Title: Impact of Economy on Nonprofits
1Impact of Economy on Nonprofits Funders in
Oregon and SW Washington June 2009
- Research review includes the following studies
- Giving in Oregon Survey, OCF, February 2009
- Giving and the Economy in the Northwest, Collins
Group, February 2009 - Nonprofit Fundraising Trends, Retriever, February
2009 - Impact of Economy on Funders in Oregon and SW
Washington, GRANTMAKERS, March 2009 - Foundations Respond to Downturn, Council on
Foundations, May 2009
3Nonprofits Demand for Services
- By the end of 08, nearly half of nonprofits saw
an increase in demand for services. - Avg. amount of increase is 16, highest in
social services and youth development at 27.
4Nonprofits Private Giving
- Half of nonprofits report lower levels of private
contributions in 2008 compared to 2007.
Several nonprofits indicate that while
individuals are providing, on average, smaller
donations, the total number of donations has
increased. There is evidence that Oregonians
are ready and willing to support nonprofits
during the downturn.
5Nonprofits Giving Levels
- Among NW nonprofits with strong fundraising
programs, 39 saw lower contributions in Q4, 2008
compared to same period in 2007.
Ten percent of these organizations have already
merged or aligned with another nonprofit. Anoth
er 7 are considering merging in the next year.
6Funders 09 Funding Level
- Half of funders will be decreasing their funding
levels compared to 08. - Just under half say their funding levels will
remain flat. - A few will be increasing their funding levels in
7Funders - Shifts in Funding
- Whether funding levels are decreasing or staying
flat in 09, funders are not making significant
shifts in sectors as a result of the downturn. - Human services up somewhat.
- More typically, funders are sharpening focus on
our core mission, honing in on core values. - Focus is also on wanting to fund nonprofits who
are most effectively delivering services in their
- We will be increasing in food, clothing,
shelter, and medical clinics. - We are going back to our roots.
- In the past we gave 10 to other. Well, that
category is going away. - We have always been committed to the arts and
will remain so.
8Funders - Value of Assets
9Funders - Color Code
Funder Size
Large gt 100m Medium10-100m Smalllt10m
Funder Type
10Funders 09 Funding Value of Assets
Value of Assets
Down a lot
09 Funding
11Key Takeaways
- Trends in Oregon and SW Washington are consistent
with trends across US. - Funders and nonprofits both are experiencing the
impact of rising needs and shrinking resources.
Together, you share this issue.
- Contact Lori Heckmann _at_ loriheckmann_at_comcast.net.