Title: what it takes for
1what it takes for great customer service
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
2Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
3arrive on time
every time
4if you dont know what youre doing wrong,
how do you get better?
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
5employees always perform better when measured
6make your customers life easier
and you will be rewarded
7everyone is the customer relations manager
explain what you are doing and what was done
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
9are you a professional?
or this guy?
10when things go wrong, apologize then fix it
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
11the customer is always right
- most of the time
12this is a once in a lifetime experience for your
make it a great one
13criticism from customers is more valuable than
1491 of customers whove had a problem say nothing
to you
15if you measure it, it will improve
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
16reward employees who do well
17its okay to fire an occasional customer
18be a friend to your customer and do what friends
1968 of lost business is a result of an attitude
displayed by a company employee
20when things go wrongno matter how isolated the
problem may be, to that customer, you screwed up
100 of the time
21if you want your employees to be polite to
customers, be polite to your employees
22great employees provide great customer
start with great employees
23focus on customers you can serve well
send everyone else to your competition
24ask them what you need to do to be better, they
will tell you
25no complaining and whining
26do what you said you were going to do
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
27if something went wrong, find out why
28customers do want you to do well!
Produced by Frank Besednjak www.frankpresents.com
29its all about the experience
30try smiling!
31Do it so well that they will come back and they
will want to bring friends - Walt Disney
32Is this you?