Spring and RSF Fundamentals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spring and RSF Fundamentals


The most significant development in Java programming ... Currently done using a bit of a hack with the request scope in the requestContext.xml file ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Spring and RSF Fundamentals

Spring and RSF Fundamentals
  • Aaron Zeckoski
  • azeckoski_at_gmail.com

From slides by Antranig Basman
  • Explain some Spring framework basics
  • Describe how RSF integrates with Spring
  • Define basic webapp scopes
  • Cover basic RSF concepts

The Spring Framework
  • The most significant development in Java
  • Is extensively used in the wider world as a Java
    enterprise technology
  • Purpose is to organize and orchestrate the
    different parts of an application, which are
    packaged as beans
  • Only have time for a quick overview
  • Crucial here because
  • it is used throughout large scale projects like
    Sakai and Kuali as a service location framework
  • It is the basis for the RSF framework

What is so important about Spring?
  • Somewhat hard to convey without seeing it!
  • Spring is the first negative technology
  • stays invisible in your code
  • works hard to hide dependencies on other
    technologies as well
  • Solidly separates code from configuration, making
    it easy to work with extremely large applications
  • Dependency injection is a deeper idea than it
    first appears, that you will need a bit of time
    to settle into

What does Spring offer?
  • Dependency Injection
  • Also known as IoC (Inversion of Control)
  • Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Runtime injection-based
  • Portable Service Abstractions
  • The rest of spring
  • ORM, DAO, Web MVC, Web, etc.
  • Allows access to these without knowing how they
    actually work

Dependency Injection defined
  • Method to create needed dependencies or look them
    up somehow without doing it in the dependent code
  • Often called Inversion of Control (IoC)
  • IoC injects needed dependencies into the object
  • Setters or Contructor
  • Primary goal is reduction of dependencies in code
  • an excellent goal in any case
  • This is the central part of Spring

URL http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_of_Con
What is a bean?
  • Typical java bean with a unique id
  • In spring there are basically two types
  • Singleton
  • One instance of the bean created and referenced
    each time it is requested
  • Prototype (non-singleton)
  • New bean created each time
  • Same as new ClassName()
  • Beans are normally created by Spring as late as

What is a bean definition?
  • Defines a bean for Spring to manage
  • Key attributes
  • class (required) fully qualified java class name
  • id the unique identifier for this bean
  • configuration (singleton, init-method, etc.)
  • constructor-arg arguments to pass to the
    constructor at creation time
  • property arguments to pass to the bean setters
    at creation time
  • Collaborators other beans needed in this bean
    (a.k.a dependencies), specified in property or
  • Typically defined in an XML file

Sample bean definition
ltbean id"exampleBean" classorg.example.ExampleB
ean"gt ltproperty name"beanOne"gtltref
ltproperty name"beanTwo"gtltref bean"yetAnotherBean
"/gtlt/propertygt ltproperty name"integerProperty
"gtltvaluegt1lt/valuegtlt/propertygt lt/beangt
public class ExampleBean private AnotherBean
beanOne private YetAnotherBean beanTwo
private int i public void setBeanOne(AnotherBea
n beanOne) this.beanOne beanOne public
void setBeanTwo(YetAnotherBean beanTwo)
this.beanTwo beanTwo public void
setIntegerProperty(int i) this.i i
Java Beans and Spring
  • Beans have been with us since the beginning of
    Java (1996 and beyond)
  • Almost a non-concept a bean is a simple Java
    object with getters and setters
  • Spring concept of a bean is not very much more
    loaded however it is imagined that each bean
    does some work
  • Setters in Spring are generally much more
    important than getters
  • used to deliver a dependency

public class MyBean private String property
public void setProperty(String property)
this.property property public String
getProperty() return property
A Simple Spring Bean
Setter method marks this as a bean - The
dependency on myService is injected
public class WorkerBean private UsefulService
myService public void setMyService(UsefulService
myService) this.myService
myService public int doMyWork(int argument)
int result myService.invoke(argument) retur
n result 3
The beans business method (work for its clients)
is defined here
  • Notes
  • The whole point of Spring is not to see it
  • Spring isnt just about service location, but it
    is one (common) way to use it

Spring Configuration for the bean
ltbean idusefulService classmypackage.UsefulSe
rvicegt .... lt/beangt ltbean classmypackage.Wor
kerBeangt ltproperty namemyService
refusefulService/gt lt/beangt
Injection here delivers the bean myService to
the setter on the client
  • Notes
  • The id attribute is optional, but typically
    supplied since you usually want to refer to the
    bean again
  • You can build a deeper and deeper tree of clients
    and dependencies
  • The ultimate endpoint of a mature Spring design
    is to have the entire application structure in
  • still a controversial view!
  • The use of Spring in Sakai is typically much
    thinner there is ONE clear API/Impl boundary
    across the server

What is a bean factory?
  • Often seen as an ApplicationContext
  • BeanFactory is not used directly often
  • ApplicationContext is a complete superset of bean
    factory methods
  • Same interface implemented
  • Offers a richer set of features
  • Spring uses a BeanFactory to create, manage and
    locate beans which are basically instances of a
  • Typical usage is an XML bean factory which allows
    configuration via XML files

How are beans created?
  • Beans are created in order based on the
    dependency graph
  • Often they are created when the factory loads the
  • Can override this behavior in bean
  • ltbean classclassName lazy-inittrue /gt
  • You can also override this in the factory or
    context but this is not recommended
  • Spring will instantiate beans in the order
    required by their dependencies
  • app scope singleton - eagerly instantiated at
    container startup
  • lazy dependency - created when dependent bean
  • VERY lazy dependency - created when accessed in

How are beans injected?
  • A dependency graph is constructed based on the
    various bean definitions
  • Beans are created using constructors (mostly
    no-arg) or factory methods
  • Dependencies that were not injected via
    constructor are then injected using setters
  • Any dependency that has not been created is
    created as needed

Typical Spring usages
  • The Spring configuration is typically written in
    an XML file, defining an Application Context
  • Recent support for configuration through Java 5
    Annotations but this breaks the separation of
    configuration and code (not recommended)
  • Special support for loading in a Servlet
    environment, creating a WebApplicationContext
    from a file by default named applicationContext.xm
  • Initialised on context startup using Servlet
    Listeners defined in web.xml
  • Can also use Spring completely headless by
    creating the application context by hand
  • https//source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/programmer

Spring Web MVC
  • Abstraction for the presentation technology you
    want to use
  • Some of the supported ones
  • JSP
  • Velocity
  • Struts
  • Etc.
  • Fairly easy to use and popular for web
  • RSF linkage in a minute

URL http//www.springframework.org/docs/reference

Why RSF?
  • RSF was designed with several special
    requirements of large scale development
    communities in mind
  • The first key point is to decouple the workflows
    of developers and designers/UX experts, and allow
    them to work independently
  • The second key point is to enable universal
    portability of apps to whatever environments may
    arise, without requiring code changes (today, to
    Servlets, Sakai, and JSR-168 Portlets, tomorrow
    to JSR-286 or the final containerless
  • RSF is closely involved with the FLUID Flexible
    UI project now running out of UToronto
  • http//www.fluidproject.org/

  • Still an immature project
  • Still in development
  • 1.0 release maybe next year
  • Not associated with any standard group yet
  • Sun NO
  • Apache Probably Not
  • Spring Maybe? (we hope)

RSF for coders and designers
  • RSF is easy for coders since it is built out of
    Spring components
  • Developers can always break open the framework in
    an emergency
  • Once you get the pattern, it is really obvious
    how to build very powerful components and apps
    that require a lot more custom/stovepipe work in
    other frameworks
  • RSF is easy for designers since they can just
    work with plain HTML and hand it over the fence
    to coders who can start working with it directly

Webapp Scopes
  • There are basically 3 scopes that we are
    concerned with in a webapp
  • Application
  • Session
  • Request

URL http//confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence
Application Scope
  • Beans/Objects in this scope are shared between
    everything in the system
  • 1 instance of items in this scope for your entire
    web app
  • Items here will tend to survive for as long as
    the Servlet container
  • Items here are accessible to anything in the same
    Spring applicationContext
  • For Sakai, this would mean anything in the
    Component space
  • Items often have an unlimited lifetime
  • Items like this are typically used for managing
    access to resources and performing functions
    which are shared through the web app
  • e.g. logic and dao beans

Session Scope
  • Session typically refers to a user session (time
    between login and logout) but it could be a tool
    session, user/tool session, or other
  • Beans/Objects in this scope are unique for each
  • As well as being a "cheap" kind of persistence,
    the primary value of session beans lies in their
    being a kind of ''authenticated storage''.
  • These items are only accessible within the
    particular session, and in general the
    infrastructure is set up around session state to
    make it (very) hard in general for users to get
    access to each others session state.
  • Items have a limited lifetime but are long lived.
  • Items like this are often used to maintain state
    in the webapp for a workflow or for the entire
  • allows data to be stored without having to pass
    it between every page but should be used only
    when necessary to avoid breaking the standard
    statelessness of web applications

Request Scope
  • Request typically refers to a single page or http
    request cycle
  • Bean/Objects in this scope are unique for each
    request and will be created at the beginning of
    the request and destroyed at the end
  • Items are accessible for a very short time and
    only within this request
  • Items have a very limited lifespan which is
    typically fractions of a second
  • RSF encourages you to use request scope as
    opposed to the session scope
  • usually results in more usable and more efficient
  • Many situations which in other frameworks require
    the use of session beans are better handled by
    use of URL state
  • ViewParameters in RSF
  • Items like this are often used to process a
    request in some way
  • collecting submission data and processing
    navigation requests

Scopes illustrated
  • This image shows the state of memory in a
    container which is currently serving 3 web
    requests (X, Y and Z), on behalf of two different
    users/tools with sessions A and B.
  • Note access by multiple requests to the same
    session (X, Y gt A in this case) can cause
    problems in apps that are not set up to deal with
    this, and is best prevented by using the
    exclusive"true" annotation

RSF bean scopes
  • RSF uses Spring to control the lifecycle of
    various beans through a webapp created using it
  • You can inject any bean into any other bean as
    long as the scope of the injected bean is equal
    to or greater than the scope of the receiving
  • Consider that a bean at application scope can be
    identified uniquely to a bean in session or
    request scope because there is only one in the
    scope but going the other direction there could
    be multiple session and requests so those beans
    cannot be identified uniquely. Even if they could
    you would not want to try to use them because the
    lifetimes are radically different!

RSF ApplicationContext
  • RSF defines RSF related application context
    (scoped) beans through the applicationContext.xml
    file in the tool/src/webapp/WEB-INF directory
  • Most of these beans are used to configure and
    control the RSF web app
  • If you are using Sakai you will also likely have
    a components.xml file which is used to define
    things like logic and dao beans

RSF SessionContext
  • Looking at using the Spring session context in
    Spring 2.0.x
  • Coming soon (we hope)
  • Currently done using a bit of a hack with the
    request scope in the requestContext.xml file
  • Reading values from the session scoped beans can
    happen at any time

RSF RequestContext
  • RSF defines request scoped beans in the
    requestContext.xml file in the tool/src/webapp/WEB
    -INF directory
  • Processed using a very fast version of the
    standard Spring AC called RSAC
  • The values stored in request beans should be set
    via RSF EL only. Do not set these values by
    accessing the bean directly!
  • Reading values from the request scoped beans can
    only happen within the request cycle (probably in
    the producer)

URL http//www2.caret.cam.ac.uk/rsfwiki/Wiki.jsp?
  • Here is some real XHTML
  • It is also an RSF template!
  • To make a template, you simply add the rsfid
    attribute to tags which might have their content
    replaced when the app runs, or might need to be
    copied or moved about

lthtmlgt ltheadgtlttitlegtRSF samplelt/titlegtlt/headgt ltbod
ygt lth1gtHello ltspan rsfiduser-namegtUser
Namelt/spangtlt/h1gt Today is ltspan
rsfidcurrent-dategt1/1/2006lt/spangtltbr/gt lttable
gt lttr rsfiditem-rowgt lttd
rsfiditem-valuegtitem value herelt/tdgt
lt/trgt lt/tablegt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
RSF Templates
  • The template will load and render fine in any
    browser or editor
  • Properly, we will always give RSF templates a
    proper XHTML doctype, and namespace for the
    rsfid attribute
  • The rsfid attribute is the ONLY addition to the
  • RSF can actually render with any kind of XML
    template, not just XHTML
  • Processed using the RSF IKAT renderer

Transitional//EN" "http//www.w3.org/TR/xhtml
1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"gt lthtml
Using the Template
  • Everything in RSF is a Spring-configured bean of
    some kind
  • A special kind of bean called a Producer (or View
    Producer) is responsible for rendering a page
    from a template
  • The same Producer can render from many different
    templates, as long as the rsfids agree
  • The purpose of a Producer is to create a
    Component Tree of RSF Primitive Components
    which will get paired up with the template by the
    RSF renderer (IKAT)

View Producer
public class ItemsProducer implements
ViewComponentProducer, DefaultView ...
private CrudPlusLogic logic public void
setLogic(CrudPlusLogic logic) this.logic
logic public void fillComponents(UIContaine
r tofill, ViewParameters viewparams,
ComponentChecker checker)
UIOutput.make(tofill, "user-name",
logic.getUserName()) for (CrudPlusItem item
UIBranchContainer itemrow
UIBranchContainer.make(listform, "item-row",
item.getId()) UIOutput.make(itemrow,
item-value, item.getValue())
UIOutput.make(itemrow, current-date", new
Date().toString() )
  • Java code (a Spring bean) which defines what
    appears in the view
  • UIOutput and UIBranchContainer are primitive RSF
  • The 2nd arguments to the make() calls match up
    with the rsfids written in the template

RSF rendering basics
  • UIOutput will pair up with ANY tag in the
    markup. The 3rd argument will replace the body of
    the tag.
  • rsfid must not have a colon (e.g. item-title)
  • UIBranchContainer will also pair up with any
    tag. Represents a branch point in the rendering
    where a tag will be copied out again, missed out
    completely, or rendered out of order.
  • rsfid must have a colon (e.g. items-list)
  • Full details on all the RSF primitive components
    (like UILink, UIForm, UICommand) on the RSF wiki
  • http//www2.caret.cam.ac.uk/rsfwiki/Wiki.jsp?page

Registering a Producer
  • Spring beans typically live as long as the entire
    application (application scope)
  • RSF extends Spring with a fast request-scope
    implementation called RSAC
  • RSF Producers are typically declared as Spring
    beans at request scope
  • Request-scope beans go into requestContext.xml
    rather than applicationContext.xml, but the file
    format is the same
  • You can refer to any application-scope beans
    (including Sakai services) directly as
    dependencies of your request-scope beans

Example registration
  • In WEB-INF/requestContext.xml
  • Typically no need for an id since RSF detects and
    loads up producers by itself using Spring
  • The one dependency in this example is a bean
    representing a logic service at application scope

ltbean class"org.sakaiproject.crudplus.tool.produc
ers.ItemsProducer"gt ltproperty
name"logic" ref"org.sakaiproject.crudplus.logic
.CrudPlusLogic" /gt lt/beangt
RSF and Web MVC
  • RSF works with Spring Web MVC
  • A couple caveats
  • You lose the nice URL abstraction provided by RSF
    and have to manage your navigation yourself
  • You also lose the nice widgets in RSF
  • However
  • You keep the IKAT pure XHTML rendering
  • Will be working to better integrate this
  • Currently working to integrate Spring Web Flows
  • Can replace the current flows in RSF

RSF and Portlets
  • RSF apps can run as portlets
  • Most of the changes to get this to work are
    simply config files and jars which are required
    for portlets
  • In the ideal world, there would be a simple maven
    build option to create a portlet or a webapp
  • Not there yet though

  • RSF wiki, forums and JIRA
  • http//www2.caret.cam.ac.uk/rsfwiki
  • Spring framework
  • http//www.springframework.org/
  • Demos
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