Title: Leachate Test
1 Leachate Test
Trial held at Dural, NSW 2002
Treatments - Incorporated prior to planting 1.
Multicote 18-2.6-10ME (8 mth) _at_ 2.5kg/m3
Multicote 15-3-12 (12 mth) _at_ 2.5kg/m3
Supergrow _at_ 1kg/m3 (IBDU starter) 2. Osmocote
Exact Std 15-4-7.5ME (8mth) _at_ 2.5kg/m3
Osmocote Exact Std 15-4-7.5ME (12mth) _at_
2.5kg/m3 Triabon _at_ 1kg/m3 (IBDU starter)
2 Leachate Test Results
Based on pour through extracts 5 months after
3 Results
Osmocote program providing more
nutrients Reflects a higher/excessive release
rate. More even Multicote release benefited
Gardenia growth (see photo) - ready for sale 3-4
weeks earlier.
Multicote pots in foreground
4 Potted Colour Trial
Trial held at Dural, NSW 2002
Treatments - Incorporated prior to planting 1.
Multicote blend _at_ 4kg/m3 (Included Prilled PN 4
mth coated PN, MAP and Urea) 2. Nutricote
Yellow 14-6-11.5 (40day) _at_ 3kg/m3 Nutricote
Red 13-5.7-9 (140 day) _at_ 3kg/m3
5 Leachate Test Results
Based on pour through extracts at end of growing
6 Results of Sap Nitrate Tests
Petiole Sap testing for Nitrate (ppm)
7 Results
Multicote treated plants had superior form,
foliage colour and flowering (see
photo) Nutricote treated plants were smaller and
had paler foliage -suggest N deficiency. For
optimum growth most plants require gt1000ppm
nitrate in petiole sap.