Title: Globalisation and the knowledge economy
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2Globalisation and the knowledge economy
- Ian Brinkley
- Director Knowledge Economy Programme
- Work Foundation
3Globalisation the story so far
- In OECD economies the big structural changes are
driven primarily by technology and markets, with
globalisation accelerating and reinforcing these
fundamental shifts - All OECD economies have seen an expansion of the
technology and knowledge based industries and
these have uniformly been big generators of new
jobs - Rapid growth in world trade and entry of BRIC
economies over past decade has been associated
with falling unemployment and rising living
standards across the OECD - Like all structural change, globalisation creates
highly visible losers and economic minuses and
less visible winners and economic pluses.
4Globalisation and manufacturing
- Even in the internationally exposed sectors of
the economy such as manufacturing, trade has
accounted for between 10 and 30 per cent of jobs
lost in the decade to 2002 (Rowthorne and
Coutts) - Many of the trade related impacts on jobs come
from North-North rather than North-South trade
(eg cars, engineering, high tech) - China is a low innovation, assembly economy with
many exports dominated by factories owned or
operating on behalf of US, Europe and Japanese
multi-nationals - Some of the increase in imports from China to
Europe is replacing imports we would have
otherwise taken from US and Japanese factories - Some economies such as the UK have been unable to
exploit the Chinese demand for high quality
production goods in contrast to, say, Germany.
5Offshoring of services
- No statistics on offshoring impact, so have to
rely on indirect measures, one-off studies and
monitoring - Most US studies suggest scale of actual job
losses to offshoring is very small share of
natural job loss rate in the economy - European Restructuring Monitor in 2005 found just
over 5 per cent of all job losses across the EU
from restructuring due to offshoring - UK offshoring scare in 2003 subsequent DTI/ONS
studies show employment went up in UK callcentres
and in occupations thought most vulnerable - Trade in technology and knowledge based services
(excluding transport, travel and tourism) is
almost all North-North - UK trade in services with India is small and
excluding travel and transport we export more
services by value to India than we import.
6UK-India knowledge services trade in
2004financial, business, high tech, cultural
services and royalties and licence fees. IT
related are computer, information, and
communication services. Source Pink Book, 2006
7Globalisation responses to competition from low
wage manufacturing exports
- High tech manufacturing now accounts for a higher
share of exports in UK, Germany, France compared
with the early 1990s but not in US and Japan - Except for the UK, the change has been modest and
the vast majority of EU manufacturing exports are
still from medium to low tech industries - There has been no shift in trade towards services
across the OECD - The big exception is the UK the only major OECD
economy (so far) to specialise in technology and
knowledge service trade
8Trading in ideas and knowledge - UK becomes a
world leaderBalance of trade as share of GDP in
2005WF definition business services, finance,
high tech, telecommunications, cultural,
education Source Eurostat/OECD. All figures
2005 except Japan, 2004.)
9Looking to the future are we being too
- Unprecedented scale of Chinese and Indian
economies makes previous experience with OECD
Asian economies unreliable guide - Technology and increased supply of knowledge
workers will create high skill-low wage
economies across the OECD - The first great unbundling of manufacturing
production to Asia will be followed by a second
great unbundling of service jobs - The great doubling will flood world labour
markets with unskilled, capital poor labour
pushing wages down among unskilled workers.
10Looking to the future an alternative view
- Although trade will become more important as an
agent of change, technology and markets will
remain the key drivers of economic restructuring
in major OECD economies - The pace of structural change in the exposed
sectors of the economy manufacturing and some
knowledge based services - will speed up as both
North-North and North-South trade increase - Big potential markets in non-OECD economies from
what the World Bank terms the global middle
class who will actively participate in the
global economy and demand high quality products
and high quality services - Global supply of knowledge workers may struggle
to keep up with demand, with OECD economies
increasingly competing to attract brightest and
11Looking to the future how do we cope?
- A more mature political and public debate too
easy for politicians and pundits to blame
globalisation for all the economic and social
ills of the world - Investment in human capital at all levels,
including expanding higher education, and
developing the science and technology base - A key issue will be how to cope with ever faster
structural change whether generated by
technology or trade and ensure individuals and
communities that lose out are effectively helped
and compensated - One option is to move further towards the
flexisecurity model of Nordics and Netherlands
liberal markets (including liberal migration
policies), strong active labour market policies
and more generous but employment friendly social
welfare safety nets.