- Logsheet and other types of data have been
received from vessels that arent in the
licensing system - Telex Reports - Logsheets Reconciliation
- Vessel Activity Log - Port Sampling - Unloadings
Logsheets Reconciliation - (more to come )
- Checks for erroneous data
- Logsheet and VMS Data - Position Conflicts
- (more to come)
12Tools for Data Management and Quality Control
(examples of database tools to undertake this
work .)
- Procedures to reconcile the catches and dates
recorded on - Vessel activity logs,
- Logsheets, and
- Unloadings
13Tools for Data Management and Quality Control
(examples of database tools to undertake this
work .)
14Quality control procedures in Data Management
5.3 EXERCISE SESSION Group Discussion Are
other Data Quality Control Systems used in your
country that are not included in the list
presented here. Please describe these
systems. (Reconvene and briefly discuss any
additions to be noted and an updated list to be
distributed later)
15Quality control procedures in Data Management
- Exercise (Individual countries) Using the list
of Data Quality Control Systems provided, - Check off each system that already exists in your
country - For systems that do not currently exist in your
country - Briefly describe why it would be difficult to
implement, or - Indicate that it will be implemented, or
- Indicate that it will be reviewed and
considered - The output from this exercise will feed into your
National Procedures Document.