Title: Truancy and Educational Neglect in Oakland County
1Truancy and Educational Neglect in Oakland
2What the Law Says AboutSchool Attendance ?
Requires all children between the ages of 6
and 16 to attend school. ? Attendance means
the student is present every day school is
in session. ? Parents are responsible to
comply with the law.
3Your Responsibility ? Are you required to
report truancy/educational neglect? ?
Who reports? ? To whom do you report? ?
How do you report? ? When do you report? ?
Why report?
4Identifying Truancy ? Truancy is when a
student, 12 years of age and older, has
missed 10 days of school. ? Educational
neglect is when a student, 12 years of
age and younger has missed 10 days of
5 Has district attendance policy been
met?? Does the student have a history of
absenteeism? ? Are there obvious causes for
his/her absenteeism? ? Does the student have
a medical condition making school
attendance difficult? ? Is the student
receiving Special Education services?
6 ? Has the student been bullied? ? Is the
student homeless? ? Does the student have poor
grades? ? How is the students home
life? ? Is the student in foster care?
7Team Approach ? Create a team of
professionals in your district. ? Teacher,
school social worker, administrator,
school counselor, school psychologist,
classroom paraprofessionals. ? Customize
your approach and treatment strategies for
every case.
8 ? Meet once a month during the school
year. ? Seek training for team members. ?
Identify or create district policy on
9Court Action ? Who goes to court? ? Why go
to court? ? What happens in court? ? Who is
your representative?
10Closing a File File is closed after 1 year of
compliance.File is closed when - ? the court
removes child from home district. ? the
child is home-schooled. ? the child
moves.Schools can request an extension.