Title: SF2VHD: A Stateflow to VHDL Translator
1SF2VHDA Stateflow to VHDL Translator
- Kevin CameraBerkeley Wireless Research
CenterOctober 6, 2000
- Ultimate goal generate a single-chip radio from
its algorithmic description by turning the key - Fundamental components
- Library of datapath functional units based on
precisely characterized modules - Intelligent and predictable placement, routing,
and clock tree generation - Accurate prediction of overall hardware
efficiency (including power, speed, area, etc.) - Effortless definition and synthesis of control
3Program Characteristics
- Written in C with flex/bisonfront end
- Built in UNIX, portable to Win32
- Execution divided into parsingand code
generation - MDL file streamed into object-based
representation of state machine - Object structure traversed to generate VHDL
- Stored in SSHAFT CVS repository
- /tools/sshaft/src/sf2vhd on Sun cluster
4Design Flow Integration
- Design flow primarily driven by subsystem
parameters in Simulink - The ICMacro type marks a subsystem as one which
can be created by a generator - Setting the generator to SF2VHD will have the
flow call the program and synthesize the results - All Stateflow charts must be in a separate
library than the chip design itself - Alternatively, can run SF2VHD manually and use
the generator for synthesizing custom VHDL
5Stateflow Charts
- Charts are the highest level of the hierarchy
- Each chart will become an entity in its own VHDL
file - Charts must have unique names
- No more than 100 charts in the whole design
6Stateflow States
- States can be hierarchical
- Each parent (including the chart) must have an
initial transition - Only OR decomposition is allowed
- History junctions are not supported
- Evaluation is top-down
- Actions are allowed for entry and during (exit
not supported)
7Stateflow Transitions
- No conditions or junctions are allowed on initial
transitions - Regular transitions can only have conditions and
condition actions - Events are currently not supported (implied
clocks) - Transition-taken actions are not implemented
- Transitions must be external
- Junctions are allowed, although not shown here
8Stateflow Data
- Data can be
- Input
- Output
- Local
- Constant
- Inputs and outputs become ports of the VHDL
entity - Data ranges should be explicitly set on integers
- Initial values are used to determine reset
behavior - Data could be defined local to each state, but
SF2VHD flattens all data during parsing
9Stateflow MDL Syntax
Stateflow chart id 2 name "substates/subs
tates" windowPosition 72 104.25 465
574.5 viewLimits 1.875 423.375 0
538.5 screen 1 1 1280 1024 1.333333333333333
treeNode 0 3 0 0 firstTransition 9 machine
1 decomposition CLUSTER_CHART firstData 19
chartFileNumber 1 state id 3 labelString
"Saturate\n" "entry modeout
0" position 26.75 69.19 342.5
192.82 fontSize 10 chart 2 treeNode 2 4 0
6 firstTransition 10 type OR_STATE decompos
ition CLUSTER_STATE transition
id 9 labelPosition 90.23 26.13 6.75
13.5 fontSize 10 src intersection 0 0
0 0 90.5 15.75 dst id 3 intersectio
n 1 0 -1 0.18 90.5 69.19 midPoint 90.5
32.11019662417016 chart 2 linkNode 2 0
13 dataLimits 88.09 92.90 15.75 69.19
- Textual description of Stateflow charts is
included at the end of the MDL file - Less than1/3 of statements are used by SF2VHD
- Mostly graphical information
- Most important information
- Node numbers
- Hierarchy data
- Label strings and code
10Mapping Methodology
- Every local and output datum has a latched
signal, a next signal, and a variable - Boolean data is implemented as BIT
- All uint and int data is implemented as INTEGER
with range as specified in Stateflow - Selection of data types limits available
operations, will be changed to IEEE types later
constant limit integer 16 signal mode_SIG
bit signal count_NEXT integer range 0 to
15 variable modeout_VAR bit
11Mapping Methodology
- Each state is represented in a case statement
- If/Elsif block checks all transitions top-down
- Junctions result in cascaded if/else statements
- Else statement contains during actions for
current state and all parents
case state_SIG is when 0 gt -- State
State1 if ( trans1 ) then -- Enter new
state elsif ( trans2 ) then -- Junction
reached if ( trans3 ) then -- Enter new
state end if else -- During
actions end if
12Mapping Methodology
- For each successful transition
- All transition conditional actions are performed
- Destination state is found (may traverse child
states) - All state entry actions are performed for
destination state and all parent states
if ( trans1 ) then -- Conditional actions --
Set destination state -- All parent entry
actions -- New state entry actions elsif (
trans2 ) then -- Conditional actions -- Set
destination state -- All parent entry
actions -- New state entry actions . . .
13VHDL Code Structure Entity
- Entity declaration
- Ports for each input and output, plus clock and
entity substates is port(signal mode in bit
signal modeout out bit signal count
out integer range 0 to 15 signal SFRESET
in bit signal BCLK in bit) end
14VHDL Code Structure Behavior
process logical(all_signals) . . . mode_VAR
mode_SIG count_VAR count_SIG state_VAR
state_SIG . . . case STATE_VAR is . . . if
(mode_VAR 1) then count_VAR
count_VAR 1 state_VAR 3 . .
. end case . . . count_NEXT lt
count_VAR state_NEXT lt state_VAR . . . end
- Logical process (sensitive to all data signals)
- Initialize all variables to the previously
latched signal value - Make all next state and output operations on
variables - Assign outputs and next state signals to results
15VHDL Code Structure Behavior
process sync(BCLK) if (rising(BCLK)) then if
(SFRESET 1) then . . . count_SIG
lt count_NEXT state_SIG
lt state_NEXT . . . else . .
. count_SIG lt 0 state_SIG lt 0 . .
. end if end if end process
- Synchronous process (sensitive to only the clock)
- Latch all output and next state values to
registers - or if reset is asserted low, latch initial
16Design Limitations
- Limited number of objects can be handled
- No conditions can be placed on initial
transitions - No support for events (yet?)
- State exit and transition-taken actions ignored
- History junctions and AND states not supported
- Transitions must be external and must be
contained in the parent state - Shifting is not supported with current data types
- Synthesis is performed within the flow using
Design Compiler - Rough estimates of area and timing
- VHDL should be compatible with other synthesis
tools - No Synopsys-specific statements or packages are
18State Machine Architecture
- Extended finite state machine
- Almost any C operator can be used in action
statements - Z A B C could be placed on any transition?
- Mealy-style outputs
- Outputs are pure combinational functions of
inputs and current state - However, outputs and local data are latched to
preserve previous values
19Logical Verification
- Design flow generates an HSPICE netlist from the
EDIF output of Design Compiler - EPIC simulations are compared with Simulink test
vectors - Simulink vectors converted to EPIC format via
m2epic.pl - Verification script reports all mismatches
between Simulink and EPIC outputs - Early support for direct VHDL simulation with
Synopsys VSS
20Reference Design SCF1
- Digital decimation filter designed by Paul Husted
- Four verified charts
- Data_Control (28 states)
- Pilot_Control (25 states)
- Pilot_Ack_Control (11 states)
- PLL_Control (6 states)
21Hardware Efficiency
22Future Work
- Better data structures within the program to
eliminate the limited number of objects - IEEE data types in VHDL to allow the full range
of operators - Improved error checking and reporting
- Support for events
- More reference designs!
- Investigate new applications (i.e. protocol