Title: Respiration and Breathing
1Respiration and Breathing
2Video on Respiration
- Respiration is not just breathing in and out.
- Respiration takes place in all plant and animal
cells for 24 hours a day. - Respiration is the process of converting glucose
into energy. It takes place in all plant and
animal cells. - There are two types of respiration
- Aerobic respiration
- Anaerobic respiration
4Aerobic Respiration
Aerobic means using oxygen (with air) and it is
the most efficient method of energy production
Word equation
Glucose Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Energy
Symbol equation
C6H12O6 6O2 6CO2 6H2O Energy
5Anaerobic Respiration
Anaerobic means without oxygen (without air). It
is not the best way way to make energy so is only
used when oxygen is in short supply.
Word equation for Humans
Glucose Lactic acid Energy
Word equation for yeast
Glucose Alcohol Carbon Dioxide Energy
Sometimes called Fermentation, it is used in
bread and wine making
6Problems with Anaerobic Respiration in Humans
- When our bodies cannot supply our muscles with
enough oxygen they respire anaerobically,
causing - a build up lactic acid which is painful,
- an oxygen debt which must be repaid,
- a rise in pulse breathing rates.
- Recovery time depends on level of fitness.
7The Lungs
Cartilage ring
Left lung
Right lung
8Lungs and Breathing
- Trachea
- Bronchus
- Bronchiole
- Alveoli
- Ribs
- Intercostal muscles
- Diaphragm
- Plural fluid
- carries air from the mouth
- one goes to each lung
- small branching tubes split bronchi
- air sack where gasses are exchanged
- protect the heart and lungs
- pull ribs and sternum up and out
- moves up and down during breathing
- lubricates the thoracic cavity
9Video on Breathing
10Breathing In and Out
- Diaphragm _______
- Intercostals _______
- Rib cage _________
- Thorax volume __________
- Air pressure ______
- Air drawn in
- Diaphragm ________
- Intercostals _______
- Rib cage _________
- Thorax volumes __________
- Air pressure _______
- Air forced out
11Breathing In and Out
- Diaphragm contracts
- Intercostals contract
- Rib cage raised
- Thorax volume increases
- Air pressure lowered
- Air drawn in
- Diaphragm relaxes
- Intercostals relax
- Rib cage lowers
- Thorax volumes decreases
- Air pressure raised
- Air forced out
12Composition of Inhaled and Exhaled Air
13Diffusion in the Alveoli
Deoxygenated Blood
Air In Out
Blood Capillary
Oxygenated Blood
14Structure and Function of Alveoli
- The Alveoli are where gaseous exchange takes
place. For this they have - an enormous surface area
- a moist lining
- very thin walls
- an excellent blood supply.
- Oxygen passes into the blood.
- Carbon dioxide passes out of the blood.
15Gas Exchange at the Cells
Body Cells
Blood Capillary
Tissue Fluid
16Effects of Smoking on the Lungs
- Carbon Monoxide paralyses cilia so mucus cannot
be carried away. - Tar solidifies in the lungs irritating cells to
produce more sticky mucus. - Bronchitis.
- Emphysema
- Lung cancer.
cough cough
17Effects of Smoking on the Body
- Carbon Monoxide reacts with Haemoglobin
preventing the carriage of Oxygen. - Nicotine is addictive.
- Nicotine makes blood sticky causing blood
pressure to rise. - Heart attacks and strokes.