Implementing Remote Procedure Calls - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementing Remote Procedure Calls


Introduction. Definitions, Mechanism, Structure, Environment, and ... 1. Introduction. 1.2 Mechanism. Caller invoke a remote procedure and ... Introduction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Implementing Remote Procedure Calls

Implementing Remote Procedure Calls
  • Andrew D. Birrell and Bruce J. Nelson
  • Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
  • Published ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,
    Vol. 2, No. 1,
  • February 1984, pages 39-59.
  • Presented by Gary Huang
  • October 4, 2006

  • Introduction
  • Definitions, Mechanism, Structure, Environment,
    and Goals
  • Binding
  • Naming location, Interface (type, instance),
    and Binding Events
  • Transport Protocol
  • Simple Calls and Complicated Calls
  • Exceptions
  • Processes - Optimizations
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Conclusion

1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Definitions
  • Procedure Calls
  • Transfer of control and data within a program
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
  • Extend procedure calls across communication
  • Caller
  • Environment that invokes RPC
  • Callee
  • Environment where procedure is to execute

1. Introduction
  • 1.2 Mechanism
  • Caller invoke a remote procedure and get
  • Parameters are passed across the network to the
  • Callee executes the procedure and produce
  • Results are passed back to the caller and caller
    resumes execution.
  • The authors wanted their implementation of this
    concept to be relatively transparent to the
    programmer, so that an RPC call would look and
    feel semantically like a local procedure call.

1. Introduction
  • 1.3 Structure
  • Five pieces involved the user, the user-stub,
    the RPC communications package (RPCRuntime), the
    server-stub, and the server.

1. Introduction
  • 1.4 Environment
  • Cedar
  • developing and programming environment.
    Designed to be used on single-user workstation.
    Also used for the construction of servers.
  • Dorado
  • Powerful machine with 24 bit virtual address
  • Network
  • 2.94 megabit / sec Ethernet
  • Protocol
  • PUP
  • Language
  • Mesa (modified for the purpose of Cedar)

1. Introduction
  • 1.5 Goals
  • To make distributed computation (i.e. RPC) easy
  • To make RPC communication efficient
  • To provide secure communication with RPC

2. Binding
  • 2.1 Naming and Location
  • Naming Specifying what machine a caller wants to
    bind to.
  • Location Determining machine address of the
    callee and specifying the procedure of the callee
    to be invoked.

2. Binding
  • 2.2 Interface
  • The caller needs to bind to a callee that can
    perform the remote procedure. This is specified
    for the callee by the abstraction that the
    authors call an interface.
  • An interface consists of two components
  • (1) Type specify which interface the caller
    expects the callee to implement. This concept is
    similar to an object oriented programming
  • (2) Instance specify which particular
    implementer of an abstract interface is desired.
    The instance is similar to an object that
    implements the OOP interface.
  • For exampleType mail serverInstance a
    specific mail server of type mail server

2. Binding
  • 2.3 Binding Events

2. Binding
  • 2.3.1 Binding Events on Callee
  • The caller binds to the callee by specifying
    something to uniquely identify the callee (Naming
    in this case) and the callees location.
  • But first the caller must find out what callees
    are available to handle the request at the time
    of the procedure call. This is accomplished by a
    database lookup
  • When a callee wishes to export an interface (make
    it available to callers), it stores information
    about its interface in a network accessible

2. Binding
  • 2.3.2 Binding Events on Caller
  • The caller can then find the server callee in a
    database lookup
  • By specifying a particular instance of the
    desired interface type and receiving location
    information about that instance, or
  • By specifying the type of the interface and
    receiving a list of instances that implement that
    type, and then iterating through them to find an
    available match.

3. Transport Protocol
  • The protocol used is intended for small, discrete
    chunks of data, each of which can contain
  • Identifiers specifying caller, callee and call.
  • Requested procedure and procedure arguments.
  • Procedure results.
  • Acknowledgements of received packets.
  • Exception information.
  • Note a caller may send requests for
    acknowledgement to the callee, and as long as the
    callee responds, the caller may wait indefinitely
    for results if the remote procedure deadlocks or
    loops (just like local procedure calls).

3. Transport Protocol
  • 3.1 Simple Calls
  • Retransmission of a packet (either from caller or
    callee) occurs until an acknowledgement is
  • To the caller, a received packet containing the
    procedure results is viewed as an
  • To the callee, a received packet containing a new
    procedure call is viewed as an acknowledgement of
    the last procedure result sent.
  • Each call by the caller carries a unique
    identifier so that subsequent calls to the same
    procedure may be processed, but duplicate packets
    (from retransmissions) for the same call will be
  • Any given caller (process or thread on a given
    machine) will have at most one outstanding remote

3. Transport Protocol
  • 3.2 Complicated Calls
  • An acknowledgement is expected for each packet
  • The caller may send additional packets, called
    probes, if the callee is taking a long time to
    send results. After a certain threshold of probes
    sent without an acknowledgment, the caller may
    raise an exception to the user about a
    communication failure (again, a deadlocked callee
    cant be detected).
  • If the contents of a packet (procedure arguments
    or return results) are too large to fit in one
    packet, multiple packets are sent with all but
    the last requiring acknowledgement before
    transmission of the next. Each packet is
    sequentially marked.

4. Exceptions
  • Exceptions for RPC are published in a servers
    interface along with all of the normal procedure
  • The remote call acts just like a local call,
    propagating any exceptions back to the caller and
    any handlers that may be waiting there to catch
  • Callee can transmit an exception instead of
    result packet. Exception packet is handled as
    new call packet.
  • One additional exception is the RPCRuntime call
    failed exception, raised by the callee. This
    exception may be raised when there are
    communication difficulties.

5. Processes - optimizations
  • Processes
  • A server callee maintains a pool of available
    server processes to handle incoming requests
  • This saves the cost of creating a new process to
    handle each request.
  • A new process is created to handle a new request
    when the available processes are busy.
  • To save on the costs of context switches between
    processes, each packet contains Ids of calling
    and serving processes.
  • Optimizations
  • Minimize the costs of maintaining connections.
  • Avoid costs of establishing and terminating
  • Reduce the number of process switches involved in
    a call.
  • Other Optimizations
  • Use the subsequence packet as ACK
  • Bypass software layer if within same network

6. Security
  • Encryption end to end based security for calls
  • Garpevine can be used as an authentication server

7. Performance
  • Measurements made for remote calls between two
    Dorados computers connected by Ethernet (2.94
  • Ethernet shared with other users, but the network
    was lightly loaded.
  • Did not use any encryption facilities.
  • 12000 calls made on each procedure.
  • Interval timed is from the time the user invokes
    a local procedure to the return of the procedure
  • Listed below are times for remote procedures to
    complete in comparison to local procedure calls.

7. Performance
  • Performance Summary
  • Mainly RPC overhead not due to local call
  • For small packets, RPC overhead dominates
  • For large packets, transmission time dominates

8. Conclusion
  • The authors concluded that the RPC package was
    fully implemented and in use by Cedar
  • Implementations were created in a number of other
    languages, including C and SmallTalk.
  • Should encourage development of new distributed
    applications formerly considered infeasible.

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