Title: HBIC business support for Sat Nav services
1HBIC business support for Sat Nav services
Galileo Master Workshop 1st July 2009GRACE -
The UK competition process (www.galileomasters.c
2Galileo Master Workshop 1st July 2009GRACE -
Nottingham Launch
- 28th April Launch sponsored by EADS Astrium
- 1st May Competition Starts
- 1st July GRACE workshop (Nottingham)
- 31st July Competition Closes
- August UK applications to judges from Munich
- 8th September 1st UK judges evaluation meeting
for top 5 - 15th September 2nd UK judge evaluation to find
the winner - 23rd/ 24th Sept. GM and Navteq evaluation meeting
(TBA) - 21st October Prize Giving (Munich)
32009 List of Judges and Sponsors (S)
- Tim Just Thales
- Richard Peckham EADS Astrium (S)
- Andrew Mackenzie SY (S)
- Clive De La Fuente Location KTN
- Prof.Terry Moore GRACE (S)
- Michael Lawrence TSB (S)
- Short bios on website
42008 UK Winners Update
- Sci-Tech Systems Ltd (SSL) Triple winner. Update
later in the agenda - Allerayde - Allergy and medical devices is here
today. Working with GRACE (agenda) - Spook - a visual data platform being developed
with UKTI - LBC continues to look for funding for a carbon
credit system
5ESNC history with HBIC in the UK
2005 1st Year UK Winner TrackerBack 2006 2nd
Year UK Winner GeoSynch also Galileo Master
2007 2007 3rd Year UK Winner Mobi
Assist 2008 4th Year UK Triple Winner also GSA
winner and Galileo Master 2008 Sci-Tech
6There are currently 4 core GNSS satellite
constellations to which regional and local
augmentations systems have been added
Current GNSS Systems Overview ( Booze Company
Nov 2008)
Augmentation Systems
Regional Satellite Based Augmentation Systems
Local Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS)
Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS)
Developed for the aviation sector
e.g. inertial navigation
Developed for maritime aviation applications
7GNSS services are classified along three main
segments which address many applications and
market industries
GNSS Services / Applications (Booze Company Nov
Safety of Life (SoL)
Consumer Applications
- Aviation
- Railway
- Maritime
- Emergency services (ambulance, police, fire,
etc.) - Search and rescue
- Traffic surveillance
- Timing
- Space vehicles
- Scientific
- Precision survey
- Oil and gas
- Vehicle control and robotics
- Construction and civil engineering
- GIS and mapping
- Fleet management
- Precision farming
- Military
- Car/ In-Vehicle Navigation
- Personal Navigation
- Communications (outdoor, indoor)
8The global GNSS value chain is in the process of
consolidation across two dimensions Product and
Global Satellite Navigation Product / Service
Value Chain (Booze Company Nov 2008)
Information Content Providers
e.g. maps, traffic information, routes,
geo-relevant databases
- Depending on the type of receiver the GNSS
navigation-related components represent a major
or minor part of the overall receiver, e.g. in - Mobile phones 10
- Vehicle telematics 20-25
- Commercial air transport navigation systems 100
Communica-tions Providers
e.g. GSM, WiMAX or satellite communications
Application Service Provider
e.g. ATM fleet management, road charging
services, emergency services
e.g. car, plane or mobile phone
e.g. chipsets, antennas
e.g. hand-held or for integration
e.g. aviation and in-car route guidance
Navigation Systems
- While the location-industry value chains have
long remained fragmented, the ongoing trend
towards consolidation is finally moving the
industry into a mature stage
Source Galilei-Galileo Market Observatory, ABI
Research, Booz Company analysis
9ESNC Interested Parties
Technology Strategy Board
Harwell Science and Innovation park
Thales Europe
10The Interaction of HBIC EU projects
SMEs Growth Enhanced
11Future/Other Events
- Trading with China Event UK /Italy
- October - GRACE building/test facility opens
- ESA UK Space Centre opens at Harwell