Title: The Spaghetti Calorimeter in H1
1 The Spaghetti Calorimeter in H1
- why do we need the SpaCal ?
- SpaCal general features
- Three SpaCal electronics chains (energy, time
and trigger branch) - conclusion
2Physics motivation
- To extend DIS region for low Q2 (1 - 100 GeV2)
- to measure e- and hadronic final state in the
backward region with high resolution - to reject photoproduction, beam-gas and beam-wall
background (to improve E - pz resolution)
3SpaCal general features
4The SpaCal electronics chain
5SpaCal construction 1
Principle - active region consist of the lead
sheets and scintillating fibres - the whole
incident particle energy E is absorbed in lead
making a shower - shower products cause the
fibres to scintillate - the number of shower
particles N is proportional to the particle
energy E - the light from scintillator is
recorded by photomultiplier (PMT) and liberate
the electrons from the cathode by photoelectric
effect (required good cathode efficiency for
given wavelength)
light (N?)
accelerated e-
? Q (charge)
- photomultiplier
- very low noise level MeV - important for
measurement of MIP - operates in the high magnetic field
A - A, one layer
6SpaCal construction 2
7SpaCal energy branch
- provides
- raw cell energy (raw data)
- calibrated cluster energy (from the SpaCal
reconstruction, POT, DST) - Energy resolution for EM and HA
- very good resolution for electromagnetic
interacting particles (active length L 27
radiation lengths) - much more worse resolution for strongly
interacting particles - (L one hadronic interaction length )
8SpaCal trigger branch
- Provides
- veto for the events coming not in the time (not
from IP) (ToF/AToF Trigger) - trigger for electron candidates (Inclusive
Electron Trigger)
1. IET Trigger
IET trigger 4 x 4 EM cells 1 cluster bit
92. ToF/AToF Trigger
- particles coming from interaction point are late
with respect - to the proton background
- electron background comes in the time
10The SpaCal TDC system
- timing for all SpaCal channels with a precision
of ? 1 ns - monitoring of the trigger electronics by
histogramming - visual online information about the cell rates
(Timon - monitor in the North hall)
- TDC is able to measure the time within 32 ns
(1/3 of HERA clock) - peak at 7ns - proton background
- events between 15 - 27 ns are
- e-p events coming in the time
- ToF Window has width of 12ns
- peak at 17ns comes from high energetic
particles, called TDC offset
later e-p events because of ? the slewing
proton background ?
TDC offset ?
ToF (e-p)
TDC ns
11Time - energy dependence
- clear time-energy dependence up
to 1GeV, so called slewing effect - feature (imperfection) of the CFD
- very important effect at low energy (even gt 5
Idea correct the time by slewing with one common
5 - order polynomial function and offset (to put
the time to zero)
12Slewing correction
? for EM SpaCal - time resolution of 0.59 ns and
for HA 0.86 ns !!!
- EM SpaCal has very good energy resolution (at
30 GeV 2 ) - final calibration (KP double angle method)
provides (in absolute energy scale) precision 1
- SpaCal timing with slewing correction provides
resolution of 0.59 ns for EM, 0.86 ns for HA
SpaCal (it was very important tool for looking
for the source of the synchrotron radiation) - there are 2 online tdc histograms with slewing
correction on the L45 (numbers of the histogram
in zubr 20151, 20152) - SpaCal trigger provides IET and ToF/AToF trigger