Title: Taking into account meta-programming concerns in static program verification
1Taking into account meta-programming concerns in
static program verification
Verifying with a Security Manager
2 that fails
A classic scenario
package b class A /_at_ modifies \nothing
_at_ exsures false _at_/ public
A() // it does nothing basically
java different.Main gt Exception in thread
"main" java.lang.SecurityException at
a.b.Main1.checkPackageAccess(Main.java9) .
package different class Main /_at_ modifies
\nothing _at_ exsures false _at_/
public main(String args) b.A a
new b.A()
- The semantic is unexpected
- A JVM level component interfere
- It is specified nowhere
- How to verify correctly this program? (which
semantic?) - AOP is all about that
- It really looks like a cross cutting concern
- The Security Manager is an aspect
- An invasive aspect
- We need a framework to verify that!
5A framework for meta-programming concerns
- What are meta-programming concerns?
- Meta-programs change the semantic of your virtual
machine(s) - Meta-programs are invasive
- Meta-programs are non-modular
- Meta-programs are aspects
- AspectJ programs
6Modelling a Security Manager with Aspects
For our 2 lines program public void main()
b.A b new b.A()
public aspect SecurityManager SetltStringgt s
new HashSetltStringgt() pointcut
anyPublicMethod(Object o) target(o) call(
public ()) before(Object o)
anyPublicMethod(o) String pkg
if(!s.contains(pkg)) s.add(pkg) if(pkg.equa
ls("b")) throw new SecurityException()
pkg "b"
s is empty, so it doesnt contain b yet
pkg "b" the exception is thrown
7What verification process?
- Fully annotate the program and advices
- Abstract the advices
- Transform everything into BoogiePL
- Weave the abstracted advices
- Compute the weakest precondition
- We annotate the program code and the advices
- Language used Pipa
- Pipa vs. JML
- Here we will limit to before specs
9The annotated base program
/_at_ requires o ! null s ! null _at_
assignable \nothing _at_ ensures
s.contains(o.getClass().getPackage()) _at_
!(o.getClass().getPackage().equals("b")) _at_
exsures (SecurityException) !s.contains("b") _at_
_at_/ before(Object o) anyPublicMethod(o)
/_at_ assignable \nothing _at_ ensures
s.contains("b") _at_ exsures (SecurityException)
_at_ !s.contains("b") _at_/ public
static void main(String args) b.A a new
- Lighter manipulation
- Aspects become models
/_at_ public model class SecurityManager _at_
public invariant s ! null _at_ model SetltStringgt
s _at_ _at_ requires o ! null s ! null _at_
assignable \nothing _at_ ensures
_at_ !(o.getClass().getPackage().equals("
b")) _at_ exsures (SecurityException)
!s.contains("b") _at_
(o.getClass().getPackage().equals("b")) _at_
public model void beforeAnyPublicMethod (Object
o) _at_/
11Go Boogie!
- Bytecode verification
- The only semantic of weaving for AspectJ
- Using BML annotation language
- Transform everything in BoogiePL guarded commands
- Lehner Müller 07
12Base program Boogied
init // initialization of the method old heap
heap reg0 0 assume requires(main,
(old heap, 0)) // true start // beginning of
the program heap add(heap, b.A) // new
call stack0 new(heap, b.A) arg0
stack0 // constructor call pre heap
heap assert arg0 ! null assert
requires(b.A.ltinitgt, pre heap, arg0) havoc
heap goto b.A.ltinitgt normal, b.A.ltinitgt
excp b.A.ltinitgt excp havoc stack0
assume alloc (stack0, heap)
typeof(stack0) ltThrowable assume
exsures(b.A.ltinitgt, (pre heap, arg0),
(heap, stack0)) goto handler b.A.ltinitgt
normal havoc stack0 assume
ensures(b.A.ltinitgt, (pre heap, arg0),
(heap, stack0)) post //
post condition and exception handler assert
ensures(main, (old heap, 0), (heap, stack0))
// s.contains("b") goto handler
assert exsures(main, (old heap, 0), (heap,
stack0)) // !s.contains("b")
13Verification conditions
- Weaving rules
- Belblidia Debbabi 06
- How weaving is done?
- The wp used is the one that is described in
Leinos paper Weakest precondition over
unstructured programs
14Related work
- Static verification usually modular, with
restrictions - Cliftons PhD thesis
- Kunz Hoare logic
- Krishnamurti model checking framework
- No implementation available, and often
unrealistic frameworks
- Non-modular verification framework
- Simple
- Realistic
- Using lots of existing technologies
- Targets a real language
16Future work
- Specification with aspects is hard
- Implementation as soon as JML AST gets stable
again - The other half of the framework depends the
realization of Mobius PVE
17- For more infos, you can read my paper "Taking
into account Javas." on my webpage