Gravitational Waveforms from Coalescing Binary Black Holes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gravitational Waveforms from Coalescing Binary Black Holes


Generate QC ID by solving HCE using puncture method (Brandt & Bruegmann, 1997) ... stuff near the would-have-been puncture locations if they were moving. The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gravitational Waveforms from Coalescing Binary Black Holes

Gravitational Waveforms from
Coalescing Binary Black Holes
  • Dae-Il (Dale) Choi
  • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD, USA
  • Universities Space Research Association, USA
  • Supported by NASA ATP02-0043-0056 NASA Advanced
    Supercomputing Project Columbia
  • Numerical Relativity 2005 Workshop
    Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, NOV
    2, 2005

CollaboratorsIts teamwork
  • Joan Centrella, John Baker (NASA/GSFC)
  • Jim van Meter, Michael Koppitz (National Research
  • Breno Imbiriba, W. Darian Boggs, Stefan
    Mendez-Diez (University of Maryland)
  • Other collaborators
  • J. David Brown (North Carolina State Univ.)
  • David Fiske (DAC, formerly NASA/GSFC)
  • Kevin Olson (NASA/GSFC)

  • Methodology Hahndol Code Hahndol??translation
    of Ein-stein into Korean
  • Results Inspiral merger from the ISCO (QC0)
  • Results Head-on collision (if time allows)
  • Movie of the real part of Psi4?

Hahndol Code
  • 31 Numerical Relativity Code
  • BSSN formalism following Imbiriba et al, PRD70,
    124025 (2004), Alcubierre at al PRD67, 084023
    (2003) except the new gauge conditions.
  • Uses finite differencing (mixed 2nd and 4th order
    FD, Mesh-Adapted-Differencingsee posters for
    details), iterative Crank-Nicholson time
  • Computational infrastructure based on PARAMESH
    (MacNiece, Olson) Scalability shown up to 864
    CPUs with 95 efficiency.
  • Mesh refinement
  • Currently use fixed mesh structure with mesh
    boundaries at (2,4,8,16,32,64)M for QC0 runs.
  • The innermost level contains the both black
  • For higher QC-sequence, AMR implementation being

Hahndol Code
  • Outer boundary conditions
  • Impose outgoing Sommerfeld conditions on all BSSN
  • But, basic strategy is to push OB far away so
    that OB does not contaminate regions of
  • With OB128M, no harmful effects on the dynamics
    of black holes nor waveform extraction (QC0). If
    desired, OB can be put at 256M or beyond.
  • Initial data solver
  • Uses multi-grid method on a non-uniform grid
    using Browns algorithm Brown Lowe, JCP 209,
    582-598, 2005 (gr-qc/0411112).
  • Generate QC ID by solving HCE using puncture
    method (Brandt Bruegmann, 1997).
  • Bowen-York prescription for the extrinsic
    curvature for binary black holes.

Hahndol Code
  • Traditional gauge conditions (AEI, etc.)
  • Split conformal factor into time-indep. singular
    part (?BL) and time-dep. regular part. Treat ?BL
    analytically and evolve only the regular part.
  • Use the following K-/Gamma-driver conditions for
    gauges. (BL factor)
  • Problem is that, because of ?BL factor, black
    holes cannot move.
  • Requires co-rotation shift. But it involves
    superluminal shift.
  • Alternative gauge conditions
  • Do not split into singular/regular part. No BL
  • Combined with the driver conditions, let the
    black holes move across the grid.
  • Does this really work?

Hahndol Code
  • Not so fast! Two concerns.
  • (a) Puncture memory effect BHs move but still
    spiky errors at where the punctures were at t0.
  • (b) Messy stuff near the would-have-been puncture
    locations if they were moving.
  • The problem (a)
  • Caused by the zero-speed mode in the Gamma driver
    shift condition
  • Can be alleviated by shifting shift
  • Movies comparison bet. (1) Traditional (crashed
    at t35M) (2) No BL factor (3) NoBL Shifting

Hahndol Code
  • The problem (b)
  • In practice, we find that the stuff doesnt seem
    to spill over.
  • Movie Head-on collision w/ L/M9 using
    NoBLShifting Shift shows a good convergence of
    HC from 3 runs with different resolutions.
  • Note, with the traditional gauge, HC too large
    and non-convergent.
  • For all the cases we considered, this new gauge
    conditions allow us to obtain convergent results
    (constraints, waveforms).

Hahndol Code
  • Wave extraction
  • Compute the Newman-Penrose Weyl scalar ?4 (a
    gauge invariant measure)
  • where C is weyl tensor and (l,n,m,mbar) is a
  • Analyze its harmonic decomposition using a novel
    technique due to Misner (Misner 2004 Fiske
  • Compute waveforms r 20M, 30M, 40M and 50M.
  • Coulomb scalar ? Beetle, et al, PRD72, 024013
    (2005) Burko, Baumgarte Beetle,

Evolution of Quasi Circular Initial Data
  • QC-sequence (Minimization of effective potential,
    Cook 1994)
  • QC0, L/M4.99, J/M20.779
  • Re-Coulomb invariant ReC(horizon) -1/(8M2) for
    quiecent BHs. Movie Horizon at ReC -1/2
    (yellowish) at T0 Horizon at ReC-1/8 (blue
    edge) late times.
  • 4M


QC0 (BH source region)
  • Comparison of Re (Coulomb) scalar for three
    different resolutions M/16, M/32, M/48 runs.
    Only in this movie, time label is in terms of
  • (In this talk, different runs are labeled by the
    resolution in the finest resolution grid.)

QC0 (BH source region)
  • Convergence of HC near black holes along x-axis
    from M/24 (Dashed) and M/32 (Solid) runs. Data
    from Time11M,19M,24M where BHs are crossing the
    x-axis. (Note FMR boundaries are at 2M, 4M, etc.)

QC0 Waveforms
  • Waveforms (Re L2, M2 mode) from three runs,
    M/16, M/24, M/32 extracted at rextract 20M
    (Solid), 40M(Dashed). Plotted are (r x Psi4).
  • Good O(1/r) propagation behavior M/24, M/32 are
    very close.
  • Comparison with Lazarus I
  • --Baker et al, PRD 65,124012 (2002)

QC0 (Waveforms)
  • Convergence of waveforms (real and imaginary
    parts of L2, M2 mode) at r20M (upper panels),
    and 40M (lower panels).

QC0 (dE/dt, dJz/dt)
  • Energy angular momentum loss due to GW
  • dE/dt, dJz/dt

QC0 (Energy and Angular momentum)
  • Total E and Total Jz loss (plotted for three
    resolutions and for 4 different extraction radii)
  • At r30M,
  • Final J0.65

QC0 (Energy Conservation?)
  • Calculate ADM Mass (Murchadha York, 1974)
  • Energy conservation Minit-Mfinal EGW?
  • r40M,50M, Solid represents M(t),
    Dashed M(t0)-EGW(t).
  • Minit-Mfinal EGW!

Head-On Collision
  • Left Panel Waveforms extracted at rextract
    20M, 30M, 40M, 50M
  • Colored lines show O(1/r) propagation fall-off
    behavior (M1M20.5)
  • Right Panel dE/dt (total energy loss 0.00040)

Head-On Collision
  • Left Pane Waveforms in different resolutions.
    Proper separation 9M
  • Right Panel convergence behavior of the
  • No apparent problems up to L11-12M. Promising
    for collision with large initial separation
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