Title: Organizational Barriers and Equity: Lessons from Decentralization in LAC
1Organizational Barriers and EquityLessons from
Decentralization in LAC
- Daniel Maceira, Ph.D.
- danielmaceira_at_cedes.org
- Center for the Studies of State and Society
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
2LAC Context During the 80s and 90s
- Highly Volatile Economies,
- Profound Gaps in Income Distribution,
- Implementation of Macroeconomic Adjustment
Policies with Negative Effects on Social Sectors
(Education and Health), - Social Sectors have been subject to a Series of
Reforms. Goals Achieve Social Objectives s.t.
Financial Restrictions (WDR93).
3Two Dimensions of Health Care Systems in LAC
4Political Economy of Health Care Reforms
- Executive Power
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Finance
- Congress
- Local Governments
- Multilateral Organizations
- International Donors
- Social Security Institutions
- Private Health Care Plans
- Health Providers Chambers
- Physicians Prof. Organizations
- Health Care Workers
- Drugs Input Producers
- Patients
- Consumers Associations
Political Level
Goals Strategies Actions Beliefs
International Level
Sectoral Level
5Framework Organizational Barriers
- Reforms trigger Changes in the Structure of the
Sector. - Policy Markers should select clear Goals to
contrast them against othersAction Plans,
identifying potential Partners designing
Mechanisms to align Interests. - Decentralization requires
- Willingness to Distribute Political Financial
Power. - Strong Investments in Management and Social
Control at the Local Level. - Any reform should forsee a complete Action Plan
considering - Spillovers over other sub-sectors (private,
social insurance) - Cross subsidies to avoid increasing equity gaps.
- History Matters (federalisms, socialisms,
6Financial Reforms in LAC
- Structural Reform Health Care Strategy
(MaternalChild Insurance) - Law of Municipalities (85)/ Popular
Participation Law (94) - Coparticipation Funds New rules of Distribution,
based on Population at Departament Level. - Popular Election of Municipal Authorities.
- Decentralization of Resources (Broken production
function). - Social Control (Popular ME Commitees).
- Actors
- Neoliberal reforms (Sanchez de Lozada)
- New economic and political Stakeholders,
- Municipalities vs. Departments (Santa Cruz
Tarija), - Declining Unions Political Power (post 1985)
- Strong influence of Intl. Donors and Multilateral
Organizations. - Results
- HC Coverage Increased,
- Strong non-planned Subsidies,
- Empowerment of Local Leaders,
8Distribution of Resources, by quintile of UBN
and by Source
9Econometric estimation I TFR 2001 (with and
without constant) and IMR 2001
10Decentralization in Bolivia Some Conclusions
- Administrative/Managerial expertise of major
political parties are significant Quality
Shifters in some Public Policy Outcomes. - Urbanity proves to be a relevant issue when
planning Health Care Strategies. - Financial Resources, as proxy of Decentralization
Commitment have a significant, positive and
similar effect on Social Outcomes. - Local Managerial Capacity has significant and
similar effect on Health and Education Outcomes. - Community-type variables do not show influence on
Social SectorsResults.
- Federalism Decentralization (late 80s).
- Provintial Authorities kept ownership control
of Health Care Resources (human, fiscal,
infrastructure), defining own Public Health
Strategies. - COFESA Federal Health Council Deliverative
Body with no enforcement power. - 60 of Population covered by Transversal Social
Health Insurance Plans. - Main Social Security Institution PAMI (Public
insurance for edlery), - Unions and Provintial Public Bureaucracies
control circa 50 of formal health coverage,
divided into 300 social funds - Fragmentation of resources weak risk pooling
mechanisms. - Limited solidarity among funds.
- Provision of care is mainly contracted to Private
Providers (no VI
financing-provision of care). - Therefore
- Limited capacity of National Ministry of Health
to align interests, - Results
- Increasing financial gaps in HC among provinces,
- Inefficiency in Resource Allocation,
- Crisis 2002 Alignment of National and Provintial
Goals helped to support partial reforms
(Remediar, Law of Generics) .
12Out-of-pocket in Health Care, by Component (in
), By Household Income Quintiles (Indec-EGH98)
Health Care Expenditures
Health Care Services Private Insurance
Household Income
13Provincial Expenditures in Health per Capita, 2003
14Health System Indicators Supply and Needs
15Health Care Expenditures, by Source
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
18General Policy Implementation Issues
- Scarce Empirical Literature on Decentralization
in LAC. - Lack of ME Mechanisms affects Documentation of
Results. - Limited Institutional Capacity at Public Level
provokes Organizational Constraints in Policy
Implementation. - National Governments do not coordinate Health
Care Strategies with Governors and Municipal
Authorities. - Rules/ReformsMain Actions are defined by Actors
with strong bargaining power, implying - Financial and Epidemiological Risk Transfers,
- Poor Equity Indicators, leading to inefficient
allocation of resources, - High Transaction (administrative, bargaining)
Costs, - Poorly Effective Reforms,
- Lack of Sustainable ME Tools to improve feedback
and Sound Advocacy Agenda.
19Income, Expenditures and HC Needs