Title: WLAN Security
1WLAN Security
2Wi-Fi Security Threats
- Wireless technology doesnt remove any old
security issues, but introduces new ones - Eavesdropping
- Man-in-the-middle attacks
- Denial of Service
- Easy to perform, almost impossible to detect
- By default, everything is transmitted in clear
text - Usernames, passwords, content ...
- No security offered by the transmission medium
- Different tools available on the internet
- Network sniffers, protocol analysers . . .
- Password collectors
- With the right equipment, its possible to
eavesdrop traffic from few kilometers away
4MITM Attack
- Attacker spoofes a disassociate message from the
victim - The victim starts to look for a new access point,
and the attacker advertises his own AP on a
different channel, using the real APs MAC
address - The attacker connects to the real AP using
victims MAC address
5Denial of Service
- Attack on transmission frequecy used
- Frequency jamming
- Not very technical, but works
- Attack on MAC layer
- Spoofed deauthentication / disassociation
messages - can target one specific user
- Attacks on higher layer protocol (TCP/IP
protocol) - SYN Flooding
6Wi-Fi Security
- The requirements for Wi-Fi network security can
be broken down into two primary components - Authentication
- User Authentication
- Server Authentication
- Privacy
- Keeping unauthorized users off the network
- User Authentication
- Authentication Server is used
- Username and password
- Risk
- Data (username password) send before secure
channel established - Prone to passive eavesdropping by attacker
- Solution
- Establishing a encrypted channel before sending
username and password
8Authentication (cont..)
- Server Authentication
- Digital Certificate is used
- Validation of digital certificate occurs
automatically within client software
9Types of WLAN Security
- Service Set Identifier (SSID)
- Required by all clients to include this in every
packet - Included as plain text ?Easy to break
- Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
- Requires that user enter a key manually (to NIC
and AP) - Communications encrypted using this key
- Short key (40-128 bits) ? Easy to break by brute
force - 802.1X Access Control
- Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
- WEP keys created dynamically after correct login
- Requires a login (with password) to a server
- After logout, WEP keys discarded by the server
- Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) new standard
- A longer key, changed for every packet
- IEEE 802.11i
10First Generation WLANs
- Minimal set of security features in 802.11b
standard - Service Set Identifier (SSID)
- Medium Access Control (MAC) address filters
- Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption
- 64-bit RC4 data encryption (flawed) 128-bit
WEP also available - Does prevent casual eavesdropping (if turned
on) - Requires a sharing of the key between each mobile
device and the access point - No procedure for key management
11First Generation WLANs
- Main Security Vulnerabilities
- Security settings are not enabled by default
- By default, access points broadcast SSID in clear
text - MAC address of valid client can be sniffed and
then spoofed - WEP is easily broken, only authenticates client
- Rogue access points are easy to deploy
- Man-in-the-middle attacks
- WLANs are easily crashed by DoS attacks
12Service Set Identifier (SSID)
- SSID is used to identify an 802.11 network
- It can be pre-configured or advertised in beacon
broadcast - It is transmitted in clear text
- Provide very little security
13First Generation WLANs
- Security Controls
- Turn off the broadcast SSIDs
- Use automated MAC-based access control mechanisms
- Enable WEP encryption
- Lower power levels of access points / limit
transmission rates (11 / 5.5 Mbps)
14802.11 Authentication and Association
- The 802.11 standard includes rudimentary
authentication and confidentiality controls. - Authentication is handled in its most basic form
by the 802.11 access point (AP). - It forces the clients to perform a handshake when
attempting to associate to the AP. Association
is the process needed before the AP will allow
the client to talk across the AP to the network. - Association occurs only if the client has all the
correct parameters needed such as the service set
identifier (SSID) in the handshake.
15WLAN Security
- SSID Service Set Identifier (AP ID)
- Packets must have correct AP SSID to have it
processed. - Zero security
- WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
- Requires a key.
- Must be manually typed into client computer.
- Difficult for implement for large organizations.
- Easy to share key.
16Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
- Provide same level of security as by wired
network - Original security solution offered by the IEEE
802.11 standard - Uses RC4 encryption with pre-shared keys and 24
bit initialization vectors (IV) - key schedule is generated by concatenating the
shared secret key with a random generated 24-bit
IV - 32 bit ICV (Integrity check value)
- No. of bits in keyschedule is equal to sum of
length of the plaintext and ICV
17Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) (cont.)
- 64 bit preshared key-WEP
- 128 bit preshared key-WEP2
- Encrypt data only between 802.11 stations.once it
enters the wired side of the network (between
access point) WEP is no longer valid - Security Issue with WEP
- Short IV
- Static key
- Offers very little security at all
18Second Generation WLANs
- 802.1X Framework for Authentication
- (EAP Extensible Authentication Prototcol)
- Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) used in
802.1X clients for Windows XP - Lightweight EAP (LEAP) CISCO product used in
Aironet products (dynamic WEP) - Protected EAP (PEAP) CISCO/Microsoft/RSA
doesnt require certificates supports dynamic
WEP - Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS)
Funk Software/Certicom only requires server
certification - EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
- Works to generate WEP keys dynamically.
- User login to server
- After valid login, server will generate WEP key
for the session. - Still easy to break by professional hackers
19Second Generation WLANs
- WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access
- Very similar to WEP EAP
- Better encryption with longer keys
- New key with every packet transmitted to client.
- interim encryption standard FLAWED
- 802.11i
- Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
- uses RC4
- generates new key every 10 Kb
- hashes Initialization Vector
- Message Integrity Check
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
20802.1x Access Control
- Designed as a general purpose network access
control mechanism - Not Wi-Fi specific
- Authenticate each client connected to AP (for
WLAN) or switch port (for Ethernet) - Authentication is done with the RADIUS server,
which tells the access point whether access to
controlled ports should be allowed or not - AP forces the user into an unauthorized state
- user send an EAP start message
- AP return an EAP message requesting the users
identity - Identity send by user is then forwared to the
authentication server by AP - Authentication server authenticate user and
return an accept or reject message back to the AP - If accept message is return, the AP changes the
clients state to authorized and normal traffic
21802.1x Access Control
22Wireless Protected Access (WPA)
- WPA is a specification of standard based,
interoperable security enhancements that strongly
increase the level of data protection and access
control for existing and future wireless LAN
system. - User Authentication
- 802.1x
- TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) encryption
- RC4, dynamic encryption keys (session based)
- 48 bit IV
- per packet key mixing function
- Fixes all issues found from WEP
- Uses Message Integrity Code (MIC) Michael
- Ensures data integrity
- Old hardware should be upgradeable to WPA
23Wireless Protected Access (WPA)(cont.)
- WPA comes in two flavors
- use pre-shared key
- For SOHO environments
- Single master key used for all users
- WPA Enterprise
- For large organisation
- Most secure method
- Unique keys for each user
- Separate username password for each user
24WPA and Security Threats
- Data is encrypted
- Protection against eavesdropping and
man-in-the-middle attacks - Denial of Service
- Attack based on fake massages can not be used.
- As a security precaution, if WPA equipment sees
two packets with invalid MICs within a second, it
disassociates all its clients, and stops all
activity for a minute - Only two packets a minute enough to completely
stop a wireless network
- Provides standard for WLAN security
- Authentication
- 802.1x
- Data encryption
- AES protocol is used
- Secure fast handoff-This allow roaming between
APs without requiring client to fully
reauthenticate to every AP. - Will require new hardware
- Mobility
- Ease of Installation
- Flexibility
- Cost
- Reliability
- Security
- Use unlicensed part of the radio spectrum
- Roaming
- Speed
- Interference
- Degradation in performance
- High power consumption
- Limited range
28Second Generation WLANs
- VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- Wireless Gateway (simplifies roaming and provides
opportunity to implement QoS) - AirDefense WLAN Monitoring
- AirFortress provides for encryption at the MAC
layer, hiding data and network information
29Policies, Training, Awareness
- Physical location of access points
- Logical location of access points (in DMZ)
- Ban rogue access points (monitor)
- Disable ad-hoc (peer-to-peer) mode on all clients
- Properly configure all devices
- Standardize on one vendor
- Perform frequent site surveys
- Monitor logs
- Keep patches up to date
30The Security AttackRecon and Access
- War Chalking, War Driving, War Flying, Blue
31War Driving
- War driving (drive-by hacking or LAN-jacking) is
a play on war dialing - War dialing, in turn, comes from the 1983 movie
War Games - now a classic in computer cracking circles
- People can drive, walk or other wise approach the
area that the wireless equipment can transmit in - using a laptops to pick up unsecured wireless
networks for anonymous and free high-speed
Internet access - share your internet access or connect to your
computer - stealing long-distance phone service
- Geocaching
- Equipment
- Laptop
- NIC card
- The software
- Antennas
32War Chalking
- Welcome to Warchalking! Warchalking is the
practice of marking a series of symbols on
sidewalks and walls to indicate nearby wireless
access - That way, other computer users can pop open their
laptops and connect to the Internet wirelessly - It was inspired by the practice of hobos during
the Great Depression to use chalk marks to
indicate which homes were friendly
33War Flying
- War flying uses airplanes to find the wireless
access points - The obvious advantage is the extra height
provides an unobstructed line - Some people think war driving is illegal
- Actually accessing someone's network is illegal,
but detecting the network is not - You can think of war driving as walking up to a
house, and checking to see if the door is
unlocked - If you find an unlocked door, you write down the
address and move to the next house - It becomes illegal when you open the door and
walk in, which is similar to accessing the
Internet through a AP without the owner's
34WLAN Security Hierarchy
Enhanced Security
802.1x, TKIP/WPA Encryption, Mutual
Authentication, Scalable Key Mgmt., etc.
Basic Security
Open Access
40-bit or 128-bitStatic WEP Encryption
No Encryption, Basic Authentication
Home Use
Public Hotspots
VirtualPrivateNetwork (VPN)
Business Traveler, Telecommuter
Remote Access
35802.11 Security Tools
- WPA,
- 802.11i
- MAC Filtering
- Userid and Password
36Firewall Security
- The term firewall is a blanket term describing
security measures that protect a network. - A router with a built-in firewall protects your
entire local network, like an alarm system for
your house. - Software firewalls implemented on individual
computers protect the computers themselves. - Using SPI (stateful packet inspection), the
firewall in the WRT54GS will inspect the source
and destination addresses of data packets passing
through from the internal network and the
Internet. - If an incoming packet from the Internet does not
belong to a currently opened connection from the
internal network, it is dropped and not allowed
to pass.
- WEP is a key.
- WEP scrambles communications between AP and
client. - AP and client must use same WEP keys.
- WEP keys encrypt unicast and multicast.
- WEP is easily attacked
38Port Forwarding and Port Triggering
- Port forwarding is a method that allows you to
run a server behind the router - Port Forwarding opens a specific port to a
computer behind the router, allowing all Incoming
Traffic on that port to be sent directly to that
server - It should be used to setup servers behind the
router, typically Port Triggering is a better
choice for non server applications - Such as instant messengers and game servers
- Port Triggering is a method which allows multiple
computers on your LAN to access a server - Such as a game server or an instant messenger
- Port triggering will only work if an out going,
"Trigger" request is made - Once the trigger request is sent out, the router
will open the "Incoming" ports for that computer
- Ubiquitous wireless networks
- Home use
- Coffee shops, local communities
- IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) - 75 Mb/sec, up to 30 miles
- Need to teach students how to secure them
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