Title: Preparing for the NWCCU 10-year Self-Study
1Preparing for the NWCCU 10-year Self-Study
- Faculty In-Service
- June 6, 2005
2We have achieved a lot!
- For many departments this was a new endeavor
- Awareness that those areas with secondary
accreditation have been at theirs for a long
time. - Now, prepare for the Self-Study.
3Time Line
July 2001
Oct. 2001
Jan. 2001
Notified of Five Year Visit
Notified Accreditation Deferred
Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA
1st In-service Department Assessment Plans
41st In-Service
- Mission Statement
- Initial Learning Outcomes
5Time Line
April 2002
July 2001
Oct. 2001
June 2002
Jan. 2001
2nd In-service 3 step model
Notified of Five Year Visit
Visit on Assessment
Notified Accreditation Deferred
Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA
Five Year Visit
1st In-service Department Assessment Plans
62nd In-Service
- 3 Step Model
- Mission Statement
- Outcomes Objectives
- Criteria Procedure
7Time Line
April 2002
July 2001
Oct. 2001
June 2002
June 2003
Jan. 2001
2nd In-service 3 step model
Notified of Five Year Visit
Visit on Assessment
Notified Accreditation Deferred
Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA
Five Year Visit
3rd In-Service 5 step model
1st In-service Department Assessment Plans
83rd In-Service
- 5 Step Model
- Mission Statement
- Outcomes Objectives
- Criteria Procedures
- Assessment Results
- Closing the Loop
9Time Line
April 2002
July 2001
Oct. 2001
June 2002
June 2003
June 2004
Jan. 2001
2nd In-service 3 step model
4th In-service Peggy Maki
Notified of Five Year Visit
Visit on Assessment
Notified Accreditation Deferred
Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA
Five Year Visit
3rd In-Service 5 step model
1st In-service Department Assessment Plans
104th In-Service
- Peggy Maki
- Learning Outcomes
- Coherence
- Meaningful to students
11Assessment Activities - Departmental
- Major Field Test
- Exit Surveys
- Performance Assessment
- Portfolios
- Language Testing
12Assessment Activities University
- Cooperative Institutional Research Project (CIRP)
- College Student Survey (CSS)
- National Study of Student Engagement (NSSE)
- Faculty Study of Student Engagement (FSSE)
- HERI Faculty Survey
- Course Evaluations
13Expectations for Educational Assessment Policy
2.2, Standard 2
- Does educational assessment encompass all our
offerings? - Is assessment done regularly?
- Is assessment integrated into our overall
planning? - Are the expected learning outcomes published for
each degree program and certificate? - Is there documentation that indicates students
have achieved the desired outcomes? - Does your evidence indicate that assessment leads
to improvement of teaching and learning?
14General Educational Assessment
- How do your departments G.E. courses provide a
general approach to your discipline where there
is greater emphasis on breadth rather than
depth? - How do your G.E. courses connect to the
institutional mission and goals? - Are your G.E. courses appropriate for their
indicated level of instruction (freshman/sophomore
/junior)? - How is this determined?
15G.E. Assessment (cont.)
- What identifiable outcomes do your G.E. courses
have in the following areas - Written and oral communication
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Critical Analysis
- Information Literacy
- In what ways do your G.E. offerings contributed
to the over all education of an SPU student?
16- How do you know?
- What is your evidence?
17Departmental Assessment
- Are your departmental/school goals sufficiently
established to provide adequate guidance? - Are the indicators of success for your program
adequately identified, articulated and conveyed
to students? - How does this occur?
- Are your intended outcomes realized?
- How do you know?
- What is your evidence?
- How is your assessment data systematically
gathered, analyzed and evaluated? - How have you utilized your results to ensure
improved student learning?