Title: The Neural Code
1The Neural Code
- Baktash Babadi
- baktash_at_ipm.ir
- Fall 2004
- Rieke et al, Spikes Exploring the Neural Code
MIT Press(1997) - Koch, Biophysics of computation MIT Press (1998)
- Dayan Abbott, Theoretical Neuroscience,
Chapters 1-3, MIT Press (2001)
3Which feature conveys information?
4Posing the Problem
- Which feature of neural spike train contains
information? - Rate?
- Or single spikes?
5Rate Coding/ Temporal Coding Debate
- Temporal Coding
- Rate coding is impossible, since each neuron
should wait at least 100 ms for a estimate of the
received firing rate. - This would cause a waste of neural resources.
- There are effective temporal coding algorithms.
- (Maybe your physiologic methods are biased)
- Rate Coding
- The physiologic data shows that information is
carried by firing rates only. - Each neuron receives input from thousands of
neurons, so a few milliseconds is enough for a
reliable population rate estimation. - We have already 1012 neurons!
- But the physiologic data shows that information
is carried by firing rates only.
6Independent Spikes/ Correlated Spikes (1)
- Independent Spikes
- There is now correlation between the successive
spikes of a neuron (Poisson) - No meaning-full pattern appears in the spike
trains - Thus only rate matters.
7Independent Neurons/ Correlated Neurons (1)
- Independent neurons
- In a population of neurons which respond to the
same stimulus, the spikes of each neuron occurs
independent of the others. - The average firing rate of the population conveys
the information only.
8Independent Spikes/ Correlated Spikes (2)
- Correlated Spikes
- Although the spike trains look random and
independent, some temporal structures may be
hidden in the spike trains. - Thus the spike train contains something more than
merely its rate.
9Independent Neurons/ Correlated Neurons (2)
- Correlated neurons
- Although each individual spike train looks
random, correlations are possible between the
spike trains of a population. - These correlations may have some meaning for the
10In defense of Rate Coding (1)!
- Shadlen Newsome (1998)
- Cortical neurons receive roughly equal amount of
excitation and inhibition. - The cortical neurons are in balanced state.
11In defense of Rate Coding (2)!
- What causes the neuron to fire is the random
fluctuations of the membrane potential - The spiking is a random process
- No temporal order is possible between the spikes
12In defense of Rate Coding (4)!
- Correlations are not likely to arise between the
neurons in a population - The probabilistic nature of spiking and random
connectivity restrains correlations - If the neurons are correlated the sampling by
upstream units will be biased and non reliable.
13In defense of Rate Coding (5)!
- Conclusion
- The spikes generated by a cortical neuron are
independent - Different neurons spike in an almost independent
manner from each other. - The information is carried by the firing rates
14In defense of Rate Coding (3)!
- Downstream neurons receive the input from hundred
of similar neurons. - A very short sampling time is sufficient for a
reliable rate estimation
15An example of correlated spikes Precise Firing
16Synfire Chains
- The reproducibility of PFSs implies that there
are synchronous pools of neurons in the cortex
(Abeles 1991).
17An example of correlated neurons Spike Based
Strategies in Neural Coding (1)
- Thorpe et al 1995-2004
- Spike based strategies for rapid processing.
10 neurons, 10 milliseconds, single or no spike
Count code
101 states, Hlog2(N1)3.46 bits
Binary code
210 states, Hlog2(2N)10 bits
Latency code
1010 states, HN.log2(t)33 bits
Rank order code
N! states, Hlog2(N!)20 bits
- Synchrony Code
- How much is the amount of information in this
19Rank Order Coding
- Thorpe et al
- Rank Order Coding in the Retina
Sampling the image by different scales of Retinal
ganglion cells
Image reconstruction as a function of percentage
of neurons that fired
20An example of correlated neurons Oscillations in
Cats Visual Cortex
- Engel, Gray Singer 1989-2004
Is synchronous oscillation a Solution for
binding problem?
21Correlations in Visual Stream
22The effect of correlations on firing rate (1)
- Sejnowski Salinas 2000
- The information is coded by firing rate
- The flow of information is controlled by temporal
23The effect of correlations on firing rate (2)
- Without uncorrelated background
- Without inhibitory balance
24The effect of correlations on firing rate (3)
- For the non-leaky Integrate-and-Fire neuron
- Where
- r Input firing rate
- c Correlation coefficient
- Th Threshold
25Another definition for temporal code?
- If spikes are independent
- Rate code If r(t) changes slowly
- Temporal Code if r(t) changes rapidly.
- Defining Temporal code
- 1) The peaks in r(t) occur in roughly the same
rate as the single spikes - 2) The dominant Fourier components of r(t) are
higher frequencies than that of the stimulus
26An example of a temporal Code?
- Phase precession in the hippocampal place cells
(Harris et al 2002, OKeefe Reece 1993).
27Neural Decoding in single neuron level (1)
- What does a single neuron do?
- Integration?
- Or coincidence detection?
28Neural Decoding in single neuron level (2)
- Rate coding
- The time constant of cortical neurons are 15-50
msec. - The temporal orders will be washed out during
integration - Firing rate modfels.
- Temporal coding
- The cortical neurons are under bombardment of
thousands of other neurons - This causes the membrane to shunt dramatically
(gl) and the time constant will decrease
severely. - Tolerance to noise
- Speed of processing
- Integrate-and-fire models.