Title: Mark Quirk
1XML Web Services Microsoft .NET
- Mark Quirk
- Group Technical Manager
- .NET Developer Group
- Microsoft
- Positioning
- Technology
- Products
- Strategy
3Microsoft and XML Web Services
- Enable truly distributed applications based on
broadly agreed standards - Make them natural to produce consume
- Core to the Microsoft platform
- Microsoft will also produce consume
4What is .NET?
- Vision of globally distributed applications
- Standards based XML Web Services
- Delivery
- .NET Framework
- Services Oriented Architecture
- Visual Studio .NET
- Core platform infrastructure
- Windows Servers, .NET Enterprise Servers
6What Does .NET Framework Do?
SecurityTransactions Deployment Abilities XML
7.NET Framework CLR
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Multi-language support
- Common type system
- Rich Class libraries
- Powerful, Consistent Programming Model
- Focus on code, not plumbing
- Built for Tools
- Support for design-time functionality
- Debugging, profiling, instrumentation support
Web Forms Web Services Mobile Devices
Windows Forms
Database and XML
Base Class Library
Common Language Runtime
8Some .NET Languageshttp//msdn.microsoft.com/vstu
- Perl
- Python
- Haskell
- ML
- JScript (ECMA-262)
- Ada
- Eiffel
- Pascal
- C, C
- C (ECMA-334)
- Visual Basic
- SmallTalk
- Visual J (Java Language)
- Oberon
- Fortran
- Scheme
- Mercury
- Oz
9.NET Framework Proposition
- Make new business models based on XML Web
Services sensible - XML at its core
- Developer productivity Visual Studio .NET
- Enable developers with multiple programming
language skills to move to productivity of
Framework environment - Included in Microsoft Windows License
10XML at its Core?
- Class EmployeeForm
- public string fName
- public string lName
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8" ?gt
- namespaces removed
- ltcomplexType name"EmployeeForm"gt
- ltsequencegt
- ltelement minOccurs"0" maxOccurs"1"
name"fName" type"string" /gt ltelement
minOccurs"0" maxOccurs"1" namelName"
type"string" /gt - lt/sequencegt
- lt/complexTypegt
The .NET Framework just does it
12(No Transcript)
13Visual Studio .NET
- Microsofts core developer product
- Core proposition is developer productivity
- Natural XML Web Services production consumption
- Integrated development environment
- Multi-language solutions, any kind of application
- For building applications based on .NET Framework
- Extensible platform
14Moving Forward
15GXA Global XML Web Services
- Building on SOAP, WSDL UDDI
- Next level of requirements for global class
applications - Driven as industry standard
- Four initial specifications aired at Professional
Developers Conference - Routing, referral, security, license
Application Infrastructure
SOAP Protocols
SOAP Modules
The Internet
17Evolution of the net stack
Application HTTP, FTP, SMTP,
Transport TCP, UDP
Transport TCP, UDP, HTTP, SMTP
Internet - IP
Internet - IP
Network Interface
Network Interface
Internet Model
Web Service Model
18To Make It Happen?
- Interoperability
- Across platforms, applications, and programming
languages - Consistent, reliable interoperability between Web
services technologies from multiple vendors - A standards integrator to help Web services
advance in a structured, coherent manner - Guidance
- Implementation guidance and support for Web
services adoption - A common definition for Web services
Web Services Interoperability Organization
- Industry initiative for Web services
- Open to any organization committed to Web
services - Promote and accelerate adoption, deployment
- Focused on promoting Web service interoperability
- Across platforms, applications, and programming
languages - Promote a common, clear definition for Web
services - Promote customer adoption deployment
- Integrate specifications from standards bodies
- Implementation guidance tools for customers
building and deploying Web services
- Microsoft is betting its business on the success
of XML XML Web Services - .NET is the manifestation of Microsofts
investment - Committed to providing the platform for making
businesses successful - Interoperability is fundamental to the success
- WS-I.org
- Today from Microsoft
- Microsoft Windows, .NET Framework Visual Studio
.NET are development platform, middleware and
tools - .NET Enterprise Servers are the platform
infrastructure - Referencable customers live with Web Services on
- General .NET Portal
- http//microsoft.com/net/
- Developer .NET Portal, part of MSDN
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/net/
- Technology Map
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/library/?url/library/en
-us/dndotnet/html/techmap_dotnet.asp - Visual Studio .NET
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/productinfo/case
studies/ - Partners integrating with Visual Studio .NET
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/partners/