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King fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals Civil engineering Department


A density of 13 passenger cars per kilometer per lane will permit desirable ... Passenger-car-equivalency (PCE) factors can be obtained by converting of mixed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: King fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals Civil engineering Department

King fahad University of Petroleum and
MineralsCivil engineering Department
  • CE-576-Geometric highway Design
  • Chapter II
  • Instructor Dr. Nedal T. Ratrout

Chapter II Design Highway Controls(Highway
  • Highway Capacity
  • Capacity as a Design Control
  • Factors other than Traffic Volume That Affect
    Operating Conditions
  • Levels of Service
  • Design Service Flow Rate

Highway capacity
General Characteristics
  • The term capacity is used to express the maximum
    hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can
    reasonably be expected to traverse a point during
    a given time period under prevailing roadway
    traffic conditions.

ApplicationsHighway capacity analysis serves
three general purposes
  • Transportation planning studies Highway
    capacity analysis is used to assess the adequacy
    of existing highways network to serve current
    traffic, and its used to estimate the time when
    traffic growth may overtake the capacity of
    highway or reach a level of congestion below
    capacity which is undesirable.

  • Highway Design
  • Highway capacity is essential to fit a planned
    highway to traffic demands its used to select
    the highway type to determine dimensions such
    as the number of lanes and the minimum lengths of
    weaving sections.

  • Traffic Operational analysis
  • Highway capacity analysis is used in identifying
    bottleneck locations in preparing estimates of
    operational improvements that may be expected to
    result from prospective traffic control measures
    or from spot alternations in highway geometry.

Capacity as a Design Control
Design Service Flow Rate Vs. Design Volume
  • Design Volume is the volume of traffic projected
    to use a particular facility during the design
    year, which is usually 10 to 20 year in the
    future. Design volumes are estimated in the
    planning process and are often expressed as DHV.

  • Design service flow rate is the maximum hourly
    flow rate of traffic that a highway with
    particular design features would be able to serve
    without the degree of congestion falling below a
    pre-selected level.

  • A designed facility with dimensions alignment
    should serve the design service flow rate, which
    should be at least as great as the the flow
    rate during the peak 15-minute period of the
    design hour.

Measures of Congestion
  • The key considerations in geometric design are
    roadway design, the traffic using the roadway and
    the degree of congestion on the roadway. The
    first two considerations can be measured in exact
    units but a scale values for expression the
    degree of congestion is elusive measure.

  • Numerous measures of degree of congestion have
    been suggested , including safety, freedom to
    maneuver, the ratio of traffic volume to capacity
    (v/c), operating speed, average running speed and
    others, but in case of signalized intersections
    the stopped delay encountered by motorists is
    used as measure of congestion.

  • For uninterrupted traffic flow. When density
    increases rate of flow increases and speed begins
    to decline until maximum rate of flow reached
    (facility capacity), this will form upstream
    queues breakdown flow. Thus, facilities are
    designed to operate at volume less than their

  • For interrupted flow average stopped-time delay
    is the principal measure of effectiveness of
    signalized intersections.

Relation Between Congestion and Traffic Flow Rate
  • Congestion increases with an increase in flow
    rate until the flow rate is almost equal
    facilitys capacity, at this point congestion
    becomes acute.

Acceptable Degrees of Congestion
  • The degree of congestion that should not be
    exceeded during the design year can be assessed
    by reconciling the demands of the motorists the
    general public with the finances available to
    meet those demands.

Principles for Acceptable Degree of Congestion
  • The highway should be so designed that when its
    carrying the design volume, the traffic demand
    will not exceed the capacity of the facility even
    during short intervals of time.
  • The design volume per lane should not exceed the
    rate at which traffic can dissipate from standing

  • Drivers should be afforded some choice of speed.
    The latitude in choice of speed should be related
    to the length of trip.
  • Operating conditions should be such that they
    provide a degree of freedom from driver tension
    that is related to or consistent with the length
    duration of the trips.

  • There are practical limitations that preclude
    the design of an ideal freeway.
  • The attitude of motorists toward adverse
    operating conditions is influenced by their
    awareness of the construction and right-of-way
    costs that might be necessary to provide better

Reconciliation of Principles for Acceptable
Degree f Congestion
  • Freeways (Short Trips) The density of traffic
    on urban freeways preferably should not exceed 26
    passenger cars per kilometer per lane.
  • Freeways (Long Trips) Travel time is more
    important to the user, so 20 passenger cars per
    kilometer per lane will result acceptable degree
    of freedom.

  • Rural Freeways Travel speed is dominator
    consideration. A density of 13 passenger cars per
    kilometer per lane will permit desirable
    operations in rural areas.
  • Other Multilane Highways Except where traffic is
    controlled by signals, measures of congestion on
    other multilane highways are similar to those of

Factors Other Than Traffic Volume That Affect
Operating Conditions
Highway Factors
  • For highway that is deficient in some of its
    characteristics and where the traffic stream is
    composed of a mixture of vehicles classes,
    compensatory adjustment factors need to be
    applied to the traffic flow rates used as design
    values for ideal highway conditions. These
    adjustments are necessary to determine the volume
    of mixed traffic that can be served under minimum
    accepting conditions

  • For traffic traveling at any given speed, the
    better the roadway alignment, the more traffic it
    can carry. Thus, gentle alignment will be
    identified as the critical feature limiting
    roadway capacity.

Weaving Sections
  • Some reduction in operating efficiency through
    weaving section can be done if reduction is minor
    and the frequency of occurrence is not high. A
    reduction in operating speed of about 10 km/h
    5mph below that for which the highway as a
    whole operates can be considered a tolerable
    degree of congestion for weaving sections.

  • Operating conditions within weaving sections are
    affected by both the length and width of the
    sections as well as by the volume of traffic in
    the served area.

Ramp Terminals
  • When congestion develops at freeway ramp
    junction, some through vehicles avoid the outside
    lane of the freeway adding to the congestion in
    the remaining lanes. Thus, if there are only two
    lenes in one direction, the efficiency per lane
    is not as high on the average as that for three
    or more lanes in one direction.

  • The degree of congestion for ramp is related to
    the total volume of traffic in the outside lane
    in the vicinity of the ramp junction.

Traffic Factors
  • Consideration should be given to composition of
    traffic and fluctuations in flow, in deciding
    upon volumes of traffic that will result in
    acceptance degrees of congestion and also upon
    the period of time over which flow should extent.

  • Passenger-car-equivalency (PCE) factors can be
    obtained by converting of mixed traffic to
    equivalent volumes of passenger cars. These
    factors are differ between facility types.

Peak Hour Factor
  • The HCM considers operating conditions prevailing
    during the most congested 15-minute period of the
    peak hour to establish service level for the hour
    as a whole. Accordingly, the total hourly volume
    that can be served without exceeding a specified
    degree of congestion is equal to or less than
    four times the maximum 15-minute count.

  • Peak hour factor (PHF) is used to convert the
    rate of flow during the highest 15-minute period
    to the total hourly volume. It may be described
    as the ratio of the total hourly volume to the
    number of vehicles during the highest 15-minute
    period multiplied by 4. PHF is never greater than
    1.00 and is normally within the range of 0.75 to

Level of Service
  • A level of service is the quality of traffic
    service provided by specific highway facilities
    under specific traffic demands.
  • The levels of service range from level-of-service
    A(least congested) to level-of-service F (most

The table below shows the general definitions of
the levels of service. Specific definition of
level-of-service A through F vary by facility
The relationship between highway type location
the level of service appropriate for design is
summarized in the following table. This
relationship is derived from the criteria for
acceptable degree of congestion
Design Service Flow Rate
  • Service flow rates are the traffic rates that can
    be served at each level of service. If level of
    service has been identified as applicable for
    design, the corresponding service flow rate
    logically becomes the design service flow rate.

Weaving Section
  • Weaving section occur when one-way traffic
    streams cross by merging and diverging maneuvers.
    The following figure shows the principal types of
    weaving sections.

  • Weaving may be considered as simple or multiple.
    Simple weaving section is a single entrance
    followed by single exit. A multipleweaving
    section consists of two or more overlapping
    weaving section, it may also defined as that
    portion of a one-way roadway that has two
    consecutive entrances followed closely by two or
    more exits. The following figure shows the two
    types of weaving sections.

  • The design level of service of a weaving section
    is dependent on its length, number of lanes,
    acceptable degree of congestion, and relative
    volumes of individual movements.
  • Level-of-service criteria for weaving section is
    based on the average running speeds.

  • There is a definite limit to the amount of
    traffic that can be handled on a given weaving
    section without undue congestion. This limiting
    volume is a function of the distribution of
    traffic between the weaving movements, the length
    of weaving section the number of lanes.

Multiple Highways without Access Control
  • Multilane highways may be treated as similar to
    freeways if major crossroads are infrequent, or
    if many of the crossroads are grade separated ,
    and if adjacent development is sparse so as to
    generate little interference.

  • Where there are major crossroads or where
    adjacent development results in more than slight
    interference, the facility should be treated as a
    multi lane highway without access control.

Arterial Streets Urban Highways
  • The level of service provided by such facilities
    does not remain stable with the passage of time
    and tends to deteriorate in unpredictable manner.

  • The capacity of an arterial is generally
    dominated by the capacity of its individual
    signalized intersections. The level of service
    for a section of an arterial is defined by the
    average overall travel speed for the section.

  • Design capacities of intersections can be
    estimated by procedures for signalized and
    unsignalized intersections given in HCM.
  • The design spacing of signalized intersections
    should also be coordinated with traffic signal
    design and phasing.

Pedestrians Bicycles
  • The level of service for pedestrian bicycle
    facilities can be evaluated using procedures
    presented in HCM.

Chapter III
  • Passing Sight Distance for Two-Lane Highway
  • Sight Distance for Multilane Highways
  • Criteria for Measuring Sight Distance
  • Theoretical General Considerations of
    Horizontal Alignment

Passing Sight Distance for Two-Lane Highway
Criteria for Design
  • Passing sight distance is the length needed to
    complete normal passing maneuvers in which the
    passing driver can determine that there are no
    potentially conflicting vehicles ahead before
    beginning the maneuver.

Criteria for Design
  • The following assumptions are made concerning
    driver behavior in passing maneuvers

1- The overtaken vehicle travels at uniform speed
2- The passing vehicle has reduced speed and
trails the overtaken vehicle as it enters a
passing section. 3- When the passing section is
reached, the passing driver needs a short period
of time to perceive the clear passing section
to react to start his maneuver.
  • 4- Passing is accomplished under what may be
    termed a delayed start and a hurried return in
    the face of opposing traffic.
  • 5- When the passing vehicle returns to its lane,
    there is a suitable clearance length between it
    and an oncoming vehicle in the other lane.

Criteria for Design
  • The minimum passing sight distance for two-lane
    highways is determined as the sum of the four
    distances shown below.

  • The following figure shows various distances for
    the components of passing maneuvers, based on
    extensive field observations of driver behavior
    are presented for four passing speed groups.

  • The minimum passing sight distances presented in
    the previous table are generally conservative for
    modern vehicles.

  • The following table shows the passing sight
    distances for design of two-lane highway based on
    vehicle passing performance . The ranges of
    speeds in this table are affected by traffic
    volume, if traffic volume is low
    (level-of-service A) there are few vehicles need
    to be passed, but if we have level-of-service D
    or lower there are few passing opportunity.

Initial Maneuver Distance (d1)
  • The distance d1 traveled during the initial
    maneuver period is computed with the following

Distance While Passing Vehicle Occupies Left Lane
  • Passing vehicles were found in the study to
    occupy the left lane from 9.3 to 10.4 s. The
    distance d2 traveled in the left lane by passing
    vehicle is computed with the following equation

Clearance Distance (d3)
  • Vary from 30 to 75 m 100 to 250 ft

Distance Traversed by an Opposing Vehicle (d4)
  • During the first phase of the passing maneuver,
    driver can return to the right lane if an
    opposite vehicle is seen. It is unnecessary to
    include this trailing time interval in computing
    d4 . This time about one-third the time passing
    vehicle occupies the left lane, so d4 is the
    distance traversed by opposite vehicle during
    two-thirds of the time the passing vehicle
    occupies the left lane.

  • The opposing vehicle is assumed to be traveling
    at the same speed as the passing vehicle, so d4
    2/3 d2 .

Design Values
  • The speed of passed vehicle has been assumed to
    be the average running speed at a traffic volume
    near capacity, the speed of the passing vehicle
    is assumed to be 15 km/h 10mph greater. The
    assumed speeds of passing vehicles in the table
    of passing sight distances presents the likely
    passing speeds their passing sight distances
    would accommodate a majority of the designed
    passing maneuvers and correspond to the total
    curve shown in the following figure

Effects of Grade on Passing Sight Distance
  • On downgrade passing is easier because the
    overtaken vehicle can accelerate more rapidly
    than on level which will reduce the time of
    passing. The over taken vehicle can also
    accelerate easier so that situation may result
    racing contest.

  • The sight distance needed to permit vehicles
    traveling upgrade to pass safely are greater than
    derived design values. Compensating for this that
    the passed vehicle frequently is truck that
    losses some speed on upgrades and that many
    drivers are aware of the greater distances needed
    for passing upgrade compared with level

Frequency Length of Passing Sections
  • The frequency length of passing section for
    highways depend principally on topography, the
    design speed of highway, and the cost for
    streets, the spacing of intersections is the
    principal consideration.

  • Where high traffic volumes are expected on a
    highways a high level of service is to be
    maintained, frequent or nearly continuous passing
    sight distances should be provided.

Sight Distance for Multilane Highways
  • It is not necessary to consider passing sight
    distance on highways or streets that have two or
    more traffic lanes in each direction of travel.
  • Passing maneuvers that involve crossing the
    centerline of four-lane undivided roadways or
    crossing the median of four-lane roadways should
    be prohibited.
  • Multilane roadways should have continuously
    adequate stopping sight distance, with
    greater-than-design sight distances preferred.

Criteria for Measuring Sight Distance
  • Sight distance is the distance along a roadway
    throughout which an object of specified height is
    continuously visible to the driver.
  • This distance is dependent on the height of the
    drivers eye above the road surface, the
    specified object height above the road surface,
    and the height and lateral position of sight
    obstructions within the drivers line of sight.

Height of Drivers Eye
  • For passenger vehicles, the height of drivers
    eye is considered to be 1,080mm 3.5 ft above
    the road surface. Its appropriate for measuring
    stopping passing distances.
  • For trucks, the drivers eye height ranges from
    1,800 to 2400mm 5.9 to7.9ft. The recommended
    value is 2,330mm 7.6ft.

Height of Object
  • For stopping sight distance calculations, the
    height of object is considered to be 600mm
    2.0ft above the road surface. For passing sight
    distance calculations, the height of object is
    considered to be 1,088mm 3.5ft above the road

  • Stopping sight distance object
  • 1- It is considered that an object 600mm 2.0ft
    high is representative of an object that involves
    risk to drivers and can be recognized by a driver
    in time to stop before reaching it.
  • 2- Objects height of less than 600mm 2.0ft
    could substantially increase construction costs
    because additional excavation would be needed to
    provide the longer crest vertical curves.

  • Passing sight distance object An object height
    of 1,080mm 3.5ft is adopted for passing sight
    distance. Passing sight distance calculated on
    this object height is adequate for night
    condition . The choice of an object height equal
    to the driver eye height makes passing sight
    distance design reciprocal (i.e. drivers of
    passing opposing vehicle can see each other).

Sight Obstructions
  • On tangent roadway, the obstruction that limit
    the drivers sight distance is the road surface
    at some point on a crest vertical curve.
  • On horizontal curves, the obstruction that limits
    the drivers sight distance may be the road
    surface at some point on a crest vertical curve,
    or it may be some physical feature outside of the
    traveled way, such as longitudinal barrier, a
    bridge approach fill slope, a tree, foliage, or
    the backslope of a cut section.

Measuring Recording Sight Distance on Plans
  • Sight distance records for two-lane highways may
    be used effectively to tentatively determine the
    marking of no-passing zones.
  • Sight distance records are useful on two-lane
    highways for determining the percentage of length
    of highways on which sight distance is restricted
    to less than passing minimum, which is important
    in evaluating capacity.

Horizontal Alignment
Theoretical Consideration
  • From laws of mechanics, the basic formula that
    governs vehicle operation on a curve is

  • There are practical upper limits to the rate of
    superelevation on a horizontal curve. These
    limits relate to considerations of climate,
    constructability, adjacent land use, and the
    frequency of slow-moving vehicles.

  • High rates of superelevation are undesirable on
    high-volume roads, where there are numerous
    occasions when vehicle speeds may be reduced
    because of the volume of traffic or other
  • Some vehicles have high centers of gravity and
    some passenger cars are loosely suspended on
    their axels. When these vehicles travel slowly on
    steep cross slopes, a high percentage of their
    weight is carried by the inner tiers. A vehicle
    can roll over if this condition become extreme.

Side Friction Factors
  • The side friction factor represents the vehicles
    need for side friction, also called side friction
    demand it also represents the lateral
    acceleration af (af fg).

  • The following is the side friction equation

  • A key consideration in selecting maximum side
    friction factors for use in design is the level
    of centripetal or lateral acceleration that is
    sufficient to cause drivers to experience a
    feeling of discomfort to avoid higher speed.
    So, increased amount of side friction could be
    used in design of horizontal curves.
  • Ball-Bank indicator is used as a uniform measure
    of lateral acceleration to set speeds on curves
    that avoid driver discomfort.

  • In a series of tests it was concluded that speeds
    on curves that avoid driver discomfort are
    indicated by ball-bank readings of 14 degrees for
    speed 30 km/h 20mph or less, 12 degrees for
    speeds of 40 and 50 km/h 25 30mph, and 10
    degrees for speeds of 55 through 80 km/h 35
    through 50 mph. These ball-bank readings are
    indicative of side friction factors of 0.21, 0.81
    and 0.15 respectively.

Side Friction Factor
  • From other tests maximum side friction factor of
    0.16 for speeds upto 100 km/h 60mph was
    recommended. For higher speeds, an incremental
    reduction of this factor was recommended. Speed
    studies on the Pennsylvania Turnpike led to
    conclusion that the side friction factor should
    not exceed 0.10 for design speeds of 110 km/h
    70mph and higher.

  • The following curves summarize the findings of
    side friction factors recommended for curve
    design. Although some variation in the test
    results is noted, all are in agreement that the
    side friction factor should be lower for
    high-speed-design than for low speed design.

  • The following curves shows the comparison of side
    frictions factors assumed for design of different
    types of highway facilities.

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