CIS105 Class 2 Phill Conrad, Fall 2003 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CIS105 Class 2 Phill Conrad, Fall 2003


On strauss, -2,147,483,648 up to 2,147,483,647. Why? Because strauss computes numbers 32 bits at a time. Because 2^31 = 2,147,483,648 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CIS105 Class 2 Phill Conrad, Fall 2003

CIS105 Class 2Phill Conrad, Fall 2003
  • A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a
    single step. - Lao Tzu

Thanks to Phil Viscito for some of the material
in these slides used by permission
Compiling a program(simplified view)
Note this simplified viewomits the linking
stepand the role of the .o file Well talk
about that in afuture lecture.
Introduction to the C Programming Language
(This will definitely take more than one lecture!)
What is C?
  • C is a high-level language.
  • A C compiler takes a C source code file as input
    and produces an executable file, after compiling,
    assembling, and linking.
  • C is the industry standard high-level programming

An Example C Program
/ Converts distances from miles to kilometers
/ include ltstdio.hgt define KMS_PER_MILE
1.609 int main(void) double miles, /
distance in miles / kms / equiv. distance in
kms / / Get the distance in miles
/ printf(Enter the distance in
milesgt) scanf (lf, miles) / Convert
the distance to kilometers / kms KMS_PER_MILE
miles / Display the distance in kilometers
/ printf (That equals f kilometers.\n,kms)
  • Comments are text provided by the programmer to
    allow others (and the programmer too) to better
    understand what the program is doing
  • Any text between a / and a / is considered
    to be a comment and is ignored by the C
    preprocessor and the compiler itself.
  • Comments can appear anywhere in a program and can
    be multiline.

/ Converts distances from miles to kilometers
/ include ltstdio.hgt define KMS_PER_MILE
1.609 int main(void) double miles, /
distance in miles / kms / equiv. distance in
kms / / Get the distance in miles
/ printf(Enter the distance in
milesgt) scanf (lf, miles) / Convert
the distance to kilometers / kms KMS_PER_MILE
miles / Display the distance in kilometers
/ printf (That equals f kilometers.\n,kms)
Preprocessor Directives
  • A preprocessor directive is a command given to
    the C preprocessor, which is a part of the
    compilation process that modifies a C source code
    file before it is compiled.
  • Preprocessor directives always begin with a
  • In the example program, there are two
    preprocessor directives used, include and

  • The include directive tells the C preprocessor
    to give a program access to a library. By
    putting a include in a program, the preprocessor
    loads a header file, which tells the compiler
    what functions and other information is provided
    in the library.
  • In this program, include ltstdio.hgt indicates
    that this program uses the stdio library which
    contains functions such as printf().

  • The define directive specifies a constant macro.
  • This tells the preprocessor that every time it
    encounters the first text, it should replace it
    with the second text.
  • In this program, define KMS_PER_MILE 1.609 tells
    the preprocessor to replace KMS_PER_MILE with
    1.609 every place KMS_PER_MILE appears in the

Preprocessor Directives
/ Converts distances from miles to kilometers
/ include ltstdio.hgt define KMS_PER_MILE
1.609 int main(void) double miles, /
distance in miles / kms / equiv. distance in
kms / / Get the distance in miles
/ printf(Enter the distance in
milesgt) scanf (lf, miles) / Convert
the distance to kilometers / kms KMS_PER_MILE
miles / Display the distance in kilometers
/ printf (That equals f kilometers.\n,kms)
Reserved Words
  • Reserved words are words that have special
    meaning in the C language and cannot be used for
    other purposes.
  • In this program, examples include int, void,
    double, and return.

Reserved Words
/ Converts distances from miles to kilometers
/ include ltstdio.hgt define KMS_PER_MILE
1.609 int main(void) double miles, /
distance in miles / kms / equiv. distance in
kms / / Get the distance in miles
/ printf(Enter the distance in
milesgt) scanf (lf, miles) / Convert
the distance to kilometers / kms KMS_PER_MILE
miles / Display the distance in kilometers
/ printf (That equals f kilometers.\n,kms)
  • Identifiers identify memory cells that hold data
    or operations (and functions).
  • Standard identifiers have special meaning in C,
    however they can be redefined by the programmer.
  • Examples of standard identifiers in the program
    are printf and scanf.
  • User-defined identifiers are memory cells that
    hold data, operations, and functions that the
    programmer defines.

/ Converts distances from miles to kilometers
/ include ltstdio.hgt define KMS_PER_MILE
1.609 int main(void) double miles, /
distance in miles / kms / equiv. distance in
kms / / Get the distance in miles
/ printf(Enter the distance in
milesgt) scanf (lf, miles) / Convert
the distance to kilometers / kms KMS_PER_MILE
miles / Display the distance in kilometers
/ printf (That equals f kilometers.\n,kms)
What is a valid identifier?
  • Identifiers can only be composed of letters,
    digits, and underscores.
  • Identifiers cannot begin with a digit.
  • Reserved words cannot be identifiers.
  • Identifiers can be as long as you want.
  • Upper and lower case letters are different (i.e.
    kms and Kms are not considered to be the same

  • Which of the following are valid identifiers?
    For each that is not valid, why is it not?

Phils variable
  • A variable is a memory cell that is used to hold
    data acted upon by the program.
  • A variable declaration tells the C compiler the
    name and type of a variable used in a program.
  • A variable declaration consists of a data type
    and an identifier which is the name of that
  • Every variable that will be used in a program
    must be declared.

Variable Declarations
double mile int counter
  • The first line declares a variable named mile of
    the double data type.
  • The second line declares a variable named counter
    of the int data type.

Data Types
  • There are a large number of data types. These
    are some of the most popular ones.
  • int An integer (a whole number). This data
    type can represent an integer in a specific
    range, at least 32767 through 32767.
  • On strauss, -2,147,483,648 up to 2,147,483,647
  • Why?
  • Because strauss computes numbers 32 bits at a
  • Because 231 2,147,483,648(Just remember, a
    little more than two billion)
  • Later, well talk about different kinds of
    integers (short, long, etc.)
  • (data types continued on next slide)

Data Types
  • char A character. One letter, digit, or
    symbol. This is enclosed in single quotes.
  • float A real number (an integer part and a
    decimal part).
  • double A real number. Note that this data type
    is a memory cell double the size of a float data
    type. This allows a bigger number to be
    represented, or a specific number to be
    represented more precisely. This is referred to
    as a double-precision floating point number.
  • void this keyword means no data type.

Bigger or More Precise?
  • Why can we represent either bigger numbers or
    more precise numbers?
  • Because floating points numbers are stored in
    scientific notation, consisting of a number and
    an exponent, i.e.

1.2555 x 106
Review of Variables
  • Write a define preprocessor declaration for a
    constant macro of STUDENTS_PER_SECTION to 22 and
    variable declarations of num_students as an
    integer, GPA and class_GPA as double-precision
    floating point numbers, and letter_grade as a
    character data type.

num_students double GPA, class_GPA char
Assignment Statements
  • An assignment statement is one type of executable
  • An assignment statement uses the operator,
    and follows the form

variable expression
  • This statement first evaluates the expression on
    the right and stores the result in the variable
    on the left.

Assignment Statements
  • Here are some examples of assignment statements
  • x 12
  • negative_x -x
  • x y 12 z 5
  • result y
  • Note that any variables in the right-side
    expression are not modified by an assignment

Function Calls
  • A function is a piece of code which performs a
    specific task.
  • Functions can be created by programmers or
    supplied as part of the C compiler toolset.
  • A function is called, which causes it to execute.
  • A function call is composed of the function name,
    an open paren, a set of function arguments
    separated by commas, and a close paren.

Function Calls
  • A function call looks like this

function_name(argument1, argument2, argument3)
The printf Function
  • The C function for displaying output on the
    screen to the user is printf.
  • printf is called in the following manner

printf(The final GPA of student number d is
f.\n,student_num, GPA)
The Format Stringand Print List
  • The format string is the text that is to be
    displayed on the screen.
  • The characters are called placeholders. They
    indicate the display position for variables whose
    values are to be displayed.
  • The variable names to be displayed are specified
    in the print list and appear in the same order as
    their placeholders.

printf(The final GPA of student number d is
f.\n,student_num, GPA)
  • All placeholders begin with a .
  • The text after the symbol indicates how to
    format the output, i.e. what kind of variable it
  • d decimal number (int)
  • f floating-point number (float or double)
  • c character (char)

Escape Sequences
  • All escape-sequences begin with a backslash, \.
  • A letter after the \ character denotes an
    escape sequence, which has special meaning.
  • The \n sequence indicates a new-line character,
    which cause any following text to appear on the
    next line on the display.
  • In order to display a \, the format string must
    contain a \\.

Placeholders and theNewline Escape Sequence
printf(The final GPA of student number d is
f.\n,student_num, GPA)
Therefore, if the student_num variable was set
to 10 and the GPA variable was set to 3.03 this
printf function call would cause The final GPA
of student number 10 is 3.03. to be displayed on
the screen and any subsequent output to begin on
the next line.
The scanf Function
  • The C function for reading input from the user is

scanf(d f,student_num, GPA)
The Format String
  • The format string is the set of placeholders
    which specify what type of data is being input.
  • The same placeholders are used as for printf,
    except for when inputting a floating-point
    number. A float type still uses the f,
    however the double type uses the lf

The Input List
  • The variables to store the inputted data are
    specified in the input list. They must be in the
    same order as their corresponding placeholders.
  • Notice that each variable name is preceded by a
  • The is an operator which means the address
  • Therefore, student_num tells the scanf
    function to store what it reads from the user at
    the memory address of student_num.

Placeholders and the Input List
scanf(d f,student_num, GPA)
Therefore, if the input into this scanf function
call was 9 3.560 ltENTERgt the student_num
variable would be set to 9 and the GPA variable
would be set to 3.560
Review of printf and scanf
  • What happens when the following code fragment is

int student_num float GPA printf(Enter the
student numbergt) scanf(d,student_num) print
f(Enter student number ds GPAgt,student_num) s
canf(f,GPA) printf(Student number d now
has a f GPA.\n,student_num, GPA)
Review of printf and scanf
  • What is the displayed output when the following
    code fragment is run and the inputs are 8 and 12?

int x, y printf(My name is) printf( Phil
Viscito) printf(\nEnter two integersgt
) scanf(dd,x, y) x x 2 y x
y printf(Thanks! The answer is d.\nBye
My name is Phil Viscito. Enter two integersgt 8
12 Thanks! The answer is 22. Bye now!
Customizing Integer Output
  • The d placeholder, used to display an integer
    variable, can be altered to format how the number
    is displayed.
  • Instead of d, use a Xd where the X is an
    integer that is the field width, the number of
    digits to display.
  • For example, 4d displays four digits of the
    result. The negative sign (for negative
    integers) is also considered a digit here.

Customizing Integer Output
  • When there are more places (the field width) than
    digits to be displayed, the output is
  • When there are more digits than places, the field
    width is ignored, and the entire integer is

Customizing Integer Output
  • As an example

Customizing Floating-Point Output
  • Floating point output (float and double) can be
    formatted in the same manner, using X.Yf).
  • Here, X is the total number of digits to display
    (the field width) and Y is the number of digits
    to display to the right of the decimal point.
  • The same rules for field width apply as for
    integer formatting.
  • The specified number of decimal digits is always

CustomizingFloating-Point Output
  • As an example

The return Function
  • The return function terminates a running function
    and returns control to the function that called
    the function.
  • In the case of main(), the return function
    returns control back to the computers operating
    system and ends the program.
  • This function has one argument. The main()
    function must return an integer, normally just
    set to 0 (zero).

Arithmetic Expressions
  • Arithmetic expressions are executable statements
    that manipulate data.
  • Arithmetic expressions operate on both integer
    (int) and floating-point (float and double)
  • Arithmetic operators can operate on mixed types
    (i.e. one int and one float). The resulting type
    of such an expression is the highest data type

Resulting Data Types
  • The highest data type is always considered to
    be a floating point number, with double-precision
    floating point numbers taking precedence over
    single-precision floating point numbers.

int int int int float float int
double double float double
Arithmetic Expressions
  • All of the common arithmetic operators are
    present in C
  • (addition)
  • - (subtraction)
  • (multiplication)
  • / (division)
  • (modulus or remainder)

Note Integer Division
  • If two integer values are divided, the resulting
    data type is also an integer, as previously
  • Therefore, only the integer portion of the actual
    result will be the returned result.
  • For example,

9 / 4 2 9 / 10 0
The Modulus Operator
  • The operator is a modulus operator, which
    also means the remainder of the division.
  • For example,

9 3 0 10 6 4 90 8 2
Review of BasicArithmetic Expressions
  • What is the resulting output of this program

int x, y, z float a x 9 0.5 a 9
0.5 y 15 15 z 15 2 printf(xd\n,
af\n, yd\n, zd\n,x,a,y,z)
x4 a4.5 y0 z1
More ComplexArithmetic Expressions
  • C evaluates arithmetic expressions in the same
    order rules as normal mathematics.
  • Parentheses take priority over everything else.
  • Then, multiplication, division, and modulus
    operations from left to right.
  • Then, addition and subtraction from left to right.

More ComplexArithmetic Expressions
  • What is the resulting output of this program

define PI 3.14159 int x, y, z float a, b x
5 y 10 z x (4 y y y) PI a x
(4 y y y) PI b (x / y)
a printf(xd, yd, zd\na7.2f,
x5, y10, z4008 a4008.14, b4008.14159
Special CaseOperations on a Variable
  • Often, one wishes to perform an operation on a
    variable, such as adding or subtracting a value.
  • C has a special syntax for an operation performed
    on a variable (i.e. the variable is used on the
    right side of the assignment statement and is the
    target of the assignment as well.)

Special CaseOperations on a Variable
  • This syntax follows the form

variable (operation) expression
  • This statement first computes the operation on
    the right side of the equals sign. Then, it
    performs the (operation) on the variable and the

Special CaseOperations on a Variable
  • For example,

x 19
  • This statement adds 19 to the value contained in
  • This statement is exactly the same as

x x 19
Another Special CaseIncrement and Decrement
  • Incrementing (adding one) and decrementing
    (subtracting one) are two very common operations.
  • C has a special syntax for increment and
    decrement operations that follows this form

Another Special CaseIncrement and Decrement
  • Notice that the increment operator expression x
    is the same as saying x 1
  • So, why are there two forms of each operator?
  • The answer lies in when the increment (or
    decrement) operation is actually performed.
  • This distinction only occurs when the (or --)
    operator is used on a variable in the same
    expression in which the value of the variable is

Another Special CaseIncrement and Decrement
  • For example,

int x 20, y y x printf(xd,
int x 20, y y x printf(xd,
x21, y20
x21, y21
y x x 1 printf(xd, yd\n,x,y)
x 1 y x printf(xd, yd\n,x,y)
Another Special CaseIncrement and Decrement
  • The difference lies in when the expression (x
    or x) gets evaluated in relation to when the
    operator () gets performed.
  • The x expression is equal to the value of x and
    the operator is performed after the evaluation
    is over.
  • The x expression indicates that the operator
    is performed first (before x is evaluated) and
    thus, is equal to the value of x 1.

  • What is the output of the following program

int x, y, z x 5 y 10 z x y 2 z
x printf(xd, yd, zd\n,x,y,z)
x7, y10, z55
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