Title: Role of DPs in Kenyan Agriculture growth
1Role of DPs in Kenyan Agriculture growth
- A Discussion paper for Tegemeo Conference on
agricultural productivity, competetiveness and
rural povery in Kenya - 17th 18th September 2008
- J.K.Kiara
- This presentation intends to show that the that
role of DPs has not only contributed to
agricultural growth but also accelerated it.
3Source Daily Nation, March 2007
4Presentation outline
- Overview of development assistance to
agricultural sector in Kenya - Broad areas of support
- Coordination of development assistance to the
sector - Challenges and opportunities in realizing
required growth
5Overview of development assistance
- The role of development partners has not been
limited to the amount of ODA flows alone. - Constructive dialogue, exchange visits and trade
has enabled DPs contribute to sustainable
agriculture growth and development in Kenya. - information generated in developed countries has
also informed the formulation of policies and
strategies that have facilitated the growth of
- Nature, focus, volumes and strategies have
changed over the last four decades - green revolution in the 1960s to 1980s
- integrated rural development projects of 1980s
to mid- 1990s - sector wide approaches of today.
7Global ODA to Agriculture, 1980-2002, constant
prices (billion USD)
8Global Volumes of bilateral assistance to
agriculture in 1980, 1990 and 2000 mUSD
9Share of ODA to Kenyan Agriculture sector 2008/09
Dev. estimates
7.44 B KES
2.655 b KES
4.767 b KES
1012.4 BKES
Recurrent 2008/09 in B KES
146 m more
52 m more
1.8 b less
480 m less
Recurrent 2007/08 in B KES
14.2 BKES
11Broad areas of support
- Research
- Training
- Development
- Programme Identification
- Participatory Processes Mainstreamed in
Programmes - Major donor supported programmes
12Focus of ODA Kenyan programmes
- DPs support to the sector addresses questions
raised in the World Development report on
Agriculture for development. - What can agriculture do for development?
- What are effective instruments in using
agriculture for development and - how can agriculture-for-development agendas best
be implemented? - The programmes both at ASCU and at subsector
level address - policy neglect and increasing investment in the
sector. - are pro-poor projects with the aim to increase
the assets of the poor households, - make small holders more productive and
- create opportunities in the rural nonfarm economy
that the rural poor can seize. - DPs are encouraging the design of policies and
decision processes that are suited to Kenyas
economic and social conditions, by - mobilizing political support and
- improving the governance of agriculture
- SRA 2004
- SWAp workshop
- Thematic Working Groups
14Achievements and ongoing work
- Extension policy and its implementation framework
- National Agriculture Research System policy .
- Communication strategy for research and extension
- Concept Paper on consolidated legislation
completed. - Review of cap 318 has been undertaken
- Support to policy development in the sector
ministries - Fisheries Policy
- Cooperative Development Policy
- Cooperative Investment Policy.
- Kenya National Pharmaceutical Policy.
- Apiculture Policy.
- Kenya National Poultry Policy
16Agribusiness and Value Addition
- Commodity prioritizing exercise which included
analyzing their value chain to list the pertinent
constraints and requirements was conducted. -
- 30 agricultural products for commercialization
including indigenous crops were targeted -
- Studies on 9 commodities undertaken -tea, cotton,
pyrethrum, hides/skins (recommended by the NESC)
Beef, Dairy, Coffee, Horticulture and Fish/Sea
- Development of the National Accelerated
Agricultural Inputs Access Programme (NAAIAP) -
- Review of and development of Seeds Policy, Seeds
Act, and Seeds Regulations - Development of National Variety Performance
Trials Regulations
- Food security and Nutrition policy and strategy
have been completed and are awaiting cabinet
19Other support initiatives
- Humanitarian and recovery
- Regional programmes
- Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
- Coordination
- Financial Commitments
- Local Capacity
- Global Governance
21Thank You