Title: Consuelo C' Casula Resonating with Femininity
1 Resonating with the Feminine the Philosophical
Point of View Consuelo C. Casula Phoenix,
December 9, 2007
2- Philosophy
- Philosophy helps us to become
- Intellectually Rich, enhancing knowledge, and
amazement - Conceptually based, requiring logic, reasoning,
and dialectic - Spiritually deep, developing values and virtues,
reaching eudaimonia (self-realization), sophia
(wisdom) and phronesis (common sense, prudence)
3 Philosophy as art of Midwifery. Give birth to
open ended ideas in order to live with PEACE
4PEACE Problem Emotion Analysis Contemplation Equ
5- Philosophy suggests ways of living with
- Breadth of thoughts
- Depth of feelings
- Flexibility of actions
6Breadth of thoughts brings knowledge Knowledge
comes from our senses, from direct and indirect
experience and from reflection on what we have
experienced Knowledge opens our senses,
associates and dissociates with natures
connection Knowledge helps us to separate
instinct from reason.
7Depth of feelings brings amazement Amazement,
like Philosophy, is the mother of philosophical
thinking, is the art of asking questions What
is useful? What is right?, What is good? Who
am I? What can I do? What do I want ?
8Flexibility of actions brings wisdom. Wisdom is
the art of transforming suffering into knowledge,
pain into development of hidden
resources. Wisdom is the awareness that
Nothing human is alien to me.
(Terence) Wisdom is following natures laws
9- Natures laws
- Nature loves diversity. It teaches to accept
diversities - Nature loves mystery. It teaches you to discover
what is hidden - Nature loves changes. It teaches to accept
transformation, growth, death.
10 From the wisdom of natures laws we can learn
Open listening True dialogue Honest care
11Open listening Open listening is a manifestation
of sincerity, empathic attention, deep
comprehension of the other. Open listening is
the ability to be receptive, tolerant,
compassionate, kind, polite. Open listening is
the true expression of our humanity.
12True dialogue True dialogue is made of equal
individual two equal individuals make a true
dialogue In a true dialogue no one is superior,
each is vulnerable, together they are creating a
process of change based on reciprocal
trust. True dialogue brings serenity, harmony
with differences, acceptance of diversity,
13- Honest care
- Honest care creates a bond of trust, recognition,
loyal reciprocity through - Vigilance, prevention of actions that could hurt
others. - Repair to make amends for the suffering we may
have caused to others. - Devotion and commitment to reach our
fulfillment, eudaimonia