Title: Personal Development Planning
1Personal Development Planning
Rob Ward
The one-stop shop for the HE Progress File
2Origins of the HE Progress File
- Dearing HE Inquiry Recommendation 20
- We recommend that Institutions of Higher
Education, over the - medium term, develop a Progress File. The File
should consist of two elements - A Transcript recording student achievement which
should follow a common format devised by
institutions collectively through their
representative bodies - A means by which students can monitor, build and
reflect upon their personal development (Personal
Development Planning/Recording). -
- National Committee of Inquiry into Higher
Education, 1997
3Personal Development Planning
- Defined a structured and supported process
undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their
own learning, performance and/or achievement and
to plan for their personal, educational and
career development. - Policy Intentions to help students
- become more effective, independent and confident
self-directed learners - understand how they are learning and relate their
learning to a wider context - improve their general skills for study and career
management - articulate their personal goals and evaluate
progress towards their achievement - and encourage a positive attitude to learning
throughout life. -
- 5 year lead-in-time (2005/06 start date) for the
implementation of policy across the whole system
and for all HE awards. - More recently
- ..we will review . the progress being made
on the use of transcripts and personal
development portfolios. We want them to
be used to enable learners to understand
and reflect on their achievements and to present
those achievements to employers, institutions and
other stakeholders. HE Strategy Paper.
4Progress to date-different ways of seeing
- Another
- Load of educational jargon.
- Job to do.
- Form filling, paper-pushing activity.
- Demand from the QAA.
- Distraction from why I am here.
- Activity the students dont want.
- But (there is another way of seeing)
5Reaction to PDPAn Alternative Academic
- Something academics are doing already, so..
- not a new idea, but a mainstream academic
process. - Offers coherence to a range of contexts.
- Technology can serve and support the process,
but... - A central/local policy balance, so customisable
frameworks' for practice. - Needs student responsibility and staff
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8PDP and Effective Learning
- PDP enhances learning i.e. there are positive
outcomes when the process of learning involves
reflection and action planning. - Gough, D.A., Kiwan, D., Sutcliffe, S., Simpson
D. and Houghton N (2003) A systematic map and
synthesis review of the effectiveness of personal
development planning for improving student
learning. - Report on-line at
- http//eppi.ioe.ac.uk/EPPIWeb/home.aspx?page/reel
9PDP and Employability
- Significance of review, reflection and planning
to graduate employability - employers
increasingly require individuals to know their
own capabilities, values and vision, which these
processes can help them to develop. - Research for the QAA confirmed the relevance of
PDP to - Initial applications, particularly when
responding to questions which require reflective
understanding - Preparation for assessment centres
- Development within organisations (Appraisal and
10PDP and Student Achievement (MRASG)
- Key areas
- Review current methodologies for representing
(describing, measuring and recording) student
achievement. - Identify progress on use of transcripts and
personal development portfolios. - Consider more sophisticated ways of measuring
value added. - Evaluate recent research on the honours
classification system consider possible
alternative methods for presenting the overall
achievements of students. - Build upon the best current practice on credit
systems, and to scale this up so that there is
widespread and consistent use of credit across
higher education. - Report available at
- http//bookshop.universitiesuk.ac.uk/downloads/mea
11PDP and eportfolio
- The e-dimension
- Fit for purpose? systems centred on the learner
and which reflect processes they seek to support. - Institutional Embedding, commonality vs.
diversity - IT systems emphasise commonality,
paper-based practice tends to work best with
local context, ownership. - Differentiation, which elements are most
effectively managed electronically, which by
human intervention. - Contextualised Technology who has access to
which record systems? - Interoperability how to ensure records are
transferable between systems. - The personal dimension
- Staff motivation and capabilities, student
motivation and capabilities, being able to
respond to the whats in it for me question.
12PDP and Postgraduate Researchers Minimum
threshold standards
- Selection/admission/enrolment/inductionstudent
and institution to sign up to an agreement on the
desired outcomes of the RDP. - Supervisory arrangements regular structured
interations between the student and the
supervisor/s to report discuss and agree academic
and personal progress.. - Development of research and other skills student
and supervisor/s to identify and agree a
training needs analysisas part of the induction
process. Student training needs to be reviewed
regularlystudent to maintain a jointly agreed
record of personal progress in the development of
research and other skills.
13QAA Code of Practice for Research Students
- Institutions will put in place and bring to the
attention of students and relevant staff clearly
defined mechanisms for formal reviews of student
progress, including explicit review stages. - Institutions will provide guidance to students,
supervisors and others involved in progress
monitoring and review processes about the
importance of keeping appropriate records of the
outcomes of meetings and related activities. - Institutional guidance may be facilitated by
the introduction of electronic logs, such as can
be made available through institutional portals,
perhaps as part of personal development planning
(PDP). - Each student's development needs will be
identified and agreed jointly by the student and
appropriate academic staff, initially during the
student's induction period they will be
regularly reviewed during the research programme
and amended as appropriate. - Institutions will provide opportunities for
research students to maintain a record of
personal progress, which includes reference to
the development of research and other skills.
14Personal Development Planning for Postgraduates
- ..postgraduates welcome the idea of PDP. Many
schemes however seem to swamp the research
student leading to half-heartedness and poor
implementation. One key problem is that
supervisors often do not fully recognise the
importance of PDP and without their support,
students often lose interest and the schemes
become more of a chore than a benefit. Although
PDP should be student owned and implemented,
strong support and encouragement from supervisors
is imperative. - PDP can bring the structure often seen in taught
p/g programmes into research degrees. This
should avert the tunnel blindness often developed
by the narrow focus of a thesis and result in a
broader context of learning which is essential
for future career prospects. - National Postgraduate Committee
15Where from Here?
- Audit existing practice/build upon existing
expertise. - Be clear what is it we want to achieve through
PDP, and what to avoid. - Be clear on costs and workloads are we talking
about - Embedding PDP in the curriculum?
- Replacing existing activities with new ones based
around PDP? - New build' - adding PDP on top of existing