Title: The Norwegian Noise Annoyance Calculations
1The Norwegian Noise Annoyance Calculations
- The national target for noise reduction By 2010
noise annoyance shall be reduced by 25 per cent
from the 1999 level.
3Statistics Norways noise model
- Calculates data for noise impact and annoyance,
in Norway for 1999 and following years. - Estimates the noise from
- road traffic
- aircraft
- railways
- industry
- Results given as
- Noise Annoyance Index (SPI)
4Measuring noise annoyance
- Noise annoyance differs
- with the source of noise
- 60 dB of aircraft-noise more annoying than 60 dB
of railroad-noise - from person to person
- at the same noise level some will be higly
annoyed, some not annoyed at all. - Development of the Average Annoyance Score
5Average annoyance score
- dose-respons curve based on respondents
describing their annoyance due to noise - estimates on a scale from 0-1 how annoyed an
average person will be by noise from a particular
6Noise Annoyance Index (SPI)
- calculated by multiplying the number of exposed
persons within each noise-level with the average
annoyance-score for this level. - f.ex
- 100 persons exposed to 60 dB
- from Aircraft (1,83 x (60dB 38))/100 40
- from Railroad (1,19 x (60dB 36))/100 29
Annoyance scores from different noise levels and
sources can be added together to give a total
level of annoyance for a community.
7The noise model in general
8Calculation of railroad noise
- Noise emission calculated
- by the Nordic prediction method for railroad
noise - on the basis of
- train type
- trainlength during 24h (meter)
- speed (km/h)
- Result
- each railroadlink identified by a code and the
first and last kilometer of the link,
desibel-level generated - Distributed along a geographic railroad-layer
- using dynamic segmentation
- on the basis of a railroad link code, and the
first and last kilometers
9Dynamic segmentation Applying noise level to
10Noise emission Norwegian railroad network
11Noise level connected to adresses
distance railroad-adress measurred
12Noise at adress level
- Calculating noise reduction due to
- divergence (4 dB per. doubling of distance)
- air absorbsion
- correction for track conditions
- if the receving adress is an appartment building
- shielding from buildings in the neighbourhood
13Calculation of shielding
- Calculated for each adress individually
- Calculated on the basis of buildings between
adress and railroad - the buildings coordinates
- build-up area
- Calculates
- radius of the buildings base
- distance from adress to building
- the part of an 180o view angel that the buildning
will shield
14Shielding from buildings
15Calculation of road traffic noise
- Simmilar to the railroad calculations, except..
- The calculations are being done for one type of
road at the time - european roads
- national roads
- county roads
- local roads
- An adress is assigned the highest noise value
that reaches the adress
16Calculation of aircraft noise
- NORTIM-files
- noise levels in a point grid
- Used for calculation of
- emission of noise
- diffusion over the ground
- Noiselevel updated from trafficnumbers and noise
prognoses - Adresses connected to the nearest point in the
17Calculation of industry noise
- buisnesses (buisness register) located in
industry buildnings (GAB) - assigned a noiselevel dependent on NACE-code
- rate of change dependent on density of buildings
within ...? meters - adress is assigned the highest noiselevel that
reaches it