Title: Title I Part A
1Title I Part A
- Diane R. Lowery
- NCLB Team Leader
- Title I Director
- May 2009
2Purpose of Presentation
- Indicate how ARRA will be identified in narrative
questions - Provide guidance on use of funds for Title I
purposes at the district and school levels - Indicate areas found to be problematic for
3Needs Assessment
- 7 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
- Include strategies paid with ARRA
- Indicate ARRA as funding source
4Title I Part A
- District Level
- School Level
- Schoolwide
- Targeted Assistance
- All programs at a district level are targeted
5District Level
- Coordination and Transition
- Migratory Students
- Homeless Students
- Private School Students
- Administration
- Professional Development
- Summer School
- Preschool
- RtI
- Parent Involvement
6Title I Administration
- 1.01. How is the Title I program being
administered? All districts must answer - Your answer must include
- Who is responsible for administering the Title I
program - If Title I funds are being used, what Percent of
FTE(Full Time Equivalent) per person (list
persons position or job title) - List the administrative duties of each person.
7Title I Administration
- 1.02. If Title I set-aside funds used for
administration of Title I, how are they used? - This directly correlates with Question 4 in the
School Selection section. - Include supplies, materials, capital acquisition
- Indicate if regular Title I funds are used
- Indicate if ARRA funds are used
8Title I Administrative Costs
- Reasonable and Necessary
- Title I Annual Report
- Percent of FTE
- Small districts should be using far less than 1
FTE for administrative costs - Time Distribution Records
- All expenditures for salaries must be supported
by time and effort logs - Generally done on a daily basis for administrators
9Administration of ESEA
- Timelines for Federal Programs
- http//doe.sd.gov/title/index.asp
- Task List
- http//doe.sd.gov/title/
- Title I programs should conduct regular staff
meetings to ensure compliance with Title I
10Professional Development
- 2. How is the district using Title I set aside
funds for professional development? (If
applicable.) This directly correlates with
Question 4 in the School Selection section. - Your answer must include
- What activities are supported with the set aside
funds Indicate ARRA funds - How funds are used to support only Title I
11Professional Development
- Your answer must include
- If the LEA is in District Improvement, briefly
describe that the 10 set-aside will be used to
support the district's improvement plan. - If one or more Title I schools are in Levels 1
2 of improvement, briefly describe how the
required 10 set aside for PD is being used. - If applicable, indicate the private school
equitable share and describe how those funds will
be used. - Include supplies and materials
12(No Transcript)
13Summer School
- 3.01. If the district is using Title I set aside
funds to support a District level Title I summer
school program describe those services. This
directly correlates with Question 4 in the School
Selection section. - Include supplies and materials
14Summer School
- Your answer must include the following
- Describe the type of program
- Services the program will provide
- Grade(s) level services will be provided.
- If applicable, indicate the private school
equitable share and describe how those funds will
be used. - Indicate ARRA funds month/year
15Summer School
- 3.02. If providing District Title I summer
program, please check the appropriate dates - July 2007
- August 2007
- June 2008
- No Program
- All students served must be coded in SIMS as
Title I students for the grant year in which the
services are rendered
16Student Coding in SIMS
- Title I
- Targeted assistance
- Summer school
- Homeless
- Special Education
- Poverty
- Mandatory
- Confidential
- 3 sources of info
- Should be similar
- Consolidated App
17District Summer School
- Title I students identified across the district
- Student needs assessment to identify academic
need in reading and math - Cannot be credit recovery, but Title I teachers
could assist student - Add Title I duties to existing staff
- All teachers must be HQT for each grade and
- 4.01. Do you operate a District Title I
preschool? This directly correlates with
Question 4 in the School Selection section. If
operating a school-level Title I preschool,
answer preschool questions in the School Level
Targeted Assistance or Schoolwide sections. - Yes
- No
- No Preschool program
19Title I Preschool
- District level preschools
- An LEA may reserve an amount from the LEAs total
allocation to operate a Title I preschool program
for eligible children in the district as a whole
or for a portion of the district. Section
1112(b)(1)(K), ESEA. - The district level program must be run as a
targeted assistance program, not schoolwide.
20Title I Preschool
- 4.04. Check the criteria used to select at-risk
preschool children. (Check all that apply) - Teacher Judgment, Parent Interview, Assessment,
Child Development Measures, Family Income (can be
used as only one factor in student needs
21Title I Preschool
- Targeted programs
- To be eligible to attend, preschool-age children
must be failing or most at risk of failing to
meet the States challenging student academic
achievement standards - The use of family income to determine eligibility
for Title I preschool is allowable, but children
should not be identified for Title I preschool
solely on the basis of family income.
22Title I Preschool
- Student Needs Assessment
- multiple, educationally related, objective
criteria established by the LEA - made on the basis of criteria such as teacher
judgment, interviews with parents, and
developmentally appropriate measures of child
development. Section 1115(b), ESEA.
23Title I Preschool
- For the purpose of Title I, a preschool program
is a program of educational services for eligible
children below the age at which the LEA provides
elementary education and is focused on raising
the academic achievement of children once they
reach school age. Section 1115(b)(1)(A)(ii),
ESEA. - In some States, elementary education begins at
first grade in others it begins at kindergarten
or before. - SD elementary school starts with kindergarten
24Title I Preschool
- Title I can be used to provide preschool services
for children ages 3-4 but not for students who
are age eligible to attend kindergarten. - Who is considered a preschool-age child?
- A preschool-age child is one who is below the
grade level and age at which the LEA provides
elementary education. 34 CFR Section 77.1(c).
For the purposes of Title I, children from birth
to the age that the LEA provides a free public
elementary education may receive preschool
services. Section 1115(b)(1)(A)(ii), ESEA.
25Title I Preschool
- Title I funds cannot be used to support a Junior
Kindergarten. - Program does not meet the state definition for
elementary education - Children cannot attend a Title I preschool as
they are of eligible age for free public
education - An at-risk kindergarten may best serve these
26Title I Preschool
- Funding
- Title I funds can only be used to supplement, not
supplant state or local funds. - If state or local funds are used to support the
preschool, Title I funds can only be used to
supplement the preschool services for children
eligible for Title I services - Allowable costs
- 4.10. Describe the scientifically based
curriculum used and its contents. (Pre-school) - Your answer must include the following
- Describe the curriculum
- Describe how the program meets Head Start
Performance standards - Describe how the early learning guidelines are
incorporated into the preschool curriculum - If no program, indicate in answer.
28RtI (Response to Intervention
- 5. If the district is using the RTI model in any
of its schools, please describe the model - Your answer must include
- Schools
- Grades Subjects
- Assessments used for universal screening and
progress monitoring - Indicate ARRA funds
29- How can ARRA Title I fund be used for
professional development, and particularly for
Response to Intervention (RtI programs? - A. Section 1115 for targeted assistance schools
and 1114 for schoolwide programs provide
information about using Title I funds for
professional development. Funds set aside at the
district level for professional development must
follow the rules for targeted assistance
programs. When considering using Title I funds
to support professional development for RtI
programs, Title I would not be able to pay for
professional development related to core
instruction, but could pay for Title I teachers
and other staff who have Title I students in
their classrooms to have training related to
interventions for Title I students.
30Assurance Statement
- 6. Describe how principals of each school
operating a Title I program attest annually in
writing to whether such school is in compliance
with the requirements of section 1119
(Qualifications for Teachers and
Paraprofessionals). Section 1119 of ESEA
31HQT in Title I Programs
- Teachers must be HQT for each grade and subject
- All core content teachers in a SW program must be
HQT - HQT must be obtained prior to the first contract
day - HQT for Title I and IDEA guidance
32QP in Title I Programs
- Paras in Title I programs must
- Be qualified no exceptions
- Adhere to the limitations of their role,
regardless of the level of their qualifications - Targeted Assistance
- Work under the direct supervision of the Title I
teacher -- same room - Cannot go into the classroom
- no lesson planning
33QP in Title I Programs
- Paras in Title I programs must
- Schoolwide
- Work under the direct supervision of any HQT
- Work in same rooms as supervising teacher
- No pull-outs
- no lesson planning
34Parents Right to Know
- 7. How are parents informed about their right to
know the qualification of their student's
teacher? Section 1111(h)(6) of ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- Describe what is listed in the parents right to
know notice. (An LEA that accepts Title I, Part
A funding must notify parents of students in
Title I schools that they can request information
regarding their childs teacher, - (2) whether the child is provided services by
paraprofessionals, and if so, their
qualifications. Section 1111 (h)(6)(A)(iv) of
35District Parent Involvement Policy
- Annually reviewed and evaluated
- Revise as necessary
- Distribute to all parents of children in Title I
programs, including private school participants
36District Parent Involvement Policy
- Whether the Parent Involvement Policy must be
reviewed by the school board is a local decision
informed by the content of the document. - A district must be able to implement its policies
through whatever review process the district
371 Set-Aside for PI
- 10. How is the Districts 1 Title I set aside
for parent involvement used? (Only applicable for
districts required to set aside 1 for Parent
Involvement.) Section 1118 (a)(3) of ESEA This
directly correlates with Question 4 in the School
Selection section. - More districts will meet this threshold with the
regular Title I and ARRAR funds combined.
38- Your answer must include
- Describe the activities (may include family
literacy, parenting skills, or other activities
chosen by parents) - How parents shall be involved in the decisions
regarding the use of these funds - Describe the process the district uses to ensure
that not less than 95 of the set aside is
allocated to the Title I schools for Parent
Involvement. - If not applicable, indicate such in answer.
- If applicable, indicate the private school
equitable share and describe how those funds will
be used. - Indicate ARRA funds
39School Parent Involvement Policy
- Annually reviewed and evaluated
- Revise as necessary
- Distribute to all parents of children in Title I
40Nearly every district has at least one finding
during monitoring related to
- District Parent Involvement Policy
- School Parent Involvement Policy
- School Parent Compact
- Two issues
- All components included
- Distribution to parents and staff knowledge of
41Parent Involvement
- A tool kit for parent involvement has been posted
on the Title I website http//doe.sd.gov/oess/tit
le/1Abasic/sec1118.asp - These tools provide examples of information
sheets, checklists, letters, surveys, and other
resources SEAs, LEAs, and schools use to assist
them in implementing Title I, Part A notification
and involvement provisions
42Coordination and Transition
- Goal Effective communication, coordination
between ECE programs and public school to build a
more continuous educational experience for young
children and their families. - Revised plan template
43Plan Components
- Program Development
- Coordination and Communication
- Transition Process
- Professional Development
- Parent Involvement and Education
- Evaluation
44Framework, Guidance, and Slides from the November
20, 2008 Live Meeting may be found at
45- 12.01. Briefly describe the district's written
coordination and transition plan. Section
1120B(b) Section 1112(b)(1)(E) Section
1114(b)(1)(G) and Section 1115(c)(1)(D) of ESEA - Your answer should include
- A summary of the district's plans
- A list of the agencies and programs the district
is coordinating with and how - Indicate agreements with Head Start and other
agencies - Describe the communication process among all
stakeholders - Indicate how parents are involved in the design
of the plan and needs are met - Describe professional development opportunities
provided through collaboration.
46- 12.02. Describe the districts transition
process. Section 1120B(b) Section
1112(b)(1)(E) Section 1114(b)(1)(G) and Section
1115(c)(1)(D) of ESEA - Your Answer must include
- to prepare four-year-old children and their
families for kindergarten - for children with disabilities transitioning from
one program to another (guidance and framework
documents coming soon) - List sample activities and approximate timeframe
- Describe the procedure for transferring records..
47- 12.03. How is the coordination and transition
plan annually evaluated? Who is involved with
this evaluation? Section 1120B(b) Section
1112(b)(1)(E) Section 1114(b)(1)(G) and Section
1115(c)(1)(D) of ESEA - Your answer must include
- Description of the evaluation process and
criteria used, - Describe when the evaluation takes place,
- Indicate the names and positions of the
evaluation team (must include at a minimum
district staff, Head Start, representation of
early childhood agencies in district, and
48Monitoring of Coordination and Transition
- Currently, districts received a finding when no
plan exists. Starting in the 2009-2010 school
year there will be an additional consideration. - Districts that fail to have a plan that has all
of the required components and have the
components well developed will receive a finding.
49Migratory Students
- 13.01 Indicate the name and position of the
person in the school district that is responsible
for the identification of migratory students. - 13.02. Has the district identified any migrant
students in either Title I Part A schools or
non-Title I Part A schools during the previous
year? - 13.03 Has the school district completed a
certificate of eligibility for each identified
migrant student? - 13.04 Has the school district provided identified
and eligible migrant students with free school
meals during the previous school year?
50Homeless Students
- 14.01. Describe how the district homeless liaison
and the Title I Coordinator communicate and
collaborate. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
Act of 2001 (42 U.S.C. 11431) Section 722 of
ESEA - District homeless liaison and district Title I
coordinators are required to communicate and
collaborate on an ongoing basis even if there are
currently no students who are experiencing
homelessness in the district. - 14.02. List the number of identified homeless
students in Title I Part A schools for the past
school year. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
Act of 2001 (42 U.S.C. 11431) Section 722 of
ESEA - How many of the identified students were provided
Title I Part A services? - For districts receiving McKinney-Vento Education
of Homeless Children and Youth funding Title X,
Part C, how many students received MV services? - 14.03. List the number of identified homeless
students in non-Title I Part A schools for the
last school year. McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act of 2001 (42 U.S.C. 11431) Section
722 of ESEA - How many of these students received Title I Part
A services? - For districts receiving McKinney-Vento Education
of Homeless Children and Youth funding Title X,
Part C, how many students received MV services?
51Homeless Students
- 14.04. Describe Title I Part A set-aside funds
for homeless students. Section 1113(c)(3) of
ESEA McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of
2001 (20 U.S.C. 11431) Section 631 (c)(3) of
ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- List the amount of Title I Part A funds set-aside
for services to students not attending a school
in a Title I school attendance area. - Explain how this dollar amount was determined.
- List the Title I comparable services provided.
- Include how educationally related support
services are provided to children in shelters and
other locations where homeless children may live.
- There is not a minimum requirement for the
set-aside however, if a need were to arise the
district will have to be prepared to cover any
costs. - 14.05. Explain what efforts the district makes to
identify homeless children. McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance Act of 2001 (42 U.S.C. 11431)
Section 722 of ESEA
52Homeless Students
- Monitoring
- Each district must have two policies in place
before the beginning of the 2009-2010 school
year. - A dispute/complaint policy pertaining to district
decisions pertaining to students experiencing
homelessness and - A policy that ensures the rights of students
experiencing homelessness - Failure to have these two policies in place will
result in findings during monitoring. - More Information will be provided during the Live
Meetings on May 12, 2009, or contact
53Title I Private School Students
- 15.01. If there are children living in any of the
District's Title I school attendance areas and
attending any private school (located within or
outside district boundaries), describe how timely
and meaningful consultation was provided with
appropriate private school officials. Section
1120(b) of ESEA and Section 200.63 of the Federal
54Consolidated Application - Private School
Information Monday, May 11, 2009 1000 AM-1100
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Code Title I
- 1. Provide a general description of the
schoolwide program. - Brief overview of your schoolwide program
- What is the focus of your program?
- Math and/or Reading?
- What grades are included in the school?
- How are Title I funds used to support the basic
education program? - Indicate how ARRA funds are used for supplies,
materials, or capital acquisition
57RtI Response to Intervention
- If the district is using the RTI model in any of
its schools, please describe the model - Your answer must include
- Schools
- Grades Subjects
- Assessments used for universal screening and
progress monitoring - Indicate ARRA funds
58Goals and Objectives
- 4. List measurable goals and objectives
- Copy out of schoolwide plan and paste into
narrative response - Must be school level objectives
- Must be specific and relevant to individual
59SW Highly Qualified
- All core content teachers in a SW program must be
HQT - HQT must be obtained prior to the first contract
day - Paraprofessional
- Work under the direct supervision of any HQT
- Indicate ARRA funds for teachers and paras
- Evaluation A school operating a schoolwide
program must evaluate the schoolwide plan
annually. The school must evaluate the outcomes
and the plans implementation to determine
whether the academic achievement of all students,
and particularly of low-achieving students,
improved, whether the goals and objectives
contained in the plan were achieved, and if the
plan is still appropriate as written.
61SW Planning Conference
- Title I school and meet the eligibility criteria
of 40 poverty - Team of 4 to attend the Schoolwide conference
- Thursday October 15 2009 in Ft. Pierre at the
AmericInn - Explore the idea of developing a schoolwide
program. - Cannot plan a SW program unless full team attends
the full day conference
- Dawn Smith
- Dawnl.smith_at_state.sd.us
- 605-773- 2535
63Title I Targeted Assistance Programs
64Describe Program
- 1. Describe your Title I program. Section 1115
(c)(1)(C) of ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- Do you provide reading services, math services,
or both - What grades are served
- If the school uses the RtI (Response to
Intervention) process, describe how Title I
services are used within the tiered system.
65Describe Program
- Your answer must include the following
- Include supplies, materials, and capital
acquisition - Indicate ARRA funds
- For use by Title I teachers and students only
- Software programs
- Computers
- Manipulatives
- Reading books
66RtI (Response to Intervention)
- RTI Concerns in a Targeted program
- Must be supplemental
- Must be provided by a Highly Qualified teacher
- Consult USED PowerPoint on use of federal funds
in RtI programs
67Student Identification
- 2.01 How will teachers identify the children most
in need of Title I services? Section 1115
(b)(1)(B) of ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- Describe the needs assessment process conducted
to determine the academic needs of the students
and who is involved - How are students rank-ordered and cutoffs
determined - Indicate if all identified students are served.
- If the school uses the RtI, describe how students
are identified for Title I services and the
method for dismissal.
68Assessing All Students
- Compliance issue
- Title I funds may not be used to identify
students as eligible for Title I services. - District responsibility, general classroom
teacher responsibility - Provide assessment information to Title I staff
- Quantify need, rank order, serve most needy
69Service Delivery
- 2.02. How are Title I services provided? Section
1115 (c)(1)(C) of ESEA Check all that apply. - Your answer must include the following
- Describe your Title I program
- Do you provide reading services, math services,
or both - What grades are served
- For in-class services describe how Title I staff
work only with well identified Title I students - Describe how the Title I services are
supplemental to the regular education program. - Describe the ratio of teacher/paraprofessional to
student - How many Title I teachers work with Title I
students - How many Title I paraprofessionals work with
Title I students (specific to delivery model).
70Service Delivery
- 2.02. How are Title I services provided? Section
1115 (c)(1)(C) of ESEA - 1) Pull-out
- 2) In-class
- 3) Replacement
- 4) Extended day (before or after school)
- Indicate ARRA funds
71Summer School
- 5.01. If the school is providing summer school,
describe the services. Section 1115(c)(1)(C)(i)
of ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- Describe the type of program.
- What services will the program provide?
- At what grade level will services be provided to
students. Indicate ARRA funds - 5.02. If the school is providing a summer school
program, check the appropriate dates.
- 6.01. Does the school operate a School Level
preschool? Section 1115 (c)(1)(D) of ESEA - Yes
- No
- Indicate ARRA funds
- 6.02. Check the criteria used to select at-risk
preschool children
73Title I Staff
- 7. Describe the qualifications of the staff
providing Title I services. Section 1115
(c)(1)(E) of ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- How many teachers provide Title I services and
FTE percentage - What are the qualification of the teacher(s)
- How many paraprofessionals and FTE percentage
- How are all paraprofessionals qualified
- How do paraprofessionals support the instruction
of the teacher, and work under the direct
supervision of the Title I teacher? - Indicate ARRA funds
74HQT in Title I Programs
- Teachers must be HQT for each grade and subject
- In a targeted program, if the teacher can teach
that subject and grade in the regular classroom,
they will be HQT to provide Title I services for
that grade and subject. - HQT must be obtained prior to the first contract
day - No HQT applicants? No services.
75Qualified Paraprofessionals in Title I Programs
- Paras in Title I programs must
- Be qualified no exceptions
- Adhere to the limitations of their role,
regardless of the level of their qualifications - Targeted Assistance
- Work under the direct supervision of the Title I
teacher -- same room - Cannot go into the classroom, no lesson planning
76Professional Development
- 8. What Professional Development opportunities
are provided for Title I staff relative to the
determined needs, including reading and math?
Section 1115(c)(1)(F) of ESEA - Could be addressed with district set aside for PD
- May be provided through other funding, resources
indicate - Indicate ARRA fun
77Student Progress
- 9. How is the progress of participating children
reviewed on an on-going basis? Section
1118(c)(4) and Section 1118 (d)(2)(B) of ESEA - Your answer must include the following
- Describe the process and timeframe for review
- What assessments are used to determine if the
students are making progress during the school
year - How are parents informed of their child's
progress? (Progress Reports, Parent Teacher
conferences, etc.) - How are students dismissed from Title I services
78Parent Involvement
- School level parent involvement policy
- School Parent Compact
- Annual meeting
- Communication
- Parent language
- Assist in understanding content standards and
assessments - Training
79Title I Compliance issues
- Parent Involvement
- HQT, QP, direct supervision
- Administration of the program
- Serving only Title I students
- Supplant
- Insufficient services for effectiveness
- Implementation of plan as per consolidated
80ARRA IDEA-Title I Egrant Application
(repeat) Friday, May 08, 2009 1100 AM-1200 PM
Central Time
Assessment and Accountability reporting and
Complaint Policy Requirements Tuesday, May 12,
2009 230 PM-400 PM Central Time
Assessment and Accountability reporting and
Complaint Policy Requirements (repeat) Tuesday,
May 12, 2009 900 AM-1030 AM Central Time.
82Contacts for Title Team
- Diane Lowery
- Beth Schiltz
- Dawn Smith
- Laura Johnson-Frame
- Julie Elrod
- Janet Haraldson
- Title III Director
- Migrant Director
- School Improvement Specialist