Title: Paul Field has been a composer, songwriter, singer
1Paul Field has been a composer, songwriter,
singer record producer for almost 30 years. His
songs have been recorded by many artists around
the world including Wynonna Judd, Cliff Richard
and Tammy Wynette and his arrangements range from
country and gospel through classical to rock
pop. He's also written music for TV, Film, and
Theatre productions.
Among his most memorable compositions are God of
the Moon and Stars, Testify to Love (which was a
US Number One hit for both Avalon and Wynnona
Judd), and the Millennium Prayer. . Pauls solo
concerts are an informal and entertaining mix of
songs, stories behind the songs, humour and
conversation. His song God of the Moon and
Stars has captured the imagination through
its simple but profoundly moving and powerful
theme of inclusiveness.
- Registered Charity No. 1083203
- Our objective is the relief of poverty among
street homeless people in West London - by the provision of accommodation, advice and
assistance. -
- Each winter for the last ten years, ten to twelve
churches of different denominations - have provided the venues for our emergency winter
night shelter, working in close - co-operation to ensure that our homeless guests
received the best service possible. -
- We are now the largest such service in London.
Our charity provides - Londons largest winter night shelter 35 bed
spaces every night November to April - Local churches provide the venues and the 200
strong volunteer team. - Guests receive a cooked evening meal and
breakfast and a safe, warm and welcoming - place to spend the night. We also provide food
and company to many others outside - the venues who cannot access the shelters
because they are full. - year-round daytime services including laundry,
clothing, washing facilities. - Caseworker service offering advice, advocacy
and practical support. - information on support services for homeless
people in west London