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PowerPoint Presentation Lecture


warren sack / film & digital media department / university of california, ... Painting, Archicture: A grotesque monster, formed of the parts of various animals. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PowerPoint Presentation Lecture

cyborgs fdm 20c introduction to digital
media lecture 01.05.2003
warren sack / film digital media department /
university of california, santa cruz
last time
  • who is marshall mcluhan?
  • the video mcluhan v 1 (1958-1964)
  • theses of mcluhan
  • hot and cool media
  • media as extensions of man
  • the ratio of the senses
  • the medium is the message

  • midterm teaching evaluation
  • description of the midterm examination
  • a definition of media studies
  • digital media studies
  • what is a cyborg?
  • a comparison of identity and cyborg politics
  • who is donna haraway?
  • a video haraway on paper tiger television
  • a reading of the cyborg manifesto

midterm teaching evaluation
  • please respond to the 25 questions and return the
    completed forms to nathan or lindsay today, in

description of the midterm examination
  • rough drafts of 12 possible midterm questions can
    be found here
  • http//artstream.ucsc.edu/film20c/Midterm/possible
  • all of the lecture slides can be found online
    indexed off of the course schedule
  • http//artstream.ucsc.edu/film20c/schedule.html

a definition of media studies
  • media studies is the theory and practice of
    exploring how people and things are connected,
    reflected, extended, reconfigured, and separated
    by technologies and techniques
  • media as mirrors
  • media as prostheses
  • media as machinations
  • digital media studies is a kind of media studies
    that pays especial attention to the techniques
    and technologies of computers and computer

mediation how are we connected/separated?
  • hypertexts
  • networks/rhizomes
  • documentary method
  • identification
  • prostheses/extensions
  • haraways proposals
  • human-animal
  • machine-organism
  • physical-non-physical (e.g., molecular-scale
    machines of electromagnetism and light)

background questions of identity
  • gender who is a woman? who is a man?
  • race who is black? who is white?
  • sexuality who is straight? who is gay?
  • class who is rich? who is poor?
  • the problems of dichotomies (i.e., the problems
    of opposites)
  • what happens to identity and politics if we fit
    into multiple categories or we do not feel
    comfortable in any category?

questions about identity politics
  • do these exclusive categories define ones
  • do these categories constitute political groups?
  • e.g., what happens to these divisions when all of
    the categories are invoked at once? (e.g., for
    the purposes of feminism is one always first,
    primarily defined by gender and only secondarily
    defined by race and class, or is the order

non-essentialist alternatives to identity
  • non-essentialist definition by negation rather
    than separation according to essential criteria
  • examples
  • queer (e.g., not straight)
  • women of color (a la chela sandoval e.g., not
    white and not male)

biopolitics biology as connection
  • biopolitics is a term coined by the philosopher
    michel foucault
  • who is carbon-based? who is silicon-based?
  • who breathes oxygen? who breathes
  • who reproduces sexually? who reproduces
  • does this escape the problems of dichotomies?

what is this?
chimera identities of mixtures fusions
  • definition of chimera (Oxford English Dictionary)
  • Mythology A fabled fire-breathing monster of
    Greek mythology, with a lion's head, a goat's
    body, and a serpent's tail (or according to
    others with the heads of a lion, a goat, and a
    serpent), killed by Bellerophon.
  • Painting, Archicture A grotesque monster, formed
    of the parts of various animals.
  • Literature An unreal creature of the imagination
  • Biology ad. G. chimäre (H. Winkler 1907, in
    Ber. d. Deut. Bot. Ges. XXV. 574). An organism
    (commonly a plant) in which tissues of
    genetically different constitution co-exist as a
    result of grafting, mutation, or some other

definition of cyborg
  • A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid
    machine and organism, a creature of social
    reality as well as a creature of fiction. ... By
    the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic
    time, we are all chimeras, theorized and
    fabricated hybrids of machine and organism in
    short, we are cyborgs.
  • Haraway, p. 516

a cyborg world from one perspective
  • From one perspective, a cyborg world is about the
    final imposition of a grid of control on the
    planet, about the final abstraction embodied in a
    Star Wars apocalypse waged in the name of
    defence, about the final appopriation of womens
    bodies in a masculinist orgy of war.
  • Haraway, p. 519

a cyborg world from another perspective
  • From another perspective, a cyborg world might be
    about lived social and bodily realities in which
    people are not afraid of their joint kinship with
    animals and machines, not afraid of permanently
    partial identities and contradictory standpoints.
  • Haraway, p. 519

who/what is a cyborg?
  • do you wear a prosthesis? e.g., do you wear
    contact lenses or eyeglasses?
  • do you take any medications?
  • have you ever had an immunization?
  • do you depend upon any form of technology for
  • how would your life be affected if the power grid
    was shut off permanently?
  • do you ever eat food or drink water that has been
  • in short, how intimately tied are you to

who is donna haraway?
  • Experience
  • Professor of the History of Consciousness, UCSC
  • Assistant Professor of the History of Science,
    Johns Hopkins University
  • Lecturer, Women Studies and History of Science,
    University of Hawaii
  • Education
  • Ph.D., Biology, Yale University
  • B.A., Zoology B.A., Literature B.A., Philosophy
  • Personal
  • Irish American
  • raised Catholic
  • four adult household

who donna haraway?
  • My work has always been about what counts as
    nature. Haraway, p. 51 of How Like a Leaf
  • Publications
  • Crystals, Fabrics and Fields
  • Primate Visions
  • Simians Cyborgs and Women
  • Modest_Witness
  • The Companion Species Manifesto Dogs, People and
    Significant Otherness

what is paper tiger television?
  • Paper Tiger Television (PTTV) is an open,
    non-profit, volunteer video collective. Through
    the production and distribution of our public
    access series, media literacy/video production
    workshops, community screenings and grassroots
    advocacy PTTV works to challenge and expose the
    corporate control of mainstream media.
  • Since 1981, Paper Tiger Television has appeared
    across the country on public access cable
    channels the noncommercial, uncensored channels
    available for public use. The series is produced
    by a volunteer collective of media producers,
    educators and activists.
  • Low Budget TV is a correllary to the commitment
    that TV production should not be limited to the
  • From PPTV to the Independent Media Centers

  • donna haraway reads national geographic

the cyborg manifesto
  • what is a manifesto?
  • compare to the manifestos of art and politics
    (e.g., surrealism and marxism)

why was it written?
  • DH In 1982, the editors of the Socialist Review
    gave me an assignment Write five pages on what
    socialist-feminist priorities are in the Reagan
    years. So I started writing and what came out
    was A Cyborg Manifesto.
  • TNG So your cyborgs origins are in this modest
  • DH Yes. I think the moral of the story is,
    dont give me an assignment!
  • p. 39, How Like a Leaf

the breakdown of three dichotomies
  • human/animal
  • machine/organism
  • physical/non-physical
  • why?
  • cf., biology and the sciences and technologies of
    communication and information

the cyborg as organizing myth
  • There is nothing about being female that
    naturally binds women.
  • No objects, spaces or bodies are sacred in
    themselves any component can be interfaced with
    any other if the proper standard, the proper
    code, can be constructed for processing signals
    in a common language.
  • The cyborg is a kind of disassenbled and
    reassembled, post-modern collective and personal
    self. This is the self feminists must code.
  • Haraway, p. 519

cyborgs and networking
  • I prefer a network ideological image, suggesting
    the profusion of spaces and identities and the
    permeability of boundaries in the perosnla body
    and in the body politic. Networking is both a
    feminist practice and a multinational corporate
    strategy -- weaving is for oppositional cyborgs.

regeneration not reproduction
  • I would suggest that cyborgs have more to do with
    regeneration and are suspicious of the
    reproductive matrix and of most birthing.

next time
  • midterm examination
  • see
  • http//artstream.ucsc.edu/film20c/Midterm/pos
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