Title: Fredericksburg Air Quality Committee
1Redesignation Request Briefing
- Fredericksburg Air Quality Committee
- February 16th, 2005
- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Doris McLeod, Air Quality Planner
- (804) 698-4197 damcleod_at_deq.virginia.gov
2Air Quality Briefing Topics
- Why can we make this request?
- Why should we make this request?
- What must the request contain?
- Timeline for making the request.
3Background Information
- Formation VOC NOX Ozone
- New standard established in 1997
- 80 parts per billion (ppb) or above
- 85 ppb or above considered exceedence
- Compliance - based on 3-year average
- Final EPA designations - June 15, 2004
- Area classification Moderate
(volatile organic compounds oxides of nitrogen
sunlight ozone)
4Why can we make this request?
- 2001-2003 ozone data 88 ppb
- 2001 86 ppb
- 2002 94 ppb
- 2003 85 ppb
- Average 88 ppb
5Why can we make this request?
- 2002-2004 ozone data 84 ppb
- 2002 94 ppb
- 2003 85 ppb
- 2004 73 ppb
- Average 84 ppb
6Reasons for Redesignation
- No additional boiler controls
- Spotsylvania/Fredericksburg only
- No source specific industrial controls
- Spotsylvania/Fredericksburg only
- No 15 reduction requirement
- No offset requirement for new sources
- Spotsylvania/Fredericksburg only
7Components of the Redesignation Request
- Demonstrate area meets 8 hr ozone standard
- Air quality improvement due to permanent,
enforceable emissions reductions - Demonstrate conformity
- Maintenance plan
8Components of a Maintenance Plan
- Attainment Emissions Inventory
- Area source
- Mobile source
- Point source
- All anthropogenic NOx, CO, VOC
- Maintenance Demonstration
- 10 years
- Account for growth
- Mobile source budget
9Components of a Maintenance Plan, continued
- Monitoring Network
- http//www.deq.virginia.gov/ozone/
- Contingency Plan
10Maintenance and Contingency Measures
- National control measures
- New vehicle standards (cars, SUVs, trucks)
- Low sulfur gasoline diesel fuel standards
- Offroad equipment engine standards (gas diesel)
- Regional utility NOx reductions
11Possible Maintenance and Contingency Measures?
- Existing controls to Spotsylvania and
Fredericksburg - Reformulated gasoline
- Stage I-gas station controls
- Existing industry controls
- These controls are already in place in Stafford
12Possible Maintenance and Contingency Measures,
- Area source controls
- Vapor tight gas cans
- Vehicle repair refinishing operations
- Solvent cleaning
- Architectural/Industrial Maintenance coatings
- Consumer products
- These controls are already in place in Stafford
13Fredericksburg Area Redesignation Schedule
- Jan 2005 Redesignation request encouraged by
EPA - Feb 2005 Initial FAQC meeting
- Mar 2005 2nd FAQC meeting for final draft
review (3/9?) - Mar 2005 Final draft to public notice/EPA
- Apr 2005 Public hearing
- May 1, 2005 Final package to EPA
14Whats next?
- Review possible contingency maintenance
measures - Provide feedback to VDEQ
- Review and approve final draft
- Public comment period
16Frequently Used Acronyms
- BACT - Best available control technology
- IM - Vehicle inspection maintenance
- LAER - Lowest achievable emission rate
- NOX - Oxides of nitrogen (ozone precursor)
- PPB - Parts per billion (pollution measure)
- RACT - Reasonably available control technology
- RFG - Reformulated gasoline
- Stage II - Gasoline vapor recovery at the pump
- VOC - Volatile organic compounds (ozone
precursor) - OTC - Ozone Transport Commission
17Contact Information
- Stationary Source Permitting Questions
- Stationary Source Inspection Questions
- Transportation Conformity
- Emissions Inventory
- Air Quality Planning
- Terry Darton, Air Permitting Manager
- thdarton_at_deq.virginia.gov
- (703) 583-3845
- Jim Lafratta, Compliance Engineer
- jblafratta_at_deq.virginia.gov
- (540) 899-4507
- Amy Costello, Air Quality Program Manager
- amy.costello_at_vdot.virginia.gov
- (804) 371-6773
- Tom Ballou, Director of Data Anaylsis
- trballou_at_deq.virginia.gov
- (804) 698-4406
- Doris McLeod, Air Quality Planner
- damcleod_at_deq.virginia.gov
- (804) 698-4197