Title: lugubrious, adj'
151. lugubrious, adj. Mournful, dismal, or
gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or
unrelieved manner lugubrious songs of lost love.
252. metempsychosis, n. muh-tem-suh-koh-sis,
-temp-, met-uhm-sahy- Transition of the soul of
a human being at death into another body, whether
human or beast.
353. mitosis, n. The process in cell division by
which the nucleus divides.
454. moiety, n. A half an indefinite portion,
part, or share.
555. nanotechnology, n. The science and technology
of building devices, such as electronic circuits,
from single atoms and molecules.
6 56. nihilism, n. An advocate of the doctrine
that nothing either exists or can be known.
757. nomenclature, n. A set or system of names or
terms, as those used in a particular science or
art, by an individual or community, etc. the
names or terms comprising a set or system.
858. nonsectarian, adj. Not affiliated with or
limited to a specific religious denomination.
959. notarize, v. To certify (a document,
contract, etc.) or cause to become certified
through a notary public.
1060. obsequious, adj. Showing a servile readiness
to fall in with the wishes or will of another.