David Kaplan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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David Kaplan


Flexibility in treating measurement error in the outcomes and predictors ... p-dimensional vector of measurement errors with a p x p covariance matrix T ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: David Kaplan

Two Methodological Perspectives on the
Development of Mathematical Competencies in Young
Children An Application of Continuous
Categorical Latent Variable Modeling
  • David Kaplan Heidi Sweetman
  • University of Delaware

Topics To Be Covered
  • Growth mixture modeling (including conventional
    growth curve modeling)
  • Latent transition analysis
  • A Substantive Example Math Achievement ECLS-K

Math Achievement in the U.S.
  • Third International Mathematics Science Study
    (TIMMS) has led to increased interest in
    understanding how students develop mathematical
  • Advances in statistical methodologies such as
    structural equation modeling (SEM) and multilevel
    modeling now allow for more sophisticated
    analysis of math competency growth trajectories.
  • Work by Jordan, Hanich Kaplan (2002) has begun
    to investigate the shape of early math
    achievement growth trajectories using these more
    advanced methodologies

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten
  • Longitudinal study of children who began
    kindergarten in the fall of 1998
  • Study employed three stage probability sampling
    to obtain nationally representative sample
  • Sample was freshened in first grade so it is
    nationally representative of the population of
    students who began first grade in fall 1999

Data Gathering for ECLS-K
  • Data gathered on the entire sample
  • Fall kindergarten (fall 1998)
  • Spring kindergarten (spring 1999)
  • Spring first grade (spring 2000)
  • Spring third grade (spring 2002)
  • Additionally, 27 of cohort sub-sampled in fall
    of first grade (fall 1999)
  • Initial sample included 22,666 students.
  • Due to attrition, there are 13,698 with data
    across the four main time points

Two Perspectives on Conventional Growth Curve
  • The Multilevel Modeling Perspective
  • Level 1 represents intra-individual differences
    in growth over time
  • Time-varying predictors can be included at level
  • Level 1 parameters include individual intercepts
    and slopes that are modeled at level 2
  • Level 2 represents variation in the intercept and
    slopes modeled as functions of time-invariant
    individual characteristics
  • Level 3 represents the parameters of level 2
    modeled as a function of a level 3 unit of
    analysis such as the school or classroom

Two Perspectives on Conventional Growth Curve
  • The Structural Equation Modeling Perspective
  • Measurement portion links repeated measures of an
    outcome to latent growth factors via a factor
    analytic specification.
  • Structural Portion links latent growth factors to
    each other and to individual level predictors
  • Advantages
  • Flexibility in treating measurement error in the
    outcomes and predictors
  • Ability to be extended to latent class models

Measurement Portion of Growth Model
? a q-dimensional vector of factors
? a p x q matrix of factor loadings
yi p-dimensional vector representing the
empirical growth record for child i
? p-dimensional vector of measurement errors
with a p x p covariance matrix T
n a p-dimensional vector measurement intercepts
K p x k matrix of regression coefficients
relating the repeated outcomes to a k
dimensional vector of time-varying predictor
variables xi
p of repeated measurements on the ECLS-K
math proficiency test q of growth factors k
of time-varying predictors S of
time-invariant predictors
Structural Portion of Growth Model
B a q x q matrix containing coefficients that
relate the latent variables to each other
? random growth factor allowing growth factors
to be related to each and to time-invariant
? q-dimensional vector of residuals with
covariance matrix ?
? a q-dimensional vector of factors
? a q-dimensional vector that contains the
population initial status growth parameters
G q x s matrix of regression coefficients
relating the latent growth factors to an
s-dimensional vector of time-invariant predictor
variables z
p of repeated measurements on the ECLS-K
math proficiency test q of growth factors k
of time-varying predictors S of
time-invariant predictors
Limitation of Conventional Growth Curve Modeling
  • Conventional growth curve modeling assumes that
    the manifest growth trajectories are a sample
    from a single finite population of individuals
    characterized by a single average status
    parameter a single average growth rate.

Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM)
  • Allows for individual heterogeneity or individual
    differences in rates of growth
  • Joins conventional growth curve modeling with
    latent class analysis
  • under the assumption that there exists a mixture
    of populations defined by unique trajectory
  • Identification of trajectory class membership
    occurs through latent class analysis
  • Uncover clusters of individuals who are alike
    with respect to a set of characteristics measured
    by a set of categorical outcomes

Growth Mixture Model
  • The conventional growth curve model can be
    rewritten with the subscript c to reflect the
    presence of trajectory classes

The Power of GMM (Assuming the time scores are
constant across the cases)
  • ?c captures different growth trajectory shapes
  • Relationships between growth parameters in Bc are
    allowed to be class-specific
  • Model allows for differences in measurement error
    variances (T) and structural disturbance
    variances (?) across classes
  • Difference classes can show different
    relationship to a set of covariates z

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GMM Conclusions
  • Three growth mixture classes were obtained.
  • Adding the poverty indicator yields interesting
    distinctions among the trajectory classes and
    could require that the classes be renamed.

GMM Conclusions (contd)
  • We find a distinct class of high performing
    children who are above poverty. They come in
    performing well.
  • Most come in performing similarly, but
    distinctions emerge over time.

GMM Conclusions (contd)
  • We might wish to investigate further the middle
    group of kids those who are below poverty but
    performing more like their above poverty
  • Who are these kids?
  • Such distinctions are lost in conventional growth
    curve modeling.

Latent Transition Analysis(LTA)
  • LTA examines growth from the perspective of
    change in qualitative status over time
  • Latent classes are categorical factors arising
    from the pattern of response frequencies to
    categorical items
  • Unlike continuous latent variables (factors),
    categorical latent variables (latent classes)
    divide individuals into mutually exclusive groups

Development of LTA
  • Originally, Latent Class Analysis relied on one
    single manifest indicator of the latent variable
  • Advances in Latent Class Analysis allowed for
    multiple manifest categorical indictors of the
    categorical latent variable
  • This allowed for the development of LTA
  • In LTA the arrangement of latent class
    memberships defines an individual's latent status
  • This makes the calculation of the probability of
    moving between or across latent classes over time

LTA Model
t 1st time of measurement t 1 2nd time of
measurement i, i response categories 1, 2I
for 1st indicator j, j response categories
1, 2J for 2nd indicator k, k response
categories 1, 2K for 3rd indicator i, j, k
responses obtained at time 1 i, j, k
responses obtained at time t 1 p latent
status at time t q latent status at time t 1
the probability of membership in latent
status q at time t 1 given membership in latent
status p at time t
d proportion of individuals in latent status p
at time t
the probability of response i to item 2 at
time t given membership in latent status p
the probability of response i to item 3 at
time t given membership in latent status p
the probability of response i to item 1
at time t given membership in latent status p
Proportion of individuals Y generating a
particular response y
Latent Class Model
Proportion of individuals Y generating a
particular response y
the proportion of individuals in latent class
the probability of response i to item 1
at time t given membership in latent status p
the probability of response i to item 2 at
time t given membership in latent status p
the probability of response i to item 3 at
time t given membership in latent status p
LTA Example
  • Steps in LTA
  • 1. Separate LCAs for each wave
  • 2. LTA for all waves calculation of
    transition probabilities.
  • 3. Addition of poverty variable

LTA Example (contd)
  • For this analysis, we use data from (1) end of
    kindergarten, (2) beginning of first, and (3) end
    of first.
  • We use proficiency levels 3-5.
  • Some estimation problems due to missing data in
    some cells. Results should be treated with

Math Proficiency Levels in ECLS-K
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LTA Conclusions
  • Two stable classes found across three waves.
  • Transition probabilities reflect some movement
    between classes over time.
  • Poverty status strongly relates to class
    membership but the strength of that relationship
    appears to change over time.

General Conclusions
  • We presented two perspectives on the nature of
    change over time in math achievement
  • Growth mixture modeling
  • Latent transition analysis
  • While both results present a consistent picture
    of the role of poverty on math achievement, the
    perspectives are different.

General conclusion (contd)
  • GMM is concerned with continuous growth and the
    role of covariates in differentiating growth
  • LTA focuses on stage-sequential development over
    time and focuses on transition probabilities.

General conclusions (contd)
  • Assuming we can conceive of growth in mathematics
    (or other academic competencies) as continuous or
    stage-sequential, value is added by employing
    both sets of methodologies.
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