Title: presented by: Jeff Latkowski
1presented by Jeff Latkowski contributors S.
Reyes, J. Speth, S. Payne, L. J. Perkins, R.
Abbott, R. Schmitt (student), W. Meier High
Average Power Laser Meeting December 5-6,
2002 Work performed under the auspices of the
U. S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.
- Need for rep-rated x-ray exposures
- Source capabilities
- Source installation testing
- Problems with condensing optic
- Modeling
- ABLATOR upgrades/results
- Topaz/Dyna results
- LASNEX result for Xe target
- Al mirror exposures
- Near- and long-term plans
3Single-shot results are not sufficient
- Design can provide systems that avoid significant
single-shot damage - Single-shot results are not adequate miss
- Thermal fatigue
- Surface roughening (RHEPP results, UW analyses)
- Difficult to assess very small ablation levels
- Analyses need to consider multi-shot effects
rep-rated exposures are needed
4Single-shot results, (Contd.)
- Single-shot, laser-induced damage threshold is
140 J/cm2 - Multiple-shot operation is only safe at a small
fraction (40?) of the single-shot threshold - Gradual optical degradation explained (ref
Ghoniem) as roughening caused by migration of
dislocation line defects - While length scales will differ (eV vs. keV),
laser/x-ray physics might be similar
Rep-rated x-ray damage studies are needed
5General source specificationsfrom PLEX LLC
- Uses a Z-pinch to produce x-rays
- 1 GHz radiofrequency pulse pre-ionizeslow-pressur
e gas fill - Pinch initiated by 100 kA from thyratrons
- Operation single shot mode up to 10 Hz
- Operation with Xe (11 nm, 113 eV)
- 70 of output at 113 eV (tunable)
- 3 mm diameter spot
- Fluence of 7 J/cm2
- Several million pulsesbefore minor maintenance
Significant margin for laser-IFE simulations
6PLEX LLC delivered the source in
Octoberinstallation was completed October 31
- Sample tray has 5 positions1 for photodiode
- Currently 3 Hz operation10 Hz by end CY02
- Foil comb (below) sits near plasma greatly
reduces debris
7An EUV spectrometer, purchasedfrom McPherson,
arrived Dec. 2
Up to five samples can, in turn, be rotated into
the focused x-ray beam
- Spectrometer to be mounted vertically using a
gantry crane
8The ellipsoidal condenseris not performing to
- Specification calls for lt3 mm spot size, which
provides gt7 J/cm2 - Experiments using a phosphorescent disk indicate
a large (1.5 cm) spot - Expected energy appears to be there
9ABLATOR is the workhorseof our predictive
- Various updates/improvements have been completed
- Introduced direct-drive target spectra for the
bare target, as well as the escape spectrum after
6.5 Torr-cm of xenon gas - Introduced ability to attenuate IFE x-ray spectra
out to distances of more than 6.5 m - Added restart capability (read in
temperature/enthalpy profile) - Added tungsten to materials database
- Debugged/tested grazing incidence module
- Additional improvements are planned
- Adding stress-strain module
- Direct input of measured x-ray spectra
- Addition of ion heating
10Escape spectrum through 10 mTorr Xe may differ
significantly from bare target ouptut
11Escape spectrum through 10 mTorr Xe may differ
significantly from bare target ouptut
LASNEX calculations for 6.5m of 10 mTorr Xe
buffer gas (_at_ 7?10-8 g/cc ? 4.6?10-5
g/cm2) Effect is to trade debrision (hydro)
kinetic energy for increasing x-ray and thermal
loads. Secondary x-rays are much softer (peak _at_
50-100 eV vs. 3-4 keV for prompt x-rays).
Charged particle slowing down models include
Li-Petrasso-equivalent formalism (i.e when
Vfast-ion Ve, thermal), but not electron
collective effects
12Escape spectrum through 10 mTorr Xe may differ
significantly from bare target ouptut
LASNEX calculations for 6.5m of 10 mTorr Xe
buffer gas (_at_ 7?10-8 g/cc ? 4.6?10-5
g/cm2) Effect is to trade debrision (hydro)
kinetic energy for increasing x-ray and thermal
loads. Secondary x-rays are much softer (peak _at_
50-100 eV vs. 3-4 keV for prompt x-rays).
Charged particle slowing down models include
Li-Petrasso-equivalent formalism (i.e when
Vfast-ion Ve, thermal), but not electron
collective effects
13Example use of ABLATORs restartcapability for
an aluminum GIMM
Assumes 99 reflectivity GIMM _at_ 85 and 30 m, 10
mTorr Xe, 1 ns prompt, and1 ms secondary x-ray
pulselengths. Surface zone is 10 nm thick. Full
46 MJ assumed for 2nd x-ray pulse.
14Stress-strain modelingis performed with
- Thermal stress (and fatigue) is believed to be
dominant effect - Calculations completed forXAPPER line (113 eV)
andtungsten - Set maximum allowable fluencesuch that ssurf
50 sy - Allowable fluence is 0.1 J/cm2
- Corresponds to a DTsurf of only250 K
- Calculations nearly completedfor direct-drive
spectrum - Will be used to dial up a fluenceon XAPPER
15A broadband aluminummirror was exposed
- Sample details
- 1 diameter Al mirror with Pyrex substrate (AL.2
from Newport) - MgF2 for oxidation resistance
- Ta disk covered ½ of sample
- Exposure details
- 0.1 J/cm2 per pulse at 113 eV
- 3000 total pulses 2 Hz tpulse40 ns
- Room-temperature irradiation
- Calculated DT 220 K/pulse
16A broadband aluminummirror was exposed
- Sample details
- 1 diameter Al mirror with Pyrex substrate (AL.2
from Newport) - MgF2 for oxidation resistance
- Ta disk covered ½ of sample
- Exposure details
- 0.1 J/cm2 per pulse at 113 eV
- 3000 total pulses 2 Hz tpulse40 ns
- Room-temperature irradiation
- Calculated DT 220 K/pulse
Shielded side
17A broadband aluminummirror was exposed
- Sample details
- 1 diameter Al mirror with Pyrex substrate (AL.2
from Newport) - MgF2 for oxidation resistance
- Ta disk covered ½ of sample
- Exposure details
- 0.1 J/cm2 per pulse at 113 eV
- 3000 total pulses 2 Hz tpulse40 ns
- Room-temperature irradiation
- Calculated DT 220 K/pulse
18Significant damage was found throughout
theunshielded region using white-light
- 250 nm removed over visible damage site
- Peak-to-valley removal gt500 nm
- Considerable pitting throughout unshielded
region(concentrated inobvious damage area) - Semi-regularroughening observed seems
consistentwith RHEPP results
19The x-ray exposure significantlyreduced the
mirror reflectivity
- Reflectivity measurement averaged over
a5-mm-diameter area centered over obvious damage
20The x-ray exposure significantlyreduced the
mirror reflectivity
- Reflectivity measurement averaged over
a5-mm-diameter area centered over obvious damage
NOTE This mirror looks very different from what
an IFE final optic would look like.
21Final Optic Phase I Goals
- Meet laser induced damage threshold (LIDT)
requirements of more than 5 Joules/cm2, in large
area optics. - Develop a credible final optics design that is
resistant to degradation from neutrons, x-rays,
gamma rays, debris, contamination, and energetic
22Chambers Phase I Goals
- Develop a viable first wall concept for a fusion
power plant. - Produce a viable point design for a fusion
power plant
Long term material issues are being resolved.
Example- Ion exposures on RHEPP
- Complete system activation
- Resolve issues with condensing optic
- Further diagnose source energy and size
- Spectral characterization and optimization (EUV
spectrometer) - Enhance diagnostic capabilities
- Procure/install fast optical thermometer (from
UCSD) - Develop/test/install high-speed laser
interferometer - Modeling Add stress-strain model to ABLATOR
- Sample testing and evaluation
- Exposure campaigns for Al, W (variety of forms)
- Explain effect of energy, number of pulses,
fluence, etc. - Employ fast thermometer to validate fundamentals
of modeling - Establish benchmarked code to predict IFE
performance of first wall - Synergistic effects
- Pre- and post-irradiation LIDT for aluminum
JFL11/02 HAPL Mtg.
24X-ray fluence is not the correct figure-of-merit
- Temperature gradients and induced stresses are
likely to be most significant effects - Specific energy or energy density (J/g, J/cc) are
better measures - Can calculate as (J/cc) or
(J/g) - Expected specific energies from x-ray pulse
- Direct-drive IFE
- Graphite wall 160 J/g
- Tungsten wall 550 J/g
- Al optic 14 J/g
- SiO2 optic 30 J/g
25X-ray fluences in IFE andICF systems will be
- Direct-drive dry-walls
- Chamber 1 J/cm2
- Final optics 100 mJ/cm2
- Indirect-drive liquid walls
- Thick-liquid jets 1 kJ/cm2
- Wetted wall/vortices30-80 J/cm2
- NIF ignition targets
- Diagnostic _at_ 1 m 40 J/cm2
- First wall _at_ 5 m 3 J/cm2
- Final optic _at_ 6.8 m 2 J/cm2
Target output calculations (1-D LASNEX) courtesy
of John Perkins, LLNL