Title: Prepared by
1Large PI System Redundancy, Performance and
Security Strategies
- Prepared by
- Craig Taylor
- (ctaylor_at_caiso.com)
- Christopher Russo (crusso_at_alum.mit.edu)
- Presentation to
- 2002 OSISoft Users Conference
- California ISO System Overview
- PI-UDS Hardware Cutover
- PI-UDS Network Monitoring Tool
- Large PI-UDS Primary Design Goals
- Tips/Potential Problems for Large Systems
- Discussion
3California ISO Factoids
- Territories covered
- Pacific Gas and Electric
- Southern California Edison
- Comision Federal de Electricidad
- Covers 124,000 square miles
- 21,000 circuit miles of transmission
- Approximately 600 generators
- 45,000 Megawatt summer peak load
- 23 billion energy consumed annually
4PI System Cutover
- Energy Management System Cutover December 2001
- From ABB Spider to ABB Ranger
- Ranger system improved reliability
- Included Universal Data Server hardware
upgrades - 150,000 points
- Currently worlds largest single system
5PI System Hardware Changes
6PI-UDS Issues Description and Containment
- ISO experienced client disconnects
- Potential service denial causes
- Large DataLink data queries tied up PI Archiving
Subsystem - Network suspected in some cases
- Disk subsystem suspected
- Question was How do we identify and fix? We
decided to get more network use information and
identify pi hogs - We wrote program to organize PICONFIG data in web
7Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
- Visual Basic program ran PICONFIG Command (every
5 minutes) - PICONFIG commands
- _at_login UDS_SERVER,piadmin,password,5450
- _at_mode list
- _at_table pinetmgrstats
- _at_ostru ID,ConStatus,ConTime,ConType,MsgRecv,MsgSen
rors,BytesRecv,BytesSent - _at_select ID
- _at_ends
8Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
- 1948,0 Success,20-Feb-02 074624,PI-API
,0.,0.,8620.,42437 - 56,0 Success,13-Feb-02 105606,PI-API
connection,107.,107.,pideE, IP.IP.IP.IP,
PeerName,-1,0.,0.,4752.,19628 - 3000,0 Success,4-Mar-02 055529,PI-API
connection,30.,30.,pideE, IP.IP.IP.IP,
PeerName,-1,0.,0.,1600.,1081. - 2727,0 Success,4-Mar-02 020711,PI-API
connection,1282.,1282.,pideE, IP.IP.IP.IP,
PeerName,-1,0.,0.,1.0027E005,2.614E005 - 2932,0 Success,26-Feb-02 104058,PI-API
IP.IP.IP.IP, PeerName,-1,0.,0.,4.2131E005,2.5783E
006 - 3202,0 Success,4-Mar-02 082919,PI-API
connection,15054,42290,pideE, IP.IP.IP.IP,
PeerName,-1,0.,0.,7.0155E005,1.2982E008 - 8625,0 Success,1-Mar-02 135418,PI-API
connection,79446,79446,PIPeE, IP.IP.IP.IP,
PeerName,-1,0.,0.,4.1275E007,1.934E007 - The important information is
- PeerName (The persons computer)
- Connection Time
- BytesRecv and BytesSent (Data amount transferred)
9Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
10Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
11Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
12Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer
Name IP.IP.IP.IP, Peer Name
13Monitoring UDS Use with PICONFIG
NOTE IP Addresses And Peer Names Removed for Secu
14Monitoring Tool Benefits
- Enabled quick PI user hog identification
- Helped to identifying and optimize abusive
15PI System Hardware Changes
16- Christopher Russo
- Russo Associates
- www.russoandassociates.com
- Large PI-UDS Primary Design Goals
- Tips/Potential Problems for Large Systems
17Designing Large PI SystemsPrimary Goals
- Reliability Robustness
- Avoiding single-element failure
- Redundancy
- Clustering Solutions
- Hardware (GeoCluster, Marathon, Legato, EMC)
- Software (MSCS, Unix)
- Performance
- Server tweaking
- Archive parameters, bottlenecks
- Redundant Solutions
- IP Load Balancing
- Different Servers
- PI to PI Distribution
18Peak Performance Tips
- Decide what youre realistically going to need
- Consider dedicated systems for specific
applications - OS/Hardware Specific
- Network performance and latency
- Disk performance disk striping, fiber-channel,
dedicated hardware - Processor, network subsystem
- PI-Specific Parameters
- Archive Subsystem Tuning
- Archive cache record tuning
- Update subsystem tuning
- Tuning for real-time performance versus
historical retrieval - Considerations for totalizer users
- Pre-digesting of specific calculations
19Large System Potential Problems
- Performance monitoring only manages some
bottlenecks - Certain requests can still nuke the server
- Loading and unloading records into memory is
time-consuming - Shutdown times increase linearly with archive
ratio size - Memory image cannot exceed 2 GB
- Microsoft IP Load-Balancing doesnt help PI
- Connections are stateful and are not all equal
- Achieving bumpless transfer is difficult
without hardware solutions
20Archive Subsystem Bottlenecks
21Our PI 4 Wish List
- A true multi-threaded archive subsystem
- A connection and request logging facility
- Not just who and how much, but what
- A way to restrict expensive API queries or users
- A point-database change-log feature
- The issue of meta-data
- Some current workarounds with scripts
- Implemented in PI 3.3
- Questions Discussion