Title: Chap 19 Sec 3
1Chap 19 Sec 34
- Popular Unpopular Culture
2Television became the most important means of
communication in the 1950s.
3In 1950 only 9 of all homes had a TV. By 1960,
90 had Televisions.
4Developed the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC)government agency that regulates the
communications industry.
5Advertisers took advantage of TV. Lots of
commercials on childrens shows.
6TV reflected values of white, suburban
Americasecure jobs material success,
well-behaved children conformity.
7TV also had stereotypes. Women were only shown
to be happy moms.
8African Americans Latinos hardly appeared at
all on TV.
9The movie industry suffered from competition by
10Movie attendance dropped by 50.
11Beatnikspeople who rebelled against conformity
and materialism.
12New music of the 1950s was Rock N Roll.
13Lyrics focused on interests of teenagers.
141950smillions of middle class whites left
cities to live in suburbs. Called White Flight.
15Businesses Jobs followed whites out of cities.
16Cities lost taxes these people/businesses paid.
17Cities could no longer afford to maintain
schools, public transportation, etc.
18Urban poor suffered as cities decayed.
19Many minorities could not afford to move out to
20Minorities were also not welcome in many white
21Thus, inner-city neighborhoods became very
22Tried Urban Renewalplan to tear down decaying
neighborhoods and build low-cost housing.
23Sometimes money went to build highways shopping
centers instead of building new housing.
24When new housing was not built to replace housing
torn down, a housing shortage occurred.
25Inner city people forced to move from their old
slums to other slumsinstead of to better housing.
26Key Terms
27Means of communications that reach large
28AnsMass Media
29Government agency that regulates the
communications industry.
30AnsFederal Communications Commission (FCC).
31Writers who made fun of the conformity and
materialism of mainstream American society.
32AnsBeat Movement
33Form of popular music, characterized by heavy
rhythms and simple melodies, that developed fro
rhythm and blues in the 1950s.
34AnsRock N Roll
35Plan to tear down decaying neighborhoods and
build low-cost housing.
36Ansurban renewal