Title: Nouns, Plural Nouns, Possessive Nouns, Plural Possessive Nouns
1Nouns, Plural Nouns, Possessive Nouns, Plural
Possessive Nouns
2Lesson Objective Students will be able to
identify nouns, plural nouns, possessive nouns,
and plural possessive nouns.
3rd Grade Communication Arts Curriculum
3What are Nouns?
4United Streaming Video
Basic Grammar Series The Nouns
5Plural Nouns, Singular Possessive, and Plural
Possessive activity Click here
Hi! My name is Betty Lou, and I can help you
I will observe the students participating in the
smart board activities for 100 accuracy.
7Lesson Summary
Have students discuss what the differences are
between nouns,plural nouns, possessive nouns, and
plural possessive nouns in their cooperative
groups. Then have them share with the rest of
the class.
Gasconade County R-2 3rd Grade Curriculum United
Streaming Nouns