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( for example, the processor is running at 20 MHz. and conversion time is 40 sec. ... embedded devices do not have DAC on-board so it is important to understand the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Today

Lecture 82/12/08
  • Today
  • Quick look at Lab 3
  • Analog-to-Digital Converters
  • Quiz 1 (for real) next Tuesday (2/19/08)
  • Exam 1 on 2/28/08

Lab on 2/13/07
  • Project will be to investigate performance
    characteristics of an Analog-to-Digital Converter
    (ADC) and a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC).

Why look at ADCs and DACs
  • The purpose of this lab is to provide you an
    opportunity to observe, in detail, the
    performance of an Analog-to-Digital Converter and
    a Digital-to-Analog Converter.
  • Many of the parameters found in integrated
    devices (such as found on embedded controllers)
    are not observable and just taken for granted.
    You should understand what they are and the
    impact they can have on circuit performance.
    (for example, the processor is running at 20 MHz.
    and conversion time is 40 µsec. - 1000x speed
    difference! How do you handle this?)
  • Most embedded devices do not have DAC on-board so
    it is important to understand the interfacing
    requirements of these devices

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Few Items to point out about the lab
  • Occasionally, the ADC will not start converting
    when power is applied. You may have to
    momentarily touch the "INTR" pin to ground to
    start the ADC converting.
  • Let me stress making some of these measurements
    is not easy because of the limitations of the
    equipment available and in many cases, your
    results will be an approximation at best.
  • These devices are sensitive to static and voltage
    levels. For example, if the input waveforms must
    be in the range 0 Vin 5, exceeding this limits
    could damage the device and it may not perform
    properly. Input waveforms must not go negative
    or exceed 5 volts in amplitude, not even for a
    few milliseconds.
  • Make sure you understand what you are observing.
    For example, on the output of the DAC you will
    be measuring the output on the DAC at both Vo and
    the filtered output, Vof. The Filter Time
    Constant may have to be adjusted to see the
    effect of the filter more clearly.

Analog-to-Digital Converters
  • There are many different types of
    Analog-to-Digital Converters
  • Each offers something in the way of
  • Speed
  • Cost
  • Power Dissipation
  • Complexity

Types of ADCs
  • We will first look at the various types
  • Investigate the operation of the converters
  • And then briefly compare the basic properties

Types of ADCs
  • There are several different types of ADCs
    divided into four categories
  • 1) Counter type ADC
  • Tracking
  • Staircase
  • Successive Approximation
  • 2) Integrating type
  • Single slope
  • Dual slope
  • Triple slope

Types of ADCs (continued)
  • 3) Flash
  • Simultaneous
  • Subranging
  • 4) Sigma-Delta

Where ADCs Are Most Effective
Figure 1. ADC architectures cover differing
ranges of sample rate and resolution.
Now lets look at the various types of ADCs in a
little more detail.Well begin with the counter
type ADCs
Counter Type ADC
  • This type of converter uses some type of counter
    as part of its operation
  • Counter type ADCs are sometimes called Digital
    Servo types because a Servo implies Feedback
  • Counter type contains the following elements
  • Digital-to-Analog Converter
  • Some type of counting mechanism
  • Comparator
  • Clock

Features Counter Type ADC
  • Use a clock to index the counter
  • Use DAC to generate analog signal to compare
    against input
  • Comparator is used to compare VIN and VDAC where
    VIN is the signal to be digitized.
  • The input to the DAC is from the counter.

One type of Counter type ADC is Digital Ramp or
OperationAs the counter counts up with each
clock pulse, the DAC outputs a slightly higher
(more positive) voltage. This voltage is compared
against the input voltage by the comparator. If
the input voltage is greater than the DAC output,
the comparator's output will be high and the
counter will continue counting normally.
Eventually, though, the DAC output will exceed
the input voltage, causing the comparator's
output to go low. This will cause two things to
happen first, the high-to-low transition of
the comparator's output will cause the shift
register to "load" whatever binary count is being
output by the counter, thus updating the ADC
circuit's output second, the counter will
receive a low signal on the active-low LOAD
input, causing it to reset to 00000000 on the
next clock pulse.
  • The effect of this circuit is to produce a DAC
    output that ramps up to whatever level the analog
    input signal is at, output the binary number
    corresponding to that level, and start over
  • Plotted over time, it looks like this

Typical waveforms
We can modify this to produce another type.
Tracking Converter
OPERATION Another variation on the
counter-DAC-based converter theme is a tracking
device. Instead of a regular "up" counter
driving the DAC, this circuit uses an up/down
counter. The counter is continuously clocked,
and the up/down control line is driven by the
output of the comparator. So, when the analog
input signal exceeds the DAC output, the counter
goes into the "count up" mode. When the DAC
output exceeds the analog input, the counter
switches into the "count down" mode. Either way,
the DAC output always counts in the proper
direction to track the input signal. Notice -
no shift register is needed to buffer the binary
count at the end of a cycle. Since the counter's
output continuously tracks the input (rather than
counting to meet the input and then resetting
back to zero), the binary output is legitimately
updated with every clock pulse. An advantage of
this converter circuit is speed, since the
counter never has to reset. Note the behavior of
this circuit
Typical Waveforms of Tracking Converter
Successive Approximation (Block Diagram)
  • Figure 4. Successive approximation register (SAR)
    converters use a comparator and a DAC to close in
    on VIN.

Successive Approximation (Functional Diagram)
Successive Approximation Operation
  • One method of addressing the digital ramp ADC's
    shortcomings is the so-called successive-approxima
    tion ADC.
  • The only change in this design is a very special
    counter circuit known as a successive-approximatio
    n register. Instead of counting up in binary
    sequence, this register counts by trying all
    values of bits starting with the most-significant
    bit and finishing at the least-significant bit.
  • Throughout the count process, the register
    monitors the comparator's output to see if the
    binary count is less than or greater than the
    analog signal input, adjusting the bit values
    accordingly. The way the register counts is
    identical to the "trial-and-fit" method of
    decimal-to-binary conversion, whereby different
    values of bits are tried from MSB to LSB to get a
    binary number that equals the original decimal
  • The advantage to this counting strategy is much
    faster results the DAC output converges on the
    analog signal input in much larger steps than
    with the 0-to-full count sequence of a regular

Successive Approximation process plotted over
time looks like this
Successive Approximation Converter Waveforms
Problems with Counter Type ADCs
  • Noise sensitivity
  • Taking samples at a high rate can result in the
    digitization of noise
  • In some cases the noise will not average out in a
    measurement and several measurements would have
    to be made to average out noise

Here is 1.5 volt battery noise without any load
on the battery.
Here is the 1.5 volt battery voltage with motor
Here is the battery with motor noise averaged
over time
Integrating ADC
  • Contains many elements similar to other ADCs
  • Counter
  • Comparator
  • Also contains an Integrator
  • Serves as a filter to improve noise immunity

Integrating ADC
  • The is the basic idea behind the single-slope,
    referred to as an integrating ADC is as follows
  • Instead of using a DAC with a ramped output, we
    use an op-amp circuit configured as an integrator
    to generate a sawtooth waveform which is then
    compared against the analog input by a
  • The time it takes for the sawtooth waveform to
    exceed the input signal voltage level is measured
    by means of a digital counter clocked with a
    precise-frequency square wave (usually from a
    crystal oscillator). The basic schematic diagram
    is shown here

Single Slope ADC
Integrating ADC
Typical waveforms of integrating ADC
Single Slope Integrating ADC
  • The single-slope ADC suffers all the
    disadvantages of the digital ramp ADC, with the
    added drawback of calibration drift.
  • The accurate correspondence of this ADC's output
    with its input is dependent on the voltage slope
    of the integrator being matched to the counting
    rate of the counter (the clock frequency).
  • With the digital ramp ADC, the clock frequency
    had no effect on conversion accuracy, only on
    update time. In this circuit, since the rate of
    integration and the rate of count are independent
    of each other, variation between the two is
    inevitable as it ages, and will result in a loss
    of accuracy.
  • The only good thing to say about this circuit is
    that it avoids the use of a DAC, which reduces
    circuit complexity.

Dual Slope Integrating ADC
  • An answer to this calibration drift dilemma is
    found in a design variation called the dual-slope
  • In the dual-slope converter, an integrator
    circuit is driven positive and negative in
    alternating cycles to ramp down and then up,
    rather than being reset to 0 volts at the end of
    every cycle.
  • In one direction of ramping, the integrator is
    driven by the positive analog input signal
    (producing a negative, variable rate of output
    voltage change, or output slope) for a fixed
    amount of time, as measured by a counter with a
    precision frequency clock.
  • Then, in the other direction, with a fixed
    reference voltage (producing a fixed rate of
    output voltage change) with time measured by the
    same counter.
  • The counter stops counting when the integrator's
    output reaches the same voltage as it was when it
    started the fixed-time portion of the cycle.
  • The amount of time it takes for the integrator's
    capacitor to discharge back to its original
    output voltage, as measured by the magnitude
    accrued by the counter, becomes the digital
    output of the ADC circuit.

Dual Slope Integrating ADC
  • The dual-slope method can be thought of
    analogously in terms of a rotary spring such as
    that used in a mechanical clock mechanism.
  • Imagine we were building a mechanism to measure
    the rotary speed of a shaft. Thus, shaft speed is
    our "input signal" to be measured by this device.
    The measurement cycle begins with the spring in a
    relaxed state. The spring is then turned, or
    "wound up," by the rotating shaft (input signal)
    for a fixed amount of time. This places the
    spring in a certain amount of tension
    proportional to the shaft speed a greater shaft
    speed corresponds to a faster rate of winding.
    and a greater amount of spring tension
    accumulated over that period of time.
  • After that, the spring is uncoupled from the
    shaft and allowed to unwind at a fixed rate, the
    time for it to unwind back to a relaxed state
    measured by a timer device.
  • The amount of time it takes for the spring to
    unwind at that fixed rate will be directly
    proportional to the speed at which it was wound
    (input signal magnitude) during the fixed-time
    portion of the cycle.

  • This technique of analog-to-digital conversion
    escapes the calibration drift problem of the
    single-slope ADC because both the integrator's
    integration coefficient (or "gain") and the
    counter's rate of speed are in effect during the
    entire "winding" and "unwinding" cycle portions.
  • If the counter's clock speed were to suddenly
    increase, this would shorten the fixed time
    period where the integrator "winds up" (resulting
    in a lesser voltage accumulated by the
    integrator), but it would also mean that it would
    count faster during the period of time when the
    integrator was allowed to "unwind" at a fixed
  • The proportion that the counter is counting
    faster will be the same proportion as the
    integrator's accumulated voltage is diminished
    from before the clock speed change.
  • Thus, the clock speed error would cancel itself
    out and the digital output would be exactly what
    it should be.
  • Another important advantage of this method is
    that the input signal becomes averaged as it
    drives the integrator during the fixed-time
    portion of the cycle. Any changes in the analog
    signal during that period of time have a
    cumulative effect on the digital output at the
    end of that cycle.

Dual Slope ADC
  • Other ADC strategies merely "capture" the analog
    signal level at a single point in time every
  • If the analog signal is "noisy" (contains
    significant levels of spurious voltage
    spikes/dips), one of the other ADC converter
    technologies may occasionally convert a spike or
    dip because it captures the signal repeatedly at
    a single point in time.
  • A dual-slope ADC, on the other hand, averages
    together all the spikes and dips within the
    integration period, thus providing an output with
    greater noise immunity.
  • Dual-slope ADCs are used in applications
    demanding high accuracy.

Here is the 1.5 volt battery voltage with motor
Here is the battery with motor noise averaged
over time
Dual Slope ADC
Dual Slope ADC
  • The Dual Slope Integrating ADC is divided into
    three phases
  • Phase I is the Auto zero phase switches are set
    to zero out the integrator capacitor and prepare
    device to integrate signal
  • Phase II is the signal integrate phase Signal is
    integrated for a predetermined of clock pulses
  • Phas III is the reference integrate phase A
    reference signal is applied to the integrator and
    integrated down while clock pulses are counted

Dual Slope ADC
  • The number of clock cycles required to get to
    zero is proportional to the value of Vin (input
    voltage) averaged over the integration period.

The Dual Slope Integrating ADC charges a
capacitor for a fixed amount of time, then
discharge while counting output bits.
Dual Slope operation Phase I Phase II
Phase III
FLASH ADCs- Most high-speed oscilloscopes and
some RF test instruments use flash ADCs because
of their fast digitizing rate, which now reaches
5 Gsamples/s for off-the-shelf devices and 100s
Gsamples/s for proprietary designs. - The
typical flash converter resolves analog voltages
to 8 bits, although sizes are continuing to
increase and some flash converters can resolve
10 bits.
Flash or Parallel ADC
  • Fastest of all ADC
  • 100s GHz conversion rates
  • Consist of a bank of comparators ( 2n )
  • Extensive decoding logic in some cases
  • High power dissipation
  • No clock necessary
  • Major disadvantage - complexity

Flash ADC
Typical Waveforms
Flash ADC circuit configuration
Flash ADC circuit configuration
Example 2 bit flash ADC
  • Heres an example of the logic in a two bit flash
  • Note if Vref is 8 volts,
  • Then resolution is 2 volts
  • Transitions occur at 1, 3, and 5 volts.
  • Maximum output is 11

Change the VTC
  • Note the Voltage Transfer Characteristic (VTC) of
    the devicee can be easily altered by simply
    changing resistor values, so the switch points
    can be change to create whatever profile you want.

Sub-ranging Flash ADC
  • Combining parallel conversion for moderate number
    of bits (eg. 8) with iteration it is possible to
    strike a compromise that gives
  • Better resolution than a full parallel approach
  • Less complex structure
  • Improved speed over a counter type ADC
  • Uses a clock (strobe) to synchronize operations
  • Called by different names
  • Two step flash ADC
  • Subranging ADC

Sub-ranging Flash ADC
  • Operation similar to flash except
  • Conversion produces most significant portion of
    output word. This portion is stored and
    converted to analog value with a fast DAC
  • Analog result is subtracted from the input, and
    resulting residue is amplified, converted to
    digital value and combined with first part to
    form total output word.

Sub-ranging Flash ADC
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Delta-Sigma (?S) ADC
  • One of the more advanced ADC technologies is the
    so-called delta-sigma, or ?S (using the proper
    Greek letter notation).
  • In mathematics and physics, the capital Greek
    letter delta (?) represents difference or change,
    while the capital letter sigma (S) represents
    summation the adding of multiple terms together.
    Sometimes this converter is referred to by the
    same Greek letters in reverse order sigma-delta,
    or S?.
  • In a ?S converter, the analog input voltage
    signal is connected to the input of an
    integrator, producing a voltage rate-of-change,
    or slope, at the output corresponding to input
  • This ramping voltage is then compared against
    ground potential (0 volts) by a comparator.
  • The comparator acts as a sort of 1-bit ADC,
    producing 1 bit of output ("high" or "low")
    depending on whether the integrator output is
    positive or negative.
  • The comparator's output is then latched through a
    D-type flip-flop clocked at a high frequency, and
    fed back to another input channel on the
    integrator, to drive the integrator in the
    direction of a 0 volt output.

Where ADCs Are Most Effective
Figure 1. ADC architectures cover differing
ranges of sample rate and resolution.
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Sigma-delta ADCsSigma-delta converters , also
called oversampling converters, consist of 2
major blocks modulator and digital filter . The
modulator, whose architecture is similar to that
of a dual-slope ADC, includes an integrator and a
comparator with a feedback loop that contains a
1-bit DAC. The modulator oversamples the input
signal, transforming it to a serial bit stream
with a frequency well above the required sampling
rate. The output filter then converts the bit
stream to a sequence of parallel digital words at
the sampling rate. The delta-sigma converters
perform high-speed, low resolution (1-bit) A/D
conversions, and then remove the resulting
high-level quantization noise by passing the
signal through analog and digital filters
Features high resolution , high accuracy , low
noise, low cost. Good for applications with a
bandwidth up to 1MHz, such as speech, audio.
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In the schematic above the input analog voltage
drives an integrator, whose output is compared
with a ground voltage level by a comparator.
D-latch controls a switch turning on/off a
reference voltage, they both are composing a
1-bit DAC. As the input voltage increases or
decreases, the comparator turns on and off the
reference voltage, that is subtracted from the
input signal, aiming to maintain zero on the
output of the integrator. The counter C1 keeps
track of clock periods, while counter C2 counts
the number of pulses when the switch is closed.
Suppose the volume of counter C1 is 1000. By the
time it gets the final count, the number in
counter C2 is proportional to the average level
of the input signal during the time of 1000 clock
pulses. Now the name delta-sigma is making a
little more sense delta (the difference) refers
to delta modulation, the principle of coding not
the whole input value, but only the difference
between the current signal sample and the
feedback signal, corresponding to the previous
sample. Obviously, less bits are required to code
only the difference in the amplitudes.
Sigma (the sum) is because the sum of "deltas" is
counted during the measured interval. In other
words, the input to the quantizer is the integral
of the differences between the input and the
output signals. Technical papers often refer to
sigma-delta converter as over-sampling.
Traditional converter takes a sample of the input
signal and performs a complete conversion with
it. Delta-sigma converter is averaging multiple
samples. The penalty paid for the high
resolution achievable with sigma-delta technology
has always been speed - the hardware has to
operate at the oversampled rate, much larger than
the maximum signal bandwidth, thus demanding
greater complexity of the digital circuitry.
Because of this limitation, these converters have
traditionally been used in high-resolution low
frequency applications (up to 1 MHz, such as
speech, audio, precise voltage and temperature
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