Query Processing and Optimization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Query Processing and Optimization


Blocks are translated into relational algebra expression represented as a tree. 4 ... the same hash function on the join attributes A of R and B of S as hash keys. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Query Processing and Optimization

Query Processing and Optimization
Steps in the Process
  • SQL query
  • Scan into tokens
  • Parse for syntactic correctness
  • Validate attribute and relation names
  • Develop intermediate representation query tree
  • Query Tree
  • Pass through the query optimizer
  • Develop Execution Plan
  • Execution Plan
  • Generate Executable Code
  • Executable Code
  • Execute by the run-time database processor
  • Return Query Results

Developing the Query Tree
  • Query is broken into blocks
  • Blocks are translated into relational algebra
    expression represented as a tree

Developing Blocks
  • Query block contains a select-from-where clause
  • So, in a nested query, each level is a block
  • Example
  • select lname, fname from employee
  • where salary gt select max(salary) from
  • where dno 5
  • Block 1
  • select max(salary) from employee where dno 5
  • Block 2
  • Select lname, fname from employee where salary gt

  • Inner Block Fmax salary(sdno5(Employee))
  • Outer Block plname, fname (ssalary gt
  • The query optimizer then chooses a plan for each
    block. The example is relatively simple the
    inner query is uncorrelated with the outer. It
    can be evaluated once and then used as a constant

  • Sorting is crucial for many SQL constructs
  • Duplicate elimination
  • Certain join operations

  • All processing is done in memory
  • Internal buffer is smaller than the result of
    many query operations.
  • Whats a DBMS to do?

  • File ExternalSort(File UnSorted)
  • Bytes bufferMAXSIZE
  • int i 0
  • while (buffer is not full)
  • read UnSorted into buffer
  • while (!UnSorted.eof())
  • sort the buffer
  • write the buffer to disk as a small file called a
    run and labeled run_i
  • while(buffer is not full)
  • read Unsorted into buffer)
  • i
  • merge run_0 run_n into a single file,
  • return Sorted

Some Metrics
  • Let
  • b number of file blocks (e.g., 1024)
  • nb size of the internal buffer (e.g., 5)
  • nr number of runs ceil(b/nb) 205
  • So, after the sort phase 205 files (or runs) are
    stored on disk.

Metrics Continued
  • During the merge phase the sorted runs are merged
    after one or more passes.
  • Degree of Merging (dm)
  • The number of runs grouped together to be merged
    in a single pass. In our exampleas will be
    shown shortly-- dm 4. So, the total number of
    runs is divided into groups of 4 for merging in
    each pass.
  • In each pass
  • One buffer block used for a block from each run
    being merged
  • One buffer block used to contain one block of the
    merged result

Metrics Continued
  • So the degree of merging is the smaller of nb 1
    or nr
  • (That is if the number of runs is less than the
    number of blocks available for each pass, then
    the degree of merging and the number of runs is
    the same)
  • In our example, dm 4 (i.e., 5 1)
  • But how many passes do we need to make?

Metrics Continued
  • Runs are grouped in dm chunks on each pass.
    Each of these chunks are merged into a single

  • At the end of the first pass, we then have
    ceil(nr/dm) new (but larger) runs to be sorted.
    Call this r. After the second pass, we have
    ceil(r/dm) new runs to be sorted. We continue
    this process until we have a single sorted file.
  • Number of passes ceil(logdm(nr))
  • In our example, we have 205/4 52 runs at the
    end of the first pass, 52/4 runs at the second,
    13/4 at the end of the 3rd, and 1 run remaining
    at the end of the four 4 passes
  • ceil(log4 (205)) 4

Metrics Continued
  • But how to transform this to something we care
    aboutlike disk accesses(da).
  • The sort phase requires 2 b disk accesses, once
    for each read block, and once for writing out
    each block of each sorted run.
  • So da 2 b cost of merge
  • But what is the cost of the merge?

Metrics Continued
  • Each pass works on every block, of which there
    are b in total. These have to read and written.
  • So
  • The cost of merge 2 b ceil(logdm(nr))
  • So da cost of sort cost of merge
  • da (2 b) (2 b ceil(logdm(nr)))

Implementing Select
  • S1 Linear Search of entire file
  • S2 Binary Search of an ordered file
  • S3 Primary index or hash key for equality
  • S4 Primary index for range selections (gt, lt
  • S5 Clustering index to retrieve multiple records
    when the search condition is on a non-key
  • S6 B tree for either equality or range selections

More Complex Selects
  • S7 Conjunctive selection using S2 through S6
  • S8 Conjunctive selection using composite index.
    If two more attributes are involved in equality
    conditions in the conjunctive condition and a
    composite index exists on the combined fields, we
    can use the index directly (example, suppose we
    created an index on essn, pno of works_on.
  • S9 Conjunctive intersection using record
    pointers. If we have secondary indexes and
    record pointers on a collection of indexes, then
    each index can be used to create a set of record
    pointers. The intersection of this set is the
    conjunction of the conditions.

General Principles
  • Recall Access Path a set of structures that
    provide a mechanism for getting to data (e.g.,
    hash tables, indexes, B-trees)
  • When a single condition satisfies the selection
  • If an access path exists, use the corresponding
    access method
  • Else do linear search
  • The optimizer should choose the path that
    retrieves the fewest records in the most
    efficient way. It does this by estimating costs
    of various approaches and chooses the least cost

  • Query optimization is needed mostly on
    conjunctive selects with multiple conditions
    whenever more than one of the attributes involved
    in the select have access paths.
  • The optimizer should choose the access path first
    that retrieves the fewest records

How Does it Choose?
  • Definition selectivity (S)
  • The ratio of the number of tuples that satisfy
    the condition to the total tuples in the
  • 0 means no tuples satisfy the condition
  • 1 means that all tuples satisfy the condition

  • The number of records (N) satisfying a selection
    condition is estimated by
  • N r(R) S
  • The smaller the N, the higher the desirability
    using that condition first to retrieve records
  • Why?

  • Suppose we have this selection
  • ssex F and salary 500,000 and dno
  • Since the result is the intersection of all
    selects it makes sense to retrieve on the least
    likely condition first. If 0 tuples are
    returned, we look no further. If only a few are
    returned, we perform the successive selects on
    the result

  • Problem exact selectivities (S) of all
    conditions are usually not available. But
    estimates of selectivity are kept in the DBMS
  • Example 1 equality condition based on a key
    attribute S 1/r(R)
  • Example 2 equality condition on an attribute
    with i distinct values S (r(R)/i)/r(R)
    1/i if we assume that the values are evenly
    distributed among the tuples.

  • Since the result is the union of all individual
    select conditions, it matters little which we do

  • Definitions
  • Joins involving two relations are called two-way
  • Joins involving more than two relations are
    called multi-way joins.

Implementing Join 1
  • J1 Nested Loop join
  • For each tuple, r, in the outer loop, R, retrieve
    every record s from the inner loop, S, and test
    whether the two tuples satisfy the join
    condition rA sB where A and B are
    attributes drawn from relations R and S
  • Employee xdno dnumber Department

Implementing Join 2
  • J2 Single-loop join
  • If an access structure exists for one of the two
    join attributes, say attribute B of relation S,
    retrieve each record, r, in relation R and then
    use the access structure on S to retrieve all
    tuples rA sB where A is an attribute of R

Implementing Join 3
  • J3 Sort-merge join
  • If the tuples of R and S are physically ordered
    by value of the join attributes A and B, join can
    be done in most efficient way possible both
    relations are scanned concurrently in order of
    the join attributes, matching the tuples that
    have the same values for A and B. If the files
    are not ordered, they may be sorted first.
  • What happens when a secondary index exists on
    each of the join attributes?
  • The indexes let us scan the records in order of
    the join attributes
  • But the records themselves may be scattered all
    over file blocksrecall 1 block per read. So
    this method can be very inefficient

Implementing Join 4
  • J4 Hash Join (hash structure does not exist)
  • The records of files R and S are both hashed to
    the same hash file, using the same hash function
    on the join attributes A of R and B of S as hash
  • Two phases
  • Partitioning phase scan the file with fewer
    records, say R, and hash the retrieved records to
    hash file buckets.
  • Probing phase Scan S. Hash each of its records
    to probe the appropriate hash bucket. The record
    from S is combined with all matching records from
    R that are in the bucket.
  • Problem Assumes that R fits entirely into memory

Performance J1 (nested loop)
  • Decide which is to be the inner and which the
    outer loop
  • Read as much as possible of the outer loop file
    into available buffer
  • Read inner loop file a block at a time into
  • Probe outer loop buffer with records from inner
    loop and put results in a single block buffer
  • Append results to a result file
  • Continue this process until the action of step 4
    has bee taken on all records

Performance J1
  • Employee xdno dnumber Department
  • Let
  • Nb 7, the number of buffer blocks
  • rD 50, the number of records in Department
  • bD 10, the number of blocks Department uses
  • rE 6000, the number of records in Employee
  • bE 2000, the number of blocks Employee uses

Performance J1
  • How many blocks are available for the outer loop
  • Nb (1 block for inner loop 1 block for
  • So, Nb 2
  • Suppose Employee is chosen for the outer loop.
  • Let T number of times buffer is loaded with
    blocks from outer file
  • T ceil(bE/(Nb 2)
  • Let I number of blocks accessed for inner file
  • I bD ceil(bE/(Nb 2)
  • Let A total blocks accessed
  • A bE (bD ceil(bE/(Nb 2)
  • 2000 ceil(2000/5) 10
  • 6000

Performance J1Exchange inner and outer blocks
  • A bD (bE ceil(bD/(Nb 2)
  • 10 (2000 10/5)
  • 4010
  • Wrinkle filled buffer is written to disk and
  • bresult, the number of blocks that satisfy the
    query must be added in . Since its the same in
    both cases, we have
  • Principle J1
  • Use the file with fewer blocks as the outer-loop
    file in the nested-loop join

Performance J1
  • But
  • filled buffer is written to disk and reused
  • bresult, the number of blocks that satisfy the
    query must be added in .
  • Yet its the same in both cases, leading to
  • Principle J1
  • Use the file with fewer blocks as the outer-loop
    file in the nested-loop join

Performance J2(using an access structure to
retrieve the matching records)
  • Definition Join Selection Factor
  • Percentage of records in file A that will be
    joined with records in file B
  • Consider
  • Department xmgrssnssn Employee
  • Recall
  • rD 50, the number of records in Department
  • rE 6000, the number of records in Employee

Peformance J2
  • Every department (50) has a manager
  • But most employees (at least 5950) dont manage a
  • So every department record will be joined
  • Join Selection Factor 100
  • At most 50 employee records will be joined
  • Join Selection Factor .8

Performance J2
  • Suppose multilevel secondary indexes exist on ssn
    of employee and mgrssn of department.
  • Suppose further that the index levels are as
  • xssn 4 (for the employee file)
  • xmgrssn 2 (for the department file)
  • We are using J2 (an access structure to retrieve
    matching records)

Performance J2
  • Option 1
  • Retrieve each employee record and use the index
    on mgrssn to find the matching department record
  • Option 2
  • Retrieve each department record and use the index
    on ssn to find the matching employee

Performance J2
  • Metrics Option 1
  • Accesses be (re (xmgrssn 1))
  • 20,000
  • Metrics Option 2
  • Accesses bd (rd (xssn 1))
  • 260

Performance J2
  • Principle
  • Use in the outer loop either
  • Smallest file
  • File that has the highest join selection factor

Performance J3(Sort-Merge Join)
  • Case 1 Each file is already sorted
  • A pass is made through each file
  • Accesses bA bB bresult
  • Case 2 One or both files must be sorted
  • Add the cost of sorting each external file
  • ceil(b log2b)
  • (if we know the number of buffers available for
    sorting, we can use the more accurate forumlas
    developed earlierthe point here is thats its

Performance J3
  • Consider
  • Department xmgrssnssn Employee
  • Recall
  • bD 10, the number of blocks in Department
  • bE 2000, the number of blocks in Employee

Performance J3
  • Case 1 Each file is already sorted
  • A pass is made through each file
  • Accesses 2010 bresult
  • Case 2 Files must be sorted
  • Accesses 2010 ceil(be log2be ) bd
    ceil(log2bd ) bresult
  • 2010 2000 11 10
    4 bresult
  • 24,050

Performance J4(Hash Join)
  • Employee xssn mgrssn Department
  • Recall
  • be 2000
  • bd 10
  • Technique
  • Scan smaller file, hashing records into memory,
    M, on the join attribute.
  • Scan larger file, hashing each record on the join
    attribute and probing M
  • Write results to disk
  • Total Disk Accesses be bd bresult

  • 2010 bresult
  • Problem Assumes that all of the smaller file
    will fit into the reserved memory buffer

Performance J4Overcoming the Limitation
  • Partition both Employee and Department into M
    partitions E1, E2, , EM
  • D1, D2, , DM
  • Corresponding pairs, Ex and Dx, have the property
    that records from Ex need only be joined with
    records from Dx
  • We ensure this property by scanning each file and
    partitioning each using the same hash
    functionrequires that we keep track of which
    partitions records hashing to the same key are in.

Performance J4Phase 1 Partitioning
  • Requires M internal buffers of 1 block each, to
    receive the partitioning results for each file
  • 1 buffer to accept pieces of the external files
    as they are read in
  • As the internal partitions fill, they are
    appended to a disk file that stores this

Performance J4Phase 2 Probing
  • Requires M iterations
  • During iteration x, the two partitions, Ex and Dx
    are joined
  • How many buffers needed the number of blocks in
    the smaller of the two partitons plus two
    additional buffers to receive Ex and Dx
  • The probing can either be done through a nested
    loop or through an additional hash function

Performance J4Cost
  • Each record of each file is read once and written
    back to disk during the partitioning phase
  • Each record is read once during the probing phase
  • Each record of the result is written back to disk
  • A 3 (be bd) bres 6030 bres

  • J1 (nested loop) 4010 accesses
  • J2 (loop with access structure) 260
  • J3 (Sorted merge join) 2010
  • J4 (Hash join) 6030
  • Considerations
  • Cost of maintaining the access structure (J2)
  • If the operation is to be done frequently, it may
    be worth it to sort the files (J3)
  • If the files are small enough to be brought into
    memory J4 becomes more attractive.
  • Certainly the in-memory operation of hashing and
    probing (J4) is faster than the sequential
    reading required with J1

  • Rule Numero Uno Apply select and project
    operations before applying join. Reason join is
    expensive. Select and project reduce the size of
    files that must be joined.
  • Data Structures and heuristic optimization
  • Query Tree
  • Represents a relational algebra expression
  • Relational operations are internal nodes
  • Input relations are leaf nodes
  • Equivalent Query Tree
  • Tree representing an equivalent relational
    algebra expression to the one represented in the
    query tree but is more efficient to execute
  • Set of rules that lets us transform a Query Tree
    to an Equivalent Query Tree

Query Trees
  • English
  • For every dept in Stafford, find the pnum, dnum,
    mgrssn, lname, address, bdate
  • SQL
  • select pnum, dnum, mgrssn, lname, address, bdate
  • from employee, department, project
  • where ssn mgrssn and dnumber and
    plocation Stafford
  • RA
  • ?pnumber, dnum, address, bdate (((splocation
  • xdnum dnumber(DEPARTMENT)))
  • xmgrssnssn(EMPLOYEE))

The Naïve Approach
  • Take the cartesian product of Employee,
    Department, Project
  • Select those tuples where
  • p.dum d.dnumber and d.mgrssn e.ssn and
    p.plocation Stafford
  • Project
  • p.pnumber, p.dnum, e.lname, e.address,

Obvious Problem
  • Suppose the following record sizes in bytes
  • Project 100 bytes
  • Department 50 bytes
  • Employee 150 bytes
  • Suppose the following tuple numbers in each
  • Project 100
  • Department 20
  • Employee 5000
  • Then their cartesian product would contain 10
    million tuples of record size 300 bytes each

A Better General Approach
  • Parse RA into subexpressions, innermost at the
    bottom of the parse tree
  • Execute from the bottom up

But we can apply obvious heurisitcs when
generating an equivalent tree
  • Consider Find the last names of employees born
    after 1957 who work on a project named Aquarius
  • SQl select lname from employee, works_on,
    project where pname Aquarius and
    pnumber pno and essn ssn
    and bdate gt 1957-12-31

Equivalent Trees 1
  • plname

spnameaquarius and pnumber pno and essn
ssn and bdate gt 1957-12-31
Better Move select down the tree
  • plname

spnmber pno
spname aquarius
sessn ssn
Better YetApply more restrictive select first
  • plname

sessn ssn
spnmber pno
spname aquarius
Better StillSwitch employee and projectbecause
select on project produces 1 tuple
  • plname

sessn ssn
spnmber pno
spname aquarius
Better StillReplace CP with natural joins,
making the transitions loops, etc. easier
  • plname

xessn ssn
xspnmber pno
spname aquarius
FinallyReduce tuple size by applying projects
  • plname

xessn ssn
pssn, lname
xspnmber pno
pessn, pno
spname aquarius
An Algorithm(made possible by the list, p. 519)
  • Break up select ops with conjunctive conditions
    into a cascade of selects
  • Move selects as far down the tree as possible
    (selects are commutative with other ops)
  • Push most restrictive selects down the tree.
  • Combine cartesian products with a subsequent
    select into a join
  • Push project operations down the tree (project is
  • Decompose the tree into subtrees of operations
    that can be executed by a single algorithm

NowOnce we have the final query tree
  • We can choose implementation methods for join,
    select, and other ops as outlined earlier, paying
    attention to these factors
  • Disk accesses
  • Cost of storing intermediate files
  • Cost of performing in memory computatons
  • Cost of memory buffers
  • Cost of shipping query results across a network

Much of this is stored in the DBMS catalog
  • We know
  • Number of records and blocks in a file
  • Blocking factor for a file
  • All access methods and attributes for each file
  • Number of levels for a multi-level index
  • Number of distinct values for an attribute
  • Fraction of records satisfying an equality
    condition on an attribute (selectivity)

Oracle Optimization
  • Rule-Based
  • Execution plans are based on heuristically ranked
  • Example Access by physical address of a row
    (rowid) is best and full table scan is worst
  • Cost-Based
  • Optimizer examines alternative access paths
  • Chooses the one where the query cost is lowest
    where query cost is based on i/o and cpu time and
    memory usage
  • Developer-based
  • Developers may tell the optimizer things that
    might be semantically but not technically known
  • Suppose we have a company with only 10 men and 90
    women. If a secondary index exists it would be
    used. Whereas if men and women were evenly
    distributed, it might not be used.

What Weve Done
  • Intro to databases (chap. 1)
  • Database concepts and architecture (chap. 2)
  • Data Modeling with ER (chap. 3)
  • Relational Data Model (chap. 5)
  • Relational Algebra (6.-6.5)
  • ER R mapping (chap. 7)
  • SQL-99 (chapters 8 9)
  • Functional Dependency and Normalization (chapters
    10 11)
  • Disk Storage, file structures, hashing (chap. 13)
  • Indexing (chap. 14)
  • Optimization (15.1-15.7, 15.9)
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