Title: IWMW June 2003
1Content Management Systems Buy or Build
Ricky Rankin Queens University Gareth
McAleese University of Ulster
2Content Management System - Buy
- The Queens Environment
- Problem to be Solved
- CMS Expectations
- The Implementation Path
- Where are we
- Next Steps
3The Queens Environment
- Web Site
- Combination of Intranet Internet
- Some information sourced from corporate databases
- VLE/MLE/Portal
- Developed in house
- Database driven
- Live links to corporate database systems
4WWW site - Enthusiast Pages
5Code it yourself
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltMETA HTTP-EQUIV"Content-Type"
CONTENT"text/html charsetwindows-1252"gt - ltMETA NAME"Generator" CONTENT"Microsoft Word
97"gt - ltTITLEgtQUB Equal Opportunities Unit - eoult/TITLEgt
- ltBODY LINK"0000ff" VLINK"800080"gt
WIDTH100 height"431"gt - ltTRgt
- ltTD colspan"5" VALIGN"MIDDLE" height"35"
gtlta href"http//www.qub.ac.uk/"gtQUB - Home lt/agt lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTD VALIGN"MIDDLE" height"35" colspan"2" gt
- ltdiv align"left"gtltimg src"images/EOUhead.g
if" align"left" gtlt/divgt - lt/TDgt
- ltTD VALIGN"MIDDLE" height"35" colspan"3"
width"585" gt - ltdiv align"right"gtltimg src"images/EOUhomep
age.gif" width"110" height"29" gt
6So whats wrong with this
- Information owner does not update page
- The sites a mess!
- Our site is a laughing stock
- Doesnt look corporate or consistent
- Cant be good for business
- Cant find information
- Patchwork of sites, inconsistent in presentation
and navigation - Non compliance usability accessibility
- The bloke who did it has left
7The fix
8Multiple Developers
9So whats wrong with this
- Information owner does not update page
- The sites a mess!
- Our site is a laughing stock
- Doesnt look corporate or consistent
- Cant be good for business
- Cant find information
- Patchwork of sites, inconsistent in presentation
and navigation - Non compliance usability accessibility
- The bloke who did it has left
10Dreamweaver Pages
11Create Using Dreamweaver
12Dreamweaver Code
Transitional//EN"gt - lthtml LANG"EN-US"gtlt!-- BeginTemplate
"/Templates/vcentre-default.dwt" --gt - ltheadgt
- lt!-- BeginEditable "doctitle" --gt
- lttitlegtThe Queen's Visitors' Centre -
Welcomelt/titlegt - lt!-- EndEditable --gt
- ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetiso-8859-1"gt - ltSTYLE TYPE"text/css"gtlt/STYLEgt
- ltlink rel"stylesheet" href"menu_items/qub3.css"gt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE"JavaScript" TYPE"text/javascrip
t"gt - lt!--
- if(window.event "" "undefined") event
null - function HM_f_PopUp()return false
- function HM_f_PopDown()return false
- popUp HM_f_PopUp
- popDown HM_f_PopDown
13So whats wrong with this
- Information owner does not update page
- The sites a mess!
- Our site is a laughing stock
- Doesnt look corporate or consistent
- Cant be good for business
- Cant find information
- Patchwork of sites, inconsistent in presentation
and navigation - Non compliance usability accessibility
- The bloke who did it has left
14The Path to CMS
Enthuasists Techie/Nurd Raw html Unstructured Webmaster Dreamweaver Structure/Templates Business case Information owners html if you want
Templates Office skills Information owners
Content Management
15CMS Pages
16CMS - Navigation
17CMS Page
18Page Template
19So whats wrong with this
- Information owner does not update page
- The sites a mess!
- Our site is a laughing stock
- Doesnt look corporate or consistent
- Cant be good for business
- Cant find information
- Patchwork of sites, inconsistent in presentation
and navigation - Non compliance usability accessibility
- The bloke who did it has left
20CMS Expectations
- Internet Pages Initially
- 100K pages reduced to lt 300
- Control in Hands of Information Owners
- WWW based
- Office skills minimum requirement
- Controlled Publishing Process
- Define authors/contributor moderator
administrators - Documents can be prepared prior to publication
date with publication/remove/review/archive dates
defined - Workflow
- Navigation generated by System
21CMS Expectations - continued
- Corporate Style Compliance with Legalisation
- Define templates with protected areas
- Enforce alt tags/metadata where appropriate
- Resuse Content
22CMS Expectations Tomorrow
- Improve Publishing Process
- Collection of information for Prospectus
- Increase use eForms
- Build Central Resources
- Media libraries
- Bio files
- Doc library
- Tackle the Intranet
- Generic templates for units
- Built in links to corporate systems to produce
staff lists, course lists .
23The Process
- Senior Management
- Its their WWW message
- Focus on Intrenet
- Define functionality required
- Linkage with legacy systems
- Metadata
- Accessibility
- Research the market
- 100 alleged products
- JISC documents
- CMS mail lists
- Vendor white papers
24Whats out There - Costs
- Open Source
- Free
- Needs configuration and building
- Bargain Basement
- lt5K
- Limited functionality
- Low End
- lt30K
- Mid Range
- 30K - 100K
- Top of Range
- How much have you got
25Whats out There Alleged Vendors
Allaire Spectra Ektron - eMPower3.0 Microsoft Content Management Server Revize
AOLServer ( 1) eMPower MidGard Roosh Newspublisher
Appalachian State University Enhydra MKDoc Roxen
ArsDigita now Enigma - Insight Moveable Type SIM
Atomz Publish Estrada Onstage Mysource SIM (Structured Information Manager)
Blosxom eZ publish NCompass Resolution SIMPL
Broadvision ezContents Net-It Central SiteEditor
Callisto CMS Fatwire NewsPro slashdot.pl
Capstone Content Management System FileMaker Pro NQL SOHOnet Runtime Site Builder
Cascade FileNET Obtree - C3 SquishDot
CMS FireSite OmegaCMS Starbase - eXpressroom
CMS200 Freestyler Open Content Stellent
Cofax Frontier OpenCms Tridion - DialogServer
content object factory FutureTense opensource.go.com Trillium
Crownpeak Technologies Gauss - Interprise VIP Enterprise Content Management Platform PaperThin - CommonSpot Content Server Typo3
Cytura Infosquare - openshare Percussion - Rhythmyx 4.0 Userland
Day - Communiqué Ingeniux XPower phpCMS Vignette
Divine Eprise Intervoven phpMyAdmin (MySQL admin) Webgenerator
Divine Openmarket Krysalis PHPWebsite WebObjects
Documentum lclark.edu PostNuke WebSite Director
Drupal Manila Provue SiteWarrior Xopus
EBT - enterprise-wide content management MasonHQ Red Dot Zope
EditTag Mediasurface Red Hat
eGrail now FileNET Merant - PVCS Content Manager Red Hat Content Management Solution
26Sources of Information
- Vendor WWW Sites
- white papers
- JISC Paper
- http//www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/tsw_01-02
.pdf - CMS List
- http//www.cms-list.org/
- Useful Links
- http//www.steptwo.com.au/cm/vendors/list/index.ht
ml - http//www.hartman-communicatie.nl/content/tools.h
27Items to Include in OR
web technologies
site mgt.
workflow mgt.
database connectivity
localisation Mgt
multi-channel publishing
global brand mgt.
application Development
XML support
Cost eforms
28Evaluation Selection
category weight
ease of use 3
administration 1
static pages 1
legacy 2
authentication 1
functionality 2
licencing 2
company 1
29Current Position
- System Selected
- Templates being developed
- Internet Site Converted to use CMS and Live end
30Next Steps
- Develop Training
- Expand Range of Templates Available
- Develop Corporate Assets
- Develop Intranet site based on CMS
- Develop Generic School/Unit Sites
31Things We Missed on the Way Through
- Tracking
- Spell Checking
- Edit in situ
33Edit in Situ
34Edit in Situ