Title: P1253814573EyLhr
1NIRT Tailored Fluorinated Surfactants for the
Design of Ordered Nanoporous CeramicsS.E. Rankin
(PI), University of Kentucky, DMR-0210517
We have been demonstrated that fluorinated
surfactants (soap-like molecules) can be used as
templates to create organized nanometer-sized
pores within ceramic particles and films. The
fluorinated nature of the surfactants causes them
to assembly easily in water and to make stiff
aggregates (cylinders and discs). Fluorination
allows the surfactants to be processed and
recovered using inert solvent including
high-pressure carbon dioxide. Materials
synthesized (above) include particles with small
cylindrical or slit-like pores, and hollow
particles with ordered walls. The fluorinated
surfactants also allow the introduction of
organic and fluorinated functional groups for
advanced chemical and biological separations.
Simulations (right) complement the synthesis and
2Research Experiences in Nanotechnology for
Graduate, Undergraduate, and K-12 Students
Students at all levels from K-12 to graduate have
contributed to this NIRT project. They have been
encouraged to present their work at national
meetings (upper right an undergraduate at the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual
Meeting) and at meetings featuring interactions
with local industry such as the Kentucky Nanomat
conference. Applications of the materials, such
as pH responsive release (lower right), have been
used for undergraduate and high school research
experiences. Positive research experiences led
alumni to pursue advanced study (one as an NSF
Graduate Fellow, and one in veterinary school).
Separations based on porous materials have also
been featured at our Engineering Day open house
(2000 K-12 students attend) and engineering camp
for high school students.