Title: MAJOR Multiple Agency and Jurisdiction Organized Response
1MAJORMultiple Agency and Jurisdiction Organized
2National Science Foundation Program Announcement
3NSFs ITR Program
- Core science
- Selected research challenges
- Improving our ability to understand, model, and
control the behavior of complex systems as well
as their effects on society and the economy - Using IT ... To improve our ability ... To
recover from singular events, whether man-made or
... theory of computability and complexity
exploration of physical, chemical, and biological
phenomena that support computing devices
storage, curation, and analysis of massive data
sets networking and communications capabilities
to overcome the barriers of time and space and
open new frontiers of human interaction and
ingenuity modeling and simulating processes in
science and engineering at all length and time
scales modeling human behavior, interactions and
cognitive process
4NSF Workshop
5MAJOR Problem Statement
- Coordination problem
- Complexity of functional, geographic, and
political relationships - Goal Create computational representation
(model) of - Resource pools and personnel constraints
- Functional capabilities
- Jurisdictional constraints
- Organizational culture
- Organizational networks
- Communications
6Core Concepts
- Organizational complexity (Perrow)
- Enacted environment (Weick)
- Knowledge transfer (Senge, Mary Douglas)
- Culture and identity (Durkheim, Mauss,
7Solution Options
- Evaluation tool
- Decision support tool
- Training and research tool
8Experimental Tools Modeling, Simulation, and
- Model I/C known, output unknown
- Optimization C/O known, input unknown
- Simulation I/O known, computation unknown
Input (I) Output (O)
Compu-tation (C)
9Modeling and simulation concepts
- Caveat Looseness in the use of the word model
- Experimental models (top-down)
- derived from theory, simplified structure
- e.g., lunar lander, pharmacological models
- Parametric models and simulations
- more realistic, based on experimental data sets
- heavily parameterized, massively computational
- e.g., weather models
- Simulators for research and training
10Basic Sources for an identity model
- Structural anthropology totemism
(Levi-Strauss), primitive classification
(Durkheim and Mauss) - Symbolic interactionism, Social psychology
Garfinkel, stereotyping theory - Psychology identification and
identity-formation - Postmodernism flexible identities
11The Emergence of Identity
Culturally supplied/emergent categories
Functional and Connective behavior
Band of brothers
Big Red Trucks
Material Objects
12The Emergence of Identity
Material Objects
13Sources of data, I Static
14Sources of Data II Dynamics
15Model Variables
For project management purposes, the clock
started 1/1/05.