Title: 4. Combining Video And Graphics
14. Combining Video And Graphics
- To obtain a first-person experience of a real car
racing, a video camera has been installed on the
Mindstorms robot car - Real time video will be sent thru a wireless
channel to the video server - Software program should be developed to retrieve
the video from the server to display on Ogre - Hence video and graphics are combined to achieve
augmented reality
References 1. krssagar, Simultaneous Previewing
Video Capture using DirectShow
e.aspx 2. Ogre Tutorials, http//www.ogre3d.org/wi
2The Video Server
- To minimize the delay in controlling the car,
video information is sent thru a 2.4GHz analogue
channel from the car to the server - Properties of analogue video
- Advantage minimum delay
- Disadvantages small capacity, i.e. there cannot
be too many video channels - Each car uses a different frequency (2.4GHz ?)
to send the video information to the server - Due to the limitation of the available
frequencies, at most 4 cars can send video
information at the same time - Video information is received by a Receiver which
is connected to the server via a USB port - User needs to install their program in the server
to read the video information thru the USB port
and display on the screen
3The Video Server (cont)
- Precaution since analogue video is used, the
received video quality can be affected by many
environmental factors, such as - Distance between the car and the receiver
- Electrical appliances that generate a similar
2.4GHz analogue channel
4The Webcam Class
- A class called Webcam has been pre-built to allow
users program to retrieve video data - Users program only needs to add the library
Webcam.lib in their project and include the head
file Webcam.h
Video Server
class Webcam
2.4GHz analogue channel
5The Webcam Class (cont)
- The Webcam class provides functions for
previewing and grabbing simultaneously from a
webcam using DirectShow technology - DirectShow is a middleware architecture that
provides a pipeline for media playback and
capture - The DirectShow API enables playback of multimedia
content from local storage or from streamed
sources over a network, or the Internet - To use DirectShow, Microsoft Windows SDK has to
be installed
6The Webcam Class (cont)
class Webcam public Webcam(void) Webcam(voi
d) HRESULT Init(int iDeviceID, HWND hWnd,
int iWidth, int
iHeight) DWORD GetFrame(BYTE pFrame) DWORD
- Hook up users program with, in this project, the
USB port for receiving video data - Perform the initialization of the video capture
function - Input parameters
- iDeviceID is the selected device index. In this
project, the number should range from 0 to 3 - hWnd is the handle of the display window. In this
project, since the video will not display on a
Microsoft Window, so we can fill in NULL here - iWidth and iHeight are the size of the video
frame. In this project, we set them as 320 and
240, respectively - Return S_FALSE if everything fine
8Webcam GrabFrame()
- GrabFrame() will grab a frame of image from the
camera and store it in an internal buffer - Input parameter Nil
- Return value is the size of the buffer
- To obtain the address of the image data buffer
- Input parameter
- pFrame is the address of a memory location for
storing the address of the image data buffer - Return the size of the buffer, which should be
the same returned by GrabFrame()
BYTE pImage // Define pImage is a BYTE
pointer // but has not initialized its
value DWORD bufferSize GetFrame(pImage) //
After calling the function, pImage will be //
initialized with the address of the image
// data buffer
10Software Architecture of the Users Program
Update screen
Ogre main program 1. Create Webcam object 2.
Create a plane to cover up the whole
screen 3. Define the material of that
plane 4. Create the texture object to be used
on that plane
processCalculation() 1. Grab 1 video
frame to buffer 2. Get the pointer of the
buffer 3. Put the data in the buffer
on the texture object of the plane
Finish update screen
11Create a Plane
- Plane is a primitive in Ogre
- We can change the size, position, orientation and
the texture of a plane - In our previous labs, the ferris wheel is built
on a plane laid horizontally with grass texture - In this lab, we are going to create a plane that
covers the whole screen - We shall set the texture of the plane that allows
us to put the data in the image buffer on it
- The Plane class of Ogre defines a plane in the 3D
space - There are a few constructors for the Plane class.
The most common one is as follows
Plane plane(Vector3UNIT_Z, 0) // Define the
normal of the // plane is the z-axis and the //
distance from the origin is 0
- We need to register the plane so that we can use
it in our project - The createPlane() member function of MeshManager
takes in a Plane definition and makes a mesh from
the parameters - This registers our plane for use, e.g.
MeshManagergetSingleton().createPlane( "webcamPl
ane", ResourceGroupManagerDEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP
_NAME, plane, 320, 240, 20, 20, true, 1, 1, 1,
Vector3UNIT_Y) // A plane called webcamPlane
// is registered. The size is 320 x 240. The //
plane stands parallel to the y-axis
14Show the Plane on the Screen
- Similar to other mesh objects, we show the plane
on the screen by first creating an entity of the
plane and calling attachObject() and
setPosition(), e.g.
Entity ent mSceneMgr-gtcreateEntity("PlaneEntity
", "webcamPlane") SceneNode node
mSceneMgr-gtgetRootSceneNode() -gtcreateChildSceneNo
de() node-gtattachObject(ent) //
node-gtsetPosition(x??,y??,z??) // Choose an
appropriate value for x, y, z such that // the
plane will cover the whole screen
15Set the Material
- When we manually created the plane, we did not
specify what texture to use on it - In fact, we want to put the image data received
from the camera to the plane - We first define the name of the material used for
that plane as follows - And we shall define the texture of such material
Entity ent mSceneMgr-gtcreateEntity("PlaneEntity
", "webcamPlane") ent-gtsetMaterialName("Webcam/My
16Set the Texture of the Material
- We create the required texture by instantiating
an object of the TextureSystem class
mTextureSystem new TextureSystem(320,
240) //Create the required texture with size
320x240 OgreMaterialPtr mat
OgreMaterialManager getSingleton().getByName
("Webcam/MyMaterial") //Get the pointer of a
material with name // Webcam/MyMaterial
the same used by the plane OgreTextureUnitState
tex mat-gtgetTechnique(0) -gtgetPass(0)-gtgetTe
xtureUnitState(0) //Get the pointer of the
texture unit of that material tex-gtsetTextureName(
mTextureSystem -gtGetTexture()-gtgetName()) //Se
t the name of that texture unit the same as
that // created by TextureSystem, i.e. the
plane that uses // the material
Webcam/MyMaterial will have the // texture
the same as that created by TextureSystem
17TextureSystem Class
- A class called TextureSystem is introduced in
this lab to handle the creation and update of the
texture of the material Webcam/MyMaterial - Four major public member functions
- TextureSystem() the constructor creates the
texture - GetTexture() Get the pointer of the created
texture - CleanTextureContents() Reset all pixels of the
texture to 0 (paint it all black) - UpdateTexture() Copy a frame of video data to
the texture
18TextureSystem Class (cont)
class TextureSystem public TextureSystem(int
width, int height) TextureSystem(void) Ogre
TexturePtr GetTexture() /// Obtain the
pointer of the ogre texture void
UpdateTexture(BYTE pBmpTmp) ///
Copy a frame of video data to the texture void
CleanTextureContents() /// Clean the
full texture (paint it all black) protected Ogre
TexturePtr mTexture /// Texture for
rendering the video data OgreReal
mTexWidth /// Real texture width OgreReal
mTexHeight /// Real texture height
19TextureSystem TextureSystem()
TextureSystemTextureSystem(int width, int
height) mTexWidthwidth mTexHeightheight
// Create the texture we are going to
use mTextureOgreTextureManagergetSingleton()
. createManual( "WebcamManualTexture", //
name OgreResourceGroupManager DEFAULT_RES
texture type mTexWidth, mTexHeight, 0, //
number of mipmaps OgrePF_BYTE_BGRA, // pixel
20TextureSystem GetTexture()
- Just return the pointer of the created texture,
i.e. mTexture member variable
OgreTexturePtr TextureSystemGetTexture() re
turn mTexture
21TextureSystem CleanTextureContents()
void TextureSystemCleanTextureContents() unsig
ned int idx int x, y // lock the pixel buffer
and get a pixel box for (x0, y0 ylttexh
) idx(x4)ytexw4 pDestidx0 //blue
pDestidx10 //green pDestidx20 //red
pDestidx3255 //alpha (255 -gt
opaque) x if (xgttexw) x0 y
// Unlock the pixel buffer
22TextureSystem CleanTextureContents()
Pixel 0
Pixel 1
Pixel 319
b g r a
b g r a
b g r a
b g r a
Pixel 320
b g r a
Pixel 239320
23TextureSystem UpdateTexture()
void TextureSystemUpdateTexture(BYTE
pBmpTmp) unsigned int idx int x, y // lock
the pixel buffer and get a pixel box //
Input parameter pBmpTmp is a BYTE pointer
which // gives the address of the buffer where
the frame // of video data is stored // Get
the data BYTE by BYTE from pBmpTmp and put //
them to the pixel buffer of the
Texture // Unlock the pixel
24Tasks to be Achieved
- In this lab, you are asked to
- Complete the routine to create the plane, set
material and texture - Complete the implementation of the member
function UpdateTexture() - Show the video in the Ogre environment
- Drive the car based on the live video received
from the wireless camera installed on the car