Title: Review Outcomes of R03s in CSR, Part II
1Review Outcomes of R03s in CSR, Part II
- Valerie L. Durrant, Ph.D.
- SRA, Health of the Population IRG Center for
Scientific Review
2Conclusions from PRAC 5/2006
- Review outcomes of R03s are similar to Type 1
R01s - No systematic differences in score distributions
for R03s reviewed in different review venues
3R03 review outcomes are similar in different
review forums (from PRAC 5/2006)
Percent of Type 1 R01 and R03 applications
reviewed in standing study sections and R03
applications reviewed in small mechanism SEPs in
score categories (Oct 2005-Jan 2006 council
4Questions for follow-up from 5/2006 PRAC
- Are the averages hiding variation among study
sections? - Does the differential treatment of R03s/R21s
occur with streamlining? - Tracking outcomes of small grants from new
investigators (recommendation)
5Additional analysis
- Examining variation across study sections
- Focus on streamlined in last 3 rounds
- 10 R03s over last 3 rounds
- Closer look at PAs/types of R03 apps
- Type of PA?
- New vs. amended apps
- New vs. experienced PI
6Reminder R03s are a relatively small percent of
CSR-reviewed applications
Percent of applications reviewed by CSR by
mechanism (January 2006-October 2006 council
Percent of R03s (CSR-reviewed) increased from
2.1 to 3.2 between 2000 and 2006.
7Reminder Most R03 applications are reviewed in
standing study sections
8 streamlined No systematic variation across
study sections
9Majority of CSR-reviewed R03 applications come in
response to PA 03-108 (recently replaced by PA
Percent of CSR-reviewed application by mechanism
(October 2005-January 2006 Council rounds)
10 More likely to have new investigator as PI
R03 applications have other unique characteristics
- Less likely to beresubmitted
Reviewed in CSR
11Score distribution of type 1 R03s for new and A1
applications looks similar to R01s
Note CSR-reviewed applications only, data based
on A0 and A1 designation in QVR.
12Score distribution of Type 1 R03s with
experienced and new PIs looks similar to those of
Type 1 R01s, FY 2004
FY 2004 data with OER-recoded New PI based on
grant history. CSR reviewed applications only.
- No evidence of systematic bias in the
streamlining or score distribution of R03s across
study sections. - Review outcomes of amended R03s and R03s with
new/experienced PIs look similar to their R01
- Teresa Lindquist, Program Analyst, CSR, and OER
data analysts - Dr. Elaine Sierra-Rivera, Deputy Chief, Oncology
IRG, CSR - Dr. Michael Martin, Division Director, DPP
- Dr. Cheryl Kitt, Deputy Director, CSR