Title: 25 years
25 years
of partnership
2The American Red Cross Southwestern Pennsylvania
Chapter is proud to sponsor the local branch of
the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).
RSVP enables people 55 and older to impact
their community through volunteer service.
Currently, more than 700 volunteers participate
in RSVP by helping at hospitals, daycare centers,
schools and consumer agencies.
3The American Red Cross Southwestern Pennsylvania
Chapter not only sponsors the RSVP Program, but
happily accepts RSVP volunteers too. RSVP
volunteers help the Red Cross both in and out of
the office. Whether doing clerical work or
responding to local emergencies as part of the
Disaster Action Team, volunteers help fulfill the
Red Cross mission to prevent, prepare for and
respond to emergencies.
4Blanketeers for Project Linus create handmade
blankets and afghans for seriously ill and
traumatized children. The RSVP volunteers
handiwork provides love, warmth and comfort to
thousands of children each year.
5At Meals on Wheels, RSVP volunteers prepare meals
for elderly and homebound individuals.
6RSVP volunteers at the Carnegie Library for the
Blind and Physically Handicapped test and repair
tape players. The machines allow visually
handicapped individuals to listen to audio
recordings of written materials.
7RSVP volunteers read print materials for the
visually handicapped. The audio is broadcasted by
the Radio Information Service, which listeners
can access through a special FM radio receiver or
through the Internet.
8American Red Cross and RSVP volunteers role play
a full-scale nursing home evacuation as part of a
training exercise.
9RSVP Volunteer Mary Lou English helps keep the
operations at the Northside Common Ministries
Food Pantry organized. The Food Pantry provides
food for almost 500 families each month, and on
an emergency basis.
10Mary Lou and William sort through a basket of new
donations. They organize the cans as they empty
the cart, and check the expiration dates to make
sure the families dont receive spoiled food.
11RSVP Volunteer William English puts the canned
food on shelves. Food is organized into sections
to help the family efficiently pick out what they
12RSVP Volunteer Marygrace Denk sorts through
artifacts at the Library and Archives at the
Senator John Heinz History Center. Denk organizes
and labels each box and enters the contents in a