Title: Psychology 101
1Psychology 101
- Brian Nosek
- nosek_at_virginia.edu
- 924-0666 Gilmer 015
- Office Hrs W 9-1030a
- Dieynaba Ndiaye (dgn2h_at_ Gilmer 323d M 1-3p)
- Shari Steinman (sas6sy_at_ Gilmer 202 M
Todays Music Selections
2Psychological Science
- How do humans work?
- Why do humans work that way?
Moral and Ethical codes
How should humans act? What is just, correct, or
moral behavior?
Psychology works by generating hypotheses and
submitting them to systematic empirical
4Error for Armed condition didnt shoot the
suspect Error for Unarmed condition shot the
Correll, Park, Judd, Wittenbrink, 2002, Study 2
5Assumptions of Scientific Psychology Materialism
Brains make minds Evolution Brains make
brains Idealism Minds make reality Sociality
Minds are networked Empiricism Measurement
Democritus Darwin
Kant Adam Smith
7Class Notes
- TAs Dieynaba Ndiaye, Shari Steinman
- Read Syllabus Carefully
- No Class Oct 11th
- Book Gray, Psychology, 5th Ed.
- Review sessions before each exam
- http//briannosek.com/teaching/101.htm
8Grading Criteria
- 3 midterms and a final
- Choice of grading scale
- Option 1 Option 2
- complete all midterms 2 of 3 midterms
- worst midterm 15 midterms 33.3 each
- best midterms 30 final 33.3
- final 25
- reward improvement
- Choice made by skipping an exam, no makeups
- VOID option
- Lecture and Book
- Multiple choice exams
- Lectures are not summaries of reading material
- Lecture what and why questions much more than
who, when, and where - Book focus questions
10Focus Questions
- Gray, Psychology, 5th Edition
- 1st exam 152 pages
- 2nd exam 90 pages
- 3rd exam 136 pages
- Final 96 pages big ideas from whole semester
- 4.5 pages per day
- Curve guarantees that at least 63-65 of class
will get in the B range or better - Curve applied to final grades only
- Therefore, no letter grades until final grade
13Participate in six credits of Psychology studies
- Register at
- http//www.virginia.edu/psychology/ppool/
- Finish 3 credits by October 21st
- Slides on web site by 10pm evening before class
- TA notes posted by day after class
- Direct (email or in person)
- Anonymous (website)
- Through TAs
16Psychology 101
- Key Ideas
- 1. Psychology is the study of us
- 2. Psychological science uses measurement and
observation to test hypotheses - 3. Psychology studies how humans work, not how
they should work
Next Time The Scientific Method